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Everything posted by SnEaKyMan

  1. Its actually better to not DISINTEGRATE gear. It's better to CLAIM it (which is confusing if you think about it) and then DECONSTRUCT it, so you get tech fragments, rather than a really small portion of more renown xp. That alone shows the system designed is pretty floored. Also who wants both options of disintegrating and deconstructing and then picking an option to claim gear but actually you're just claiming it because you know its more efficient to claim it and then deconstruct it instead of wait for hours of farming old content to get a new renown crate which probably doesn't have what you want which you would end up disintegrating again... 10/10. Remove Renown system or ensure disintegrating gives you tech fragments or something. Very convoluted system because you are trying to keep the galactic command system which was new but now as an old system but also implement a new gear system instead of replacing the old system. Kinda messy.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/search/?q=fps&restrict_sr&sort=top=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/search/?q=performance&restrict_sr&sort=top=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/search/?q=frame%20rate&restrict_s&sort=topr=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/search/?q=lag&restrict_sr=1&sort=top https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/search/?q=performance&restrict_sr=1&sort=top Imagine a DirectX 9 Game made back in 2008 that still has really bad performance on the LATEST graphics and cpus which have actually increased in their throughput exponentially yet still suffer just as badly running this cesspit engine. It's actually upsetting to see good SWTOR developers/designers create content and have it run in this engine. They are creative developers, who make interesting fight mechanics and great looking worlds, but gosh darn the decision to use this engine may have been one of the worst decisions made by the business, probably worse than any decision made in Anthem.
  3. no 64bit game client the game engine graphics are still on DX9 you added options for frame rate and frame limit but they do nothing there is no option in the game to choose the audio device you want it to use, it can only use default the desync in this engine is actually so bad it can delay you up to 8 seconds and make other players invisible for that duration people appear on top of bridges when actually your client lied and they've been under it for the duration of the desync the engine is synchronous in design and actually freezes the process for opening things that make database calls like the character inventory or cargo holds the mouse sensitivity settings have not worked correctly since launch and nobody has bothered to fix the scroll settings? your engine keeps making a HeroBlade log folder in my documents, please stop making this empty folder its annoying to be reminded you run on this HeroEngine technology. it can't handle large groups of players it cant handle content for more than 16man fights knowing too damn well it cannot support it the average fps in the engine tanks under 30fps on a 6 core cpu at 4ghz with a GTX1080 because the engine is absolute garbage....CMON. I just want you to acknowledge this because its really bad. I've played since BETA and back then it was fine, i didn't notice the problems. But now i notice the problems a lot. It's a big issue after being a subscriber since launch and playing the game, but every time i come back, it almost makes me ILL playing because of the engine. It is 100% no doubt the worst online engine. Will you ever do anything about it? Do you just ignore people who complain about it? Will you just keep doing major expansions and not actually fix the engine? Do you have a forward plan? Is it just milk milk milk from content that the engine sucks at processing? I don't mean to come across as an ***, but I kind of feel like you're really screwing me over by thinking the service is actually good and we get a good experience by playing the game when we dont because of these engine issues. The content is FINE, the engine is NOT. I've seen WoW Classic streams and god damn can they handle hundreds of players in the same area and ive seen the huge player pvp battlegrounds with people playing on Twitch and it's all smooth getting 100+ fps at all times. You jump into a group of 16 people and this engine just feels clunky and it upsets me.
  4. Just got a tactical for Roaming Mend. Everyone passed on it so i could use it on my healer. So that's good i suppose. First time through many runs of Hammer station that a tactical dropped for my sorc.
