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Posts posted by LilSaihah

  1. Very exciting!


    - Some kind of effect that backloads the damage of our two DOTs would be a very good idea. Reduce the damage across the board by something like 25% but each tick increases the damage dealt by 10-15%.


    - Reduce the duration of your DOTs by 33% but increase the damage by 33%, for solo-oriented players.


    - Reduces the duration of Weakening Shot or increases the cooldown, but also increases the bonus damage it grants.


    - A piece that lets your Orbital Strike apply your DOTs, so you can use the cooldown with target switching or just make fight openings a little bit slimmer. Or a Cull-style bonus damage effect for Orbital Strike?


    - Replace your Corrosive Grenade with Corrosive Mine. Exactly the same skill, but if it doesn't deal any damage on anything at the target area, it creates a mine instead.

  2. [*]Is the learning curve too steep to get into?


    There's a case to be made that it is. I think it is mostly a player population issue though. Because there are fewer players, you more often get into unfair, discouraging matches in which you don't have an opportunity to learn.


    [*]Is ship balance preventing you from playing?


    To a degree, yes. Only one ship that I enjoy flying (Jurgoran) is viable. The other ships I like flying are not viable.


    [*]Are you not playing because you feel GSF needs something new to bring you back in?


    No, I don't think so. It would be fun to see though.


    [*]Matchmaking issues?


    Major. It is impossible for me to find a match without going across servers at my 'reasonable' playtimes (Oceanic). I would likely play SWTOR a lot more if finding a GSF match wasn't such a pain.


    [*]The fact that GSF is character based and not Legacy?


    Very minor. This isn't something I have an issue with.

  3. I'm just gonna do a very quicko response. Other people know way better than me so I'll let them address how this should be changed but if you're looking at a general idea of how people feel about the game this might help.


    Red needs buffs and are completely unusable at 'high' levels of play.

    Yellow may need buffs, but is on the cusp of being good. You have a reason to slot these ships.

    Green is fine as they are. May need nerfs. You can't go wrong slotting these ships.


    T1 Strike

    T2 Strike

    T3 Strike

    T1 Scout

    T2 Scout

    T3 Scout

    T1 Gunship

    T2 Gunship

    T3 Gunship

    T1 Bomber

    T2 Bomber

    T3 Bomber


    I haven't played in a while but this is the feeling that I've had about the game when I last played and I don't think anything's really changed.


    The only note in particular I want to make is that the T3 scout is at the very bottom of what I'd consider marginal. You have a reason to slot it... But optimal play is to launch your speed aura and then soduko.

  4. Solution - Tier levels.


    0-10 matches legacy wide = Tier 1

    11-100 matches legacy wide - Tier 2

    101-500 matches legacy wide = Tier 3

    501+ Matches = Tier 4


    I don't think this does anything. When you have servers which only have maybe two dozen people with skill levels across the entire range, this just increases the time it takes to get into an ultimately unenjoyable game.


    As far as I can tell, the population problem has two answers- either you condense all regional servers into a single megaserver, or you implement cross-server queuing. And I am not certain why they would not work towards either of these seeing as they benefit all multiplayer forms of content, not just GSF.

  5. I don't think it's really fair to say that any of these are poor sportsmanship when the game isn't helping in these avenues.


    People don't know how to teamwork? Understanding how to soloq teamwork and pick where you're needed and where to go is a learnt skill. Communication is difficult to track when you're in actual fights, unless you're on voicechat, and the game doesn't have that.


    Not letting players level up in the system? This isn't the players' fault, it's the system's fault.


    Spawncamping/triplecapping? Spawncamping should be addressed directly with more spawnpoints. Triple capping- if you're not supposed to triple cap, why are there three points?


    Don't pile on the score? The score is supposed to accurately represent how the match is going.


    The only really fair one is 'don't abuse new players' which is a bit obvious.

  6. Or you could use something effective. Like literally anything else. If you want to get in there with charged plating, use a T1 bomber so you can hold the node afterward. A T2 strike isn't going to hold up to... uh. Anything, really. It might work against a bad team, but in that situation anything you try is going to work.


    I mean I'm happy to keep playing on my Thermite Bloodmark but I think you might be being a little bit hyperbolic.

  7. X-server's been said so many times. For a reason! It'd be amazing.


    Give new players enough ship req to fully master stock strike or scout before they start? At least this way they'll stop complaining about the gear disparity...


    This would just change the argument from "gear is too powerful" to "gear on the Flashfire/Mangler is too powerful". Slightly more cogent, but not by much.

  8. I am quite happy with the current difficulty level of HM flashpoints, personally.


    I don't believe that tac points need much of any changes. If anything, they might benefit from their mobs being set to level 60; that would probably alleviate a few things. They do seem a lot easier than the Czerka tacticals, though. I suspect this is because the silver/gold mob count is reduced because it needs to run double duty as the solo instance.


    I think probably making a hard separation between solo and tactical modes would be a good idea.

  9. I did a clean sweep on Korriban Incursion the other day. Had a few near-wipes and a wipe on the last boss, but they're definitely doable. Everyone was in a mix of 178-186. I can't speak for the other places yet, though.
  10. Of course, you get alot more in their expansion for 70 bucks (that's right, 69.99$ does not equate "50 bucks") but you can't really compare two things with such a wide difference in price.

