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Everything posted by TonyIommi

  1. So much for that. Do you people even read the threads you quote from? That's from the guy who started the thread fyi..
  2. What calculations are those? and under what assumptions are you making them? Hey I'll just up numbers. 10 billion people will play star wars by the year 2020. Calculations and mayan prophecies show it.
  3. So much for the handwriting being on the wall... Why don't you go farm some more gold in d3? It must not be that interesting if you spend all your time forum trolling here..
  4. However you'll not that the trend is decelerating. The drops have become less and less significant everytime we get a reveal of the sub numbers. Extrapolating from this it can be shown that the trend will eventually stop. Again you have no evidence that it hasn't you based it on the downward trend which if you look at it it's becoming smaller and smaller. I really have no evidence that the trend is less this time around OTHER than extrapolating from the given data which is more or less what you people did in the first place. Give that eventually it will flatten out somewhere around 1 million which is enough to keep this game very profitable for EA. It is not less risky to assume one or the other. Simple analysis will lead you to conclude that the handwriting is indeed on the wall it's just not what you think it is. Especially when you consider the introduction of the f2p to lvl 15 model and the potential it can bring to the table to bring more people in with. The downward trend is only likely to get more and more marginal as it goes. Speculation is not evidence. If you want to treat it as such, I can as well.
  5. No he didn't but I'll take the your welcome just the same. Some people will stay some will leave. In the end just like any other mmo it will eb and flow. Alot of bad press has come around swtor in part because of pr disasters by the developers but also because 4 chan forum paladins have decided to wage a holy war against this game. This at least gives people the opportunity to try the game for themselves and make up their own opinion, opening up the market to more and more people. The people who quit will seem like even more of a handful.
  6. I feel they will eventually move to cross server pve, it's just a matter of time. It has it's consequences but it also has it's advantages. I am glad they chose to more or less merge servers first to cure the problem of population disparity as opposed to Blizzards band aid solution of cross realm queing.
  7. Warcraft was a carbon copy of EQ in many respects. That isn't necesarily a bad thing. Rift is a carbon copy of wow in many aspects again that isn't necesarilly a bad thing. Theirs enough in swtor that's different to keep lots of people around but at the same time it's familiar enough that nobody is overwhelmed by it.
  8. Not necesarilly true in every case as people are still playing since launch but even in the handful of cases that are true thanks for paying for my lvl 50 content!
  9. History repeats itself. Please don't listen to the minority of kids whining about ques again BW.
  10. It's good and worth it especially now that servers are full and you can find people to do things with. Complaining is the new meta game.
  11. It's a trial they're moving int he same step as plenty of other companies. Rift is f2p up to a certain level as well and it hasn't gone fully f2p. EA does not have a history of turning games f2p...
  12. Watch this. If you think sub numbers have dropped from march YOU ARE BEING WILFULLY IGNORANT.
  13. How stupid. Yes it has bugs and needs fixing but if they stopped adding content that would be retarded.
  14. Honestly if your toons name and legacy name changing stops you from playing the game then I have to kinda wonder how much fun you were having in the first place. I will say that transferring to the higher pop servers has been such a smooth process and rejuvenated the game so much that those kinds of concerns don't bother me any more.
  15. I have many times over. lncluding the original announcement where they said they were just going to add the "pillar" of story to the classic mmo elements. That's what they did.
  16. The story in me3 is EXCELLENT. The character development, the ending and resolution to so many conflicts, the humour! that was the biggest thing. I had felt BW had lost their touch for humor in da2 and really even in swtor which is missing it overall (with a few exceptions). They got it back in me3. The entire game is moving and stunning. Even if the ending makes most people rip their hair out 95% of the game is so well done it makes the journey more than worth it. Their are two games that have actually moved me to tears because of the writing. Lost Oddyssey was one. Mass effect 3 was the other. Their is so much warmth in the game. The exact opposite of D3 which is cold sterile and lifeless. If you HONESTLY feel that the story in d3 is good then me3 will blow your *********** mind.
  17. Not really. The fans did. They basically said they were going to do a story mmo and that's what they did.
  18. I felt the same way about another game that came out rather recently. I simply gave up though.
  19. I was talking about diablo not the IA or swtor. Swtor generally has very good writing and is also better than diablo 3 in that department. I can't think of a game with worse writing atm actually...
  20. It had a horrible ending. I can't believe people aren't more upset about it. Seriously diablo is at least a franchised as storied as mass effect and the ending for d3 was so underwhelming I literally said out loud that's it? I don't see how it's a good ending since you knew everything that was gonna happen anyway and it basically leaves with you nothing other than the set up for the next expansion. It was extremely underwhelming (as was d3 story in general). It's hilarious you brought up mass effect though, the writing in me3 is 10000000000000000> better.
  21. Everything you said is true right up until the end. It's all a matter of how much time they want to invest in optimization. If it's a priority for them then nothing is "here to stay". I wish people would stop talking about "engines" when their understanding is limited.
  22. Good question. I'd like to know that myself.
  23. Yea I know. Bf3 runs better as well. *shrug* It's gotten better from launch that's why I tend to think given time it'll get even better.
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