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Everything posted by Stripeknight

  1. The original Knights of the Old Republic was just released on IPad on the App store. It's $10 and as far as I can tell is a perfect port albeit with much higher resolution than the original. If you haven't played the original it's simply amazing and one of the best RPG's ever made, it's also one of the highest rated/reviewed games ever. Enjoy!
  2. This ladies and gentlemen is commonly reffered to as a "Nerd Rage". I'm sure allot of you have heard of them, now you have seen one first hand. ((Golf Claps for OP))
  3. Seriously, how are people still pvping in this game, I mean ya it was fun like 8 months ago but the maps are super small and repetitive. Cmon EA, people are playing allot of money to play this ga... er fund your other games and they at least deserve bigger maps. Google Alterac Valley... Edit, if you introduced large flowing maps like this it would make a big difference to your community of loyal players. I may actually come back and play regularly as well. I have a feeling the dev team really just doesn't care though.
  4. Bravo OP Bravo. You are exactly correct and anyone that disagrees is obviously poor!
  5. What is it with you people, this is the third whiney thread on the same topic.... As I said in the other whiny thread about the same topic, if you don't like it don't buy them. No one cares. EA can charge for whatever they want, it's a free market and you are not forced to do anything you don't want.
  6. As I said in the other whiny thread about the same topic, if you don't like it don't buy them. No one cares. EA can charge for whatever they want, it's a free market and you are not forced to do anything you don't want.
  7. If you don't like it don't buy them.. no one wants to hear you whine. EA deserves to make a buck or two.
  8. I dug up this thread as I think it would look awesome to reverse grip wield a light saber as well. It would almost look like an inquisitor with the lower saber running turned off. It might even make a cool new force based class in the future. Go Starkiller!
  9. Why should people pay a subscription to post threads if EA decides they are going to just delete them? I will not sub again with this mentality.
  10. I want to start by saying that I really love this game and have two high level toons (50 assassin and 45 Sniper) and I am currently re-subsribed after an extended break due to the amount of current interest and surge in people playing. I feel that in two or three months time people will most likely quit and go to the next big thing unless BioEAware does some MAJOR content additions (new raids and PVP zones) to hold everyones interest. With all that said I would like to know if anyone has done the math to figure out how much real money for cartel coin unlocks you would need to spend in the F2P model to raid a few nights a week and play a few games of PVP a week without paying more than the initial investment for things like hot bars, hide helmet, bank slots, etc. This would possibly give the game a true F2P option after the initial unlocks investment.
  11. I am also back after 8 months and I'm really loving it! I'm glad to see huge amount of people playing now. If Bioware can just add some major content (new raides), this game will really grow!
  12. Ah here is one of them now, bragging about their explotation of the game. Im sure Bioware did not intend/design the match for people to obtain massive valor through guarding and healing through the acid pools. I personally think they should be ashamed of their poor sportsmanship and cheating ways.
  13. Thank you for all the trolls, apparently these people have gear and do not want everyone to focus on the actual question or how people are playing this game in its current state. I do not think people who hit 50 and completely get smashed match after match by the geared people who were lucky enough to get gear quickly will stay. I do not pvp anymore as a result of this.
  14. I've heard a rumor that there is an expoit of getting badges/honor by sitting in the acit pit while putting guard on each other and recieving heals for extra bonus as it looks like that is what these guys were doing.
  15. This is fairly typical for what's happening on my server, people que for a war zone and upon entering geared out Battlemasters score in the first few moments and seem to 2-3 shot anyone that gets near them. Half the people in my group dropped as soon as they saw who they were up against. After they score 5 of out 6 points in the first few minutes , the few of us that are left get crushed just trying to get to the ball. On my server "Space Slug" the guild/pre made "Errant Venture" apparently likes to farm the under geared people for however much time is left. after all of this occured I stealthed in and took this photo http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p160/stripeknight/photobucket-6159-1327113096566.jpg of how they put guard on themselves and stand in the acid pits to further farm everyone else while the clock ran out. I'm just curious if this guild Errant Venture and other premades are operating within the terms of use?
  16. Just a quick update, I just finished another 3 hour stretch of pvping without our team making a single win, I did run the Ilum daily with my girlfriend and we both recieved a bag, upon opening both bags she got her 4th PVP item at Valor 20 and I recieved nothing with only one PVP item to show for my effort at valor level 26. She hit 50 several days after I did and has 4 items to show for it, I am very happy for her but this proves once again that for those of us that cannot seem to get any gear in a timely manner through pvp the frustration level for the amount of time we put in will only increase. I would really like to know from Bioware what they intend to do about this.
  17. Talkative, the difference is that in PVE you don't fight real people in higher level gear to not have a chance of progressing. Try saying something usefull as you probably are one of the few people that will try trolling this post that got your gear quickly.
  18. Where does it confirm that this is being fixed/changed???
  19. And I worked like crazy to get to level 50 which I felt was a very fun and well put together experience. I also like the way you have set the classes up. What I am absolutely shocked about is how you have set up the PVP loot system in this game. I have for the past week spent from 7-10 hours a day running match after match of PVP and have recieved somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 bags to only recieve 2 items, 2 off hand shields which rolled one after the other. This would have been ok but I had just purchases with my commendations the..... off hand shield. To make matters worse I know people in my guild who after 10 bags are almost completely geared. I just do not enjoy getting face rolled match after match by people who already have gotten their gear quickly. And I continue to kill myself only to keep playing and eventually get gear that is subpar to theirs which they may have gotten (I've seen this happen numerous times) quickly. So the people that don't have gear already will continue to get crushed by the people who have it. I feel like I get no reward for my hard work. To make matters worse I see people who are running around level 50 valor with two items on and people level 15 valor who are fully geared out. This needs to be fixed as it is not a fair system, additionaly people who are trying to get into your raid system will be held back by trying to gear through pvp. The system should be evened out so that the same amount of work yields the same loot for everyone playing. Possibly consider lowering the cost of gear and removing the chance roll system entirely would level things out.
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