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Everything posted by befear

  1. Clearly you do not need to keep posting even if you don't care about the post?
  2. I'd say we are still months away from hearing anything about 3.0 we still have at least 3 patches to go through
  3. you get free 69 gear in the new fps. if you're gear is bad I would gladly carry you through the instance for free
  4. Well its the forums. Sadly only a few people wanna have a good discussion. The weird thing is ill sit on fleet saying i wanna go quest and do all the quest lines on my main but then i que up for an instance
  5. Well i think it would make a little more sense to fly a smaller ship before you get you're own. but just my 2 cents. and thanks for the answers. But Lets make more questions so all the issues can be addressed
  6. Guess people rather make "I hate this game" instead of looking to the future .
  7. Eric, any chance of coming to Arizona? also if anyone going could take these questions with them ?http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=689328
  8. its a bunch of trooper boots that have this bug. i saw it on some green ones
  9. Well let me start off by saying thank you for creating something different other then OPs/WZs/FPs. But i have some questions that i would like to be answered in time and please if you have some questions you would like me to add just let me know. Also here is the link to new Sub-site http://www.swtor.com/galactic-starfighter Updated with a few of the answers. Would like the community to come up with some more questions! Q: What level do you need to be get in on the action? A: there will only be one bracket, so sub and 55 together. Which probably means 10 is the minimum, like normal pvp/pve Q: WIll BIS ship parts be sold on the CM? A:They've expressed their opposition to monetizing power several times and indications are only cosmetics will be sold. A payed unlock for a specific role (I'm guessing a class of ships ala fighter/bomber) for f2p is apparently up in the air but main devs are pushing for it to be free too. Q: Will be there be cross server battles? A:No word on this in regards to SSSP but previous questions regarding "normal" pvp have gotten a no. Tech reasons Q: Any plans for zones to practice flight combat? A: Q: How long will battles last? A: Q: Anys of combining ground and space combat in on warzone? A: Q: Will cybertech be able to make ship parts/paint? A: Q:Is there going be an ability to use a joystick? A:unknown but unlikely. A datamined picture implies a rudimentary 3rd person mouse/keyboard controle scheme Q: Is there going to be a cockpit view? A:unknown but unlikely. A datamined picture implies a rudimentary 3rd person mouse/keyboard controle scheme Q:Will there be any use for the current fleet commendations in GS? A:99,9% no because they've flat out said they're not making fleet comms useful now because botting is still an issue. I would imagine that kills any hope of them being genuinely useful in the expansion. Q: WIll On-rails space combat go away? A:No it's here to stay as free flight PvE of any kind is a good way down on the "wall of crazy" and not anytime soon.
  10. thats how it suppose to look http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Marka_Ragnos?file=Markaragnos23.jpg
  11. you mean that by them putting up BIS ship parts are the CM? that would be a big mistake. paint jobs and other toys for them is fine
  12. Is looking good! Now having HM DP & DF on farm and looking forward to improved space combat. Also to be honest it doesn't matter if its pve or pvp you would still be shooting at other ships or objectives. I will enjoy it no matter what style it is as long as i can fly a ship. also going to be enjoying solo que arenas for a very long time!
  13. this station from iheart radio http://www.iheart.com/artist/Skrillex-487415/
  14. in any pvp game when hasn't it been a grind?
  15. you know this game is kotor at heart not SWG. ill keep my story based rail games thank you
  16. from what Ive read, all your asking for is that you just have someone set up a nice ui for you i.e. the devs
  17. you guys know this is a kotor game at heart not swg.
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