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Everything posted by Skyskater

  1. I completely agree with this, and the few other post that mention this, the problem with our survivability is not that we take longer to go down than other class but rather that we can't do dmg while going down. After playing a vanguard it's apparent that the main thing that makes their dps so high is their ability to get high impact bolt off every 6 seconds basically (lock out time of talent) while commandos/mercs cant do that cause we have a 2 second cast for a 45% chance and a 12 sec cd for a 60% chance to get the proc. If they really dont want to make power shot an insta cast (it does do about twice the dmg of ion pulse) then a making full auto a 100%(or leave it at 60, not really sure for this one) and power shot a 90% chance to proc HiB could also work as a solution. it conserves the idea of ranged, 2 sec cast (1.5 with talent) is the same as getting two ion pulse off, which pretty much guarantees a proc, (45*2=90). this idea is mainly because it is not impossible to get one power shot off, but when it doesnt proc you basically wasted your time. ps i know i've mixed in merc and trooper ability names
  2. 420k is two days of doing just Ilum and BH dailies, which even in recruit gear, unaugmented, would take you at most 1.5 hours each day if you know what you're doing/aren't completely incompetent at your class (healers semi excluded). And yes i'm assuming people know how to use their crew skills to get the MK-6 augment slot parts, or craft it themselves. And since you're assuming the person just hit 50 then they also wont have full BM right away in which case the credit cost is more progressive. Also with the speeder training costs decrease that leaves a lot more credit (~200k more) to spend on your gear.
  3. That's completely untrue, the only thing is most people dont want to augment their gear until they get the war hero. That's why you have issues cause you have to contend with the gap between WH and BH PLUS the augments. Spend a little bit of creds to augment your gear and you'll more than stand a chance.
  4. That's one way, although scoundrels/ops have a dispel which is a pain but another way is to have quick reaction time and toss down an aoe immediately or if you're a trooper/BH you toss down your stealth scan. i pop them out of stealth all the time on my commando.
  5. I agree, I just find it to be kind of stupid. it just goes back to that idea of needing medals for objectives to encourage people to actually want to win quick because unfortunately most people don't see that.
  6. I always go for wins, however it would be nice if the medals didn't make so much of a difference in the commendations/valor you get. For example if I win a huttball in less than 7 mins because my team just focuses on passing the ball and scoring we get screwed on valor and commendations even though we won just because we gained at most like 2-3 medals.
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