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Everything posted by Swatchie

  1. During the daytime hours I think it leans heavy Imp side. Evening hours its a toss up to determine which premade is on which side. I can get my weekly done each night on either faction within 3 hours. Ranked is going OK. we get solo yolo's going, and by we I mean people who do it, cause when I queue up its after people start doing them and stop for hte night. 7-10 EST I think they pop almost nightly. Know there are a few teams that are formed and ready to play, but who knows what will happen with team after first week or so. Generally its a positive experience with only a few bad apples that might cause issues, but thats easily solved with the ole /ignore
  2. They are easy to shut down if you try. my squishy undergeared VG tank can leap to them, then pull, interrupt, leap, cc , all kinds of stuff. My scrapper I can int, nut kick, flash bang, and nade and that takes care of them till bubble. Can do this on multiple different specs until I die, or they