    That'd be like comparing the performance of a luxury car with a cheap car without looking at the price.


    You could uh, run some basic research. See how much the expansion actually costs, because it does cost between $40 to $55 for the expac. I don't know where you got $70, unless you're looking at a digital deluxe edition, which is not a fair comparison.


    Secondly, yes you can compare two things with a wide difference in price, because they are both functionally identical things. For your example in particular, you can compare several aspects of the vehicle; top speed, fuel efficiency, space. You can do the same with a game; namely, a direct comparison of play hours, or a comparison between the logical size of the two expansions. You can even compare framerates. These are things you can do when comparing any game, and they're probably among the more objective.


    For more specific MMO-oriented comparisons, you can look at the amount of group content that is added, the amount of unique art assets added, the amount of features, changes to pricing models, PvP additions. If you're exceedingly lazy, like I am, you can paint with an incredibly broad brush and do the basic math; "Well, SoR is $20, WoD is $55 in my region, therefore the ratio of raid bosses in SoR and WoD should be about 4:11". And it's surprisingly accurate; SoR actually wins due to Australian regional pricing. Hooray for taxation!


    This is a very lazy analysis of the differences in these pricings because SWTOR operates on a freemium+cash shop model while WoW operates on a sub+cashshop but we can make estimations.

  11. I think it would be nice if the expac gave a bit more than it does. There are a few points where I think Bioware might have gotten lazy.


    Skins from Pirate Planet questing is shared across classes rather than class specific (though I can understand them wanting to give everyone pirate hats). Crafted armors are all recolors of the same skins. Basic armor skins are modifications of existing armors.


    It somewhat smells like they want to make lateral system changes and I hope my sense of smell is right. If they're not gearing up for broader changes, or another very dense content patch soon, then I'm not sure what's going on.

  12. hokay


    Week 1:

    T1 Scout


    MLC t0 2k

    SabProbe T4 20.5k

    Booster Recharge T0 0k

    QCS T0 0k

    Power Dive T1 2.5k


    Lightweight Armor T0 0k

    Range Capacitor T0 0k

    Range Sensors T0 0k

    Power Thrusters T0 0k


    Week 2:


    MLC T1 1k

    SabProbe T4 0k

    Booster Recharge T2 3.5k

    DistoField T3 15k

    Power Dive T2 2.5k


    Lightweight Armor T0 0k

    Frequency Capacitor T0 1k

    Range Sensors T0 0k

    Power Thrusters T1 1k

  13. Then you may want to rename this thread to 'Another idea for an hidden nerf to battlescouts.


    Personally I'd apply it to:




    Crit Chance


    Shield Pen


    i will wear my trophies taken off battlescout's carcass in like, a bandolier. maybe a belt with like, pieces of battlescout on it. or i'll have a blc on a necklace

  14. Okay, so, NPE, Evasion, cannon buffs in general, HLC buffs in particular, DS buff, Mines being less annoying to shoot.


    NPE: Maybe. Better information fixes this though. I don't believe it's easier to learn than the current tracking mechanic; it's poorly explained either way. GSF should have a guide available in-game that very clearly explains what each game mechanic does.


    Indirect evasion nerf: Why beat around the bush here? If evasion is a problem, nerf evasion.


    MLC/QLC buffs: These guns are supposed to be generalist, I think. I don't know whether they're underperforming when engaged in close quarters, but I would figure a less fiddly way to address this would be to just plain give them a lower tracking penalty.


    HLC buffs: Doesn't this kinda make it a very powerful generalist weapon? HLCs are not bad guns. They fill a vital role in armor pen, have the best cannon range in the game, and do a bundle of damage. Making them a stable option for fighting under a satellite seems like it could broaden their strengths too much.


    Directional Shield/Turbo Reactor buff: Does it need a buff? I won't pretend to know. It's also worth noting how it affects the other shields; particularly Quick-Charge and Overcharged. QCS would probably benefit quite a bit under a damage-based tracking model, while Overcharged would suffer.


    Mines getting shot down easily: awesome


    The problems you cite; Railguns, Rockets. This is a general problem because you are suggesting making exceptions to the rule. Exceptions to the rule are bad because they negate the NPE benefit.


    Railgun being changed to a damage-based tracking model would probably not be a good idea I don't think. Ion is buffed significantly by the change because the debuffs and secondary damages are what matters for it, not the shield damage. Plasma is the same to a lesser extent; its penalties are not altered, though initial damage is still knocked down. Slug would probably not feel very good because slug crits on those gosh darn battlescouts feel good at the moment and slugcritting an evasion battlescout and it surviving would suck.


    Rockets don't make much sense because rockets explode when they hit their target and presumably fly into space forever if they don't. I don't think it's very possible to get a glancing hit with a rocket. Idk about balance lol


    As for those who might say that it makes no sense (from a 'lore' perspective) to change Tracking Penalty to Damage instead of Accuracy, I counter that we are now in a world where Fragmentation Grenade is a single target attack. :p Any sense of "lore" must yield to balance.


    Clearly they are altering frag grenade design to shatter into smaller chunks of shrapnel which causes them to shred their primary target more effectively, yet due to wind resistance the chunks do not travel as far and thus cannot damage secondary targets easily.

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