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Everything posted by Hessen

  1. We did two operations tonight,The Hutt one and Eternity Vault on normal mode (8man) and none of the bosses had loot bags, only purple epics on the boss itself.
  2. Vector's customisations are awesome, but can't really make the most of them when he has a daft helmet on!
  3. Grats guys, we had an attempt earlier but so many bugs made us give up!
  4. It's a tad annoying, why put content in if it's so untested
  5. A few hours of trying Eternity Vault and The Hutt Operation and I've seen less bugs in a cockroach farm. I know hardly any testing went on from the beta testers with it, but was there seriously no internal testing before going live?
  6. Heh, forgot that general discussion on here is like this now. Oh I remember back in the day...
  7. Do people seriously believe the stereotype that anyone who rushes to 50 is a basement dwelling teenager? And similar randomly thrown accusations and classifications of people?
  8. We have 8 50s in our guild now, most played a lot of beta and had already seen all the story, but none of them PvPed to max level, just motored through the questing, remember there's a modifier for teaming as well as the general ease of killing. Now we're looking forward to the challenge of PvE Endgame content
  9. Please sort at least one of them out! Thank you
  10. Really would like server forum to help build up our server community, it's just not feasible to do in the current layout.
  11. There's a guy doing the Night at the Roxbury dance. Had me in stitches, great inclusion BW http://summeradventures.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/roxbury1.gif
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