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Posts posted by LilSaihah

  1. I've been saying this since launch of GSF. Mods make too much of a difference. I've all but quit playing. Getting stomped in stock ships isn't fun and rolling right over people in stock ships with my max'd or close to max'd ships isn't fun either. The devs figured it out with ground PVP and then went and made all the same mistakes in GSF. Makes yah wonder....


    I don't think the mods are that big of a problem. They are a problem, someone with a fully modded ship has huge advantages over someone with a stock ship, but the difference in kind that an established player has in their ship roster causes is far worse than the difference in scale that stock vs mastered ships has.


    The Novadive requires a large pile of upgrades before it can counter things like bombers. The Star Guard doesn't bring anything special to the table at all. I think that's where the real divide comes in.

  2. I'm not sure it's quite latency. I'm fairly sure it's a desync issue, and there's not really much to do about it without giving the netcode a going over.


    http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Desync - Not the same game, so the facts don't stack up entirely in the same way, but as a general principle it still seems to fit for me.


    I think there are certain elements which are more vulnerable to desync than others. As Altheran says, it's particularly brutal when you're using Thermites or Protons, and I think the client getting more of a say in whether locks are achieved could possibly help there. However, I do think that there's only so much that can really be done to address it. Some things can be sorted out by changing your play- Don't rely on firing on enemies when they're within <500 range, for example.

  3. I'm somewhat inclined to agree with Nem- Koi Turn being a 10 sec CD could be justified. It's not as strong a travel skill as Power Dive (read: not a travel skill at all) and has a very obvious animation.


    One thing to counterbalance that, though, is maybe remove Koi Turn from the t1 and t2 scouts. It's a much lower risk move than Power Dive, and I think giving those scouts more missile breaks could be a dangerous proposition. Spending Koi Turn on a whim is much less risk for the same reward, compared to potentially reloading your secondary ammo with Power Dive- You may not always be in a situation where you can safely Power Dive out of a missile lock.

  4. But they can oneshot certain scout builds. It's a rare outlier (Requiring weaker shield build, full charge, and a crit), but can happen. My opinion is gunship TTK is more about psychological warfare than anything else. Then again, I use a slightly different definition of TTK than Nem does. My definition involves when they start trying to kill you rather than when you become aware. They could probably stand to have quicker charge time but less damage per shot to equalize it a bit more.


    The circumstance that an evasion-focused scout, of which one variety is arguably the best ship in the game (or at least TDM), can be eliminated by an 8% chance to crit, seems to me like a pretty huge outlier and no reason to make a change to the tempo of a ship line's core weapon. If you get tagged with a Slug crit as an evasion scout, you are the victim of some pretty bad luck and some pretty bad situational awareness.

  5. Personally, I'm more or less fine with TTK for most ships except for CD stacking battlescouts. Sometimes TTK can be frustratingly long, but that's probably because I'm targeting battlescouts while flying a Thermite/MLC bloodmark, so missile breaks are more or less my kryptonite.


    So yeah. Most elements of the game seem healthy, except for the 1 minute wonder battlescouts. SIM bombers were a problem, but I'm not sure whether they're still one after the Interdiction nerf.


    It's fine if you remove TT/BO+CF (and to a lesser extent, pods/quads) instant kills and slug railgun one shots. I don't think I've seen anything else that qualifies as "stupid" in my book. TTK feels reasonable with just about everything else.


    I don't think I mind quads; while they do a nice big pile of damage, they can't natively pierce shields or armor and have no accuracy boost, so their strength is counterbalanced by being unable to really counter anything. I'd say the same for pods, but they get shield and armor pen by default.


    While Slugs can drop a huge pile of damage, it's unlikely to oneshot anything that isn't already crippled, and evasive play can prevent them from killing you on their own.

  6. I seem to be tagging quite a few gunships with thermites. While the new ones are already almost impossible to properly tag with Power Dive and will get worse when they start running disto fields, T1s can be tagged with a bit of effort, and T2s are... Well, they're T2s.
  7. Personally I'm inclined to agree with Verain, about the whole "not a competitive game" thing being a good thing. I'm over from GW2, and their attempts/expectations to succeed as an Esport seem like they've really harmed the game more than help it. With that in mind, I'm inclined to say that it's better that they don't try to push it as a hyper-competitive arena because that moves their goals in a bad way- The game should focus on being fun, not on being competitive.


    Also, I don't think the game has to be 'competitive' in order to receive updates. I'm kind of inclined to say it's the opposite, really- Having an "esports" mindset keeps the developers from making changes, for the sake of not upsetting the meta balance.

  8. On class ships:


    One thing I actually found today was the Razorwire on the Starfighter Launch Deck. If you look out one of the windows, you can see a Razorwire sitting in dock and get a rough idea of how it compares to a personal starship- And personally, I think it's a roughly similar size to one, if a little smaller, especially considering the razorwire in dock has no components attached to it.


    There's also a Quell, and while it's difficult to measure, it seems like it has a roughly 35-40 yard wingspan. These are not small ships. Mangler, too- That looks a bit wider than the Quell.

  9. Gsf has way more detail then the tutorial offers. Are you happy with the tutorial as it is? has there been any thought of updating it.


    Oh, this reminds me.