  5. Yes. Easy to hover and see what amplifiers I have. No it was not easy to see what they do. The WIP UI was not updating the description correctly and you have to lockin and close the window and reopen to hover back over to get a better description. Yes. Press button and see new potential amplifiers to select instead of the current one. IF you dont like it keep re-rolling. Keeping in mind how much it costs to rip out augments and put augments in. The re-rolling is already way too expensive. Especially depending on the selection only being 2 amplifiers to pick from, needing to constantly re-roll AND there are times where the two you can pick from are actually the same amplifier with a higher or lower % of that stat...doesnt make sense. Lastly, Is it expected to allow the same amplifiers on all the gear? Because you say amplifiers are not needed and if they're too complicated than "just dont use them", but if you get all the same added up, you can make up around 10% MORE healing which is a big deal and will definitely put you at an advantage over someone who hasn't or in this situation make healing easier.
  6. Had the same damn feeling running more than 3 runs of hammer station to be given some underwhelming junk in 1 renown pack that had tank stats in it, as a sorc healer.
  7. Did you feel you were getting upgrades fast enough? Yes Were you getting items you expected to get? No. I was getting accuracy and tank stat drops on a sorc healer.
  8. Do you understand what you are getting when you roll on an item? - Didnt get that far yet. How do you feel about the pricing of items? - It's pretty bad since i did 3 hammer stations and after disintegrating all the gear i still could not afford anything to test the vendor on the PTS. So i'm not sure how many runs of the same flashpoint you expect players to do in order to afford buying 1 item from this vendor, but i already know it's too much. Do you feel like rolling on these item slots is valuable? - Dont know because my time was taken up running hammer station runs to then not be able to afford any items on the vendor.
  9. It's supposed to be giving gear? I only got money. who said anything about going to starter planets? The PTS article also states to talk to gear vendors on odessen but i thought that was phase 1 pts only? The only visible vendor on odessen now is the one which transports you to the new planet and the terminal next to it just turns you level 75 and gives you credits.
  10. Does acquiring gear feel too fast? Too slow? - Slow. Do you understand what to do to get gear? - Play stuff from activity finder or pvp etc, get tech components and then spend them or use the loot from bosses. How do you feel about the primary sources of getting gear? (playing content and Missions) - I feel like this is classic SWTOR. Which is better than Galactic Command ever was. How do you feel about the contribution of the supplementary systems? (vendors, crafting, Renown) - It's rubbish because its not giving me relevant gear. - It's not giving me enough supplementary crates.
  11. Renown crates were giving me tanking gear, I'm playing a Sorcerer Healer. Can you give me healing gear instead? Thanks.
  12. They don't make as much or have as near enough the resources to do this. Much better they just keep creating fresh content.
  13. Currently they are alphabetically ordered and it might be much better for all all expansion content to be ordered better. Link is screenshot showing the current ordering appearing on the Starship Mission console.
  14. Send me a tawn fawn code please. I think that one is part of the legacy achievements which can no longer be acquired?
  15. They can't because they don't play it as much as people who don't develop the game, so they're most likely very casual players who don't really see the drive for gearing maybe, I don't know. It's almost like they never realistically think about the changes they make until they're pushed to live and hear feedback on the forums, which by that time is usually too late to rectify.
  16. I have done over 200 matches on my Sentinel this season so far, I'm not bad but I'm not the best either. From my experience, I've had many losses due to never dodging, I don't sync (I don't know anyone to sync with tbh). Things I feel that could improve Solo Q PvP for EVERYONE who actually ENJOYS PvP and are not in there just for CXP: Make the Valor rating entry requirement 60+ If a player leaves a match, they should get a 48 hour lockout from the queue. If a player is not equipped with a basic item rating for base level 70 they cannot queue. If either team has a healer but the other does not, the match becomes unranked. (No +/- Rating) If either team has a tank but the other does not, the match becomes unranked. (No +/- Rating) If a player uses /stuck during combat, they are locked out of queue for 48 hours. If a player is removed because they are inactive, the match becomes unranked. (No +/- Rating) They should also get a lockout on being able to queue. Add exaustion zones to all areas not accessible by normal play. (Hackers) Add cross-faction queue, to reduce the imbalance of weaker sides queuing and also helps remove the chances to sync q.
  17. Hi Eric, a few questions to follow from this information: 1) What is the Fleet Commendation conversion rate? 2) Will the Fleet Commendation vendor now sell the same items for Credits? 3) What happens to unused gear tokens? Thanks.
  18. There is the legacy droid which you can get now like the mail droid now so the first part I'm not too sure its worth them adding in. I do however like the idea to have shared credits somehow, even if that was by another means such as a Legacy 'bank' which had all the credits in separate tabs of each character, as apposed to an individual pool of credits. Basically, just a way to easily aggregate all player characters credits, however Bioware go about doing that I'm not too bothered by their solution.
  19. Hi all, I love the game and the new system despite some minor discrepancies though still a work in progress, however something doesn't quite sit well with me regarding the role playing aspect of the game, universe, story, lore etc. You give the ability for Empire to make light sided choices, which are still at times very good choices for the Empire. You give the ability for the Republic to make dark sided choices, which are still at times very good choices for the Republic. This Dark vs Light Server event will now have a negative impact on players who like to play their particular faction class in a way that isn't religiously strict towards a single point of view. This means if a Sith Warrior decides to spare the life of a Republic spy and he is rewarded light side points, even though this could have potentially been good for the empire as now they have information on the Republic as apposed to just killing this republic spy, this player is now contributing to the servers light side. If I understand correctly, when the light side is winning in favour over the dark side, Jedi and Republic troopers etc will spawn throughout the galaxy at certain locations in a bid to fight against the Emipre, which is exactly not what the Light sided Sith Warrior intended. You should rebrand the Server Dark vs Light event into Empire Vs Republic and no matter what choice was made by the Player, just that they have participated should be enough to contribute to their Factions points. If you intended to go down this path in some effort to give a reason behind potential cross-faction queuing of content like Warzones or Flashpoints, then you should tackle the idea behind it another way, similar to the Revan story line with Yavin being a place where both Empire and Republic factions teamed up. If this Dark Vs Light event was not for the above mentioned intention down the line, then please remove all options for Republic players to decide and pick dark side choices and options for Empire players to decide to pick light side choices, because you have just implemented two contradicting systems that work against each other (depending on the context of why someone would have chosen the light or dark choice). This also allows for potentially NPC controlled factions to have an effect on the world such as the Hutts, Dark Vs Light seems far too narrow minded and does not fit the current role playing model of game. Not to mention the Elephant in the room here, but shouldn't we be embracing the fact that there is a massive war going on between two of the largest factions in the star wars universe and make some really cool server events further reinforce this into our immersive world of the Empire and the Republic fighting for control of the Galaxy, not a dark or light side choice. Those choices are very character independent, where as a character who is contributing to his faction regardless of the choice being seen as light or dark is really what would have the influence of NPCs spawning in the SWTOR universe based on the servers current Empire Vs Republic status. It's cool that you are gathering data from choices made by people for Dark and Light side choices, maybe don't even get rid of this and it can still be useful, similar to TellTale games report percentage of players who chose certain decisions (which I personally find really interesting and a fun aspect of story telling and seeing how other people react to situations). I just don't think the right wording is being used for this global server event, and you should use the Dark/Light choice metrics for something else in the game, such as a report or terminal where players can go to find out how other players are deciding to do things if that interests them. Regards, A ruthless narrow minded dark sided Sith Marauder.
  20. Hello Eric, Thank you for the stream and I look forward to ones coming soon. I have a few straightforward questions regarding gear listed below. Will item rating give an advantage over other players with lower item rating gear in Warzones? PvE gear focused on having more accuracy, what is the case for PvP? Will the PvE relics as we know them now activate in PvP? Will the gear from command crates only be relative to the players current advanced class discipline? Will command crate gear Bind on Pickup, Bind to Legacy or Bind on Equip? Can galactic command crate gear be planted into legacy gear? Will you accept my friend request? I saw you and Snave are BFF's and I feel left out.
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