    35) what is focus sensor range


    (this is a joke, i don't expect it to be asked, but some stats could really use some explanation in game. i remember quite a lot of people asking what "communications range" for example is)

  10. I'm modestly certain that percentages are applied additively.


    My source- looking at the information on the launch panel while having multiple +x% increasers doesn't result in an odd number. In particular, I'm looking at Ensign Temple while having Power Thrusters equipped, and Booster Recharge with +capacity; I'm sitting on 140 power capacity, and removing these components takes off 10%/20%/10% respectively.


    Of course, the UI is known for stretching the truth.


    oh wait you guys are talking about power distribution. don't mind me, i haven't had coffee yet

  11. 33) Gunships in TDM matches tend to have a snowballing effect; the more gunships you pile on, the tougher the gunship ball becomes. Any plans to address this?


    34) Are you happy with hyperspace beacon behavior, particularly when an entire team is rolling them, which makes death meaningless?


    Can anyone help me (CONSTRUCTIVELY) come up with a way to phrase these into actual questions? These are my observations, but I'd like to see them addressed to the devs in more condensed question-formats that still retain the essence of the message. These are too long to actually ask in chat and receive a realistic answer for.


    How'd I do?

  12. I think if we wanna have a thread about BLC balance we should probably make a thread about BLC balance. Should just keep this thread to the bare minimum; enough relevant information to give the questions context.


    And yeah, fair enough, Nem. I usually try to keep my questions around expectations for future development rather than balance- if I don't pretend to be an expert on balance, I can't get called out :D. I imagine they're reading the thread anyway.


    Also didn't notice that Verain had asked what was basically the same question as I did, but oh well.

  13. 29 (I think)) Abilities which affect how your systems work, or more specifically make them not work, like Sabotage Probe and EMP field, are very prevalent in the game. It may just be me, but I think they don't really offer much of an opportunity for counterplay, and therefore aren't very 'fun' to fight against; can we expect anything to change in this regard?


    30) Horizontal v Vertical progression; at the moment, the game's progressing horizontally, as more ships and components are added- changing the way you play, but not offering direct increases in power. Are we likely to see vertical progression at any point?


    31) Component upgrade choices; at the moment, the main forms of horizontal progression being added are new ships and new components. Are we likely to see more upgrade choices at any point in time, as well (for example, a third option on the final tier choice)?


    32) Crewmember passives/actives; some combinations are available on one faction while not available on the other. For example, T7-01 has +Blaster+Blaster+Hydrospanner as an Engineering option, which irks me somewhat when I play Rycer because it is impossible to get the same range of passives+active which I can get on my StarGuard. While it's not quite significant, it is a difference- Are we likely to see any effort to balance out these differences?

  14. Quad/Heavy/Cluster.


    Quad is my beading weapon for standard use; it just brings good poundage for what it does. Built for shield-killing, on the offchance I feel like swapping to Heavies to finish the job.


    Heavy is for beating up people who run high armor builds, especially people who use Charged Plating, or for punching turrets into the ground.


    Cluster is just really open-ended and you can use it pretty much anywhere you want to hurt someone.


    Included Cluster because which missile you take is a component of how you make your gun decision, because they all do different things. Proton ignores shields, so you don't want to use it with Ion Cannons. Concussion ignores Armor, so you might want to skip Heavy Lasers when you take it. Cluster doesn't do anything fancy.

  15. Personally I think the game should do more to respect pre-made groups that are made outside of the current operations/squadron panel. If I'm grouping with 1 other person and we're on voice chat, I find myself asking where they are a lot of the time.


    I think without overhauling how communication works in PUGs, a wingman system might have limited effects.


    Maybe being able to tag a player as my 'wingman' or 'focus' or something while in the ship select screen would be cool, and then they appear as an arrow similar to enemy targets or objectives in the HUD. I'm not worried too much about in-game rewards for obeying a wingman system, but things that naturally fit into play would be nice.

  16. You realize that chances are nobody is going to read that tho? And besides a simple awareness of the location of dots on the minimap + dots on your HuD tells you everything you need to know


    That's kinda crappy reasoning, don't you think? "Don't bother making announcements on chat, because chances are, everyone's bad and nobody will read it".


    Location of dots on minimap can give you very little information about what's going on at a point; communications range is a thing.


    I can kill all turrets at a point in 6 seconds or less or your money back. The HUD can give you a general idea, but it can't tell you about incoming pressure etc.


    Aside from the beginning of the match I generally communicate very little unless:


    Im guarding a node, and a hard push is headed my way


    I notice the team isnt keeping up with node switching or big pushes


    A node is heavily defended or mined


    Or if half the team is screwing around away from ob's ill try some friendly prodding.


    Yeah I don't expect people to be using chat for communicating with other dogfighters in the middle of a dogfight to coordinate missiles etc. That's what voicechat's for, not typeychat. These are pretty reasonable expectations for what to see in teamchat, and it's surprising how often these calls won't be made or they won't be respected when simply making or paying attention to them can win you games.

  17. I'm going to disagree with this


    Beyond the initial part of the match you never have any time to communicate in chat. As a PuG its your job to pay attention to what your teammates are doing and make appropriate decisions about what you should be doing.


    Personally I find it quite easy to find the time to ask for reports or make general calls. Something simple like "4@C" as the point's bomber can and will keep the point under your control.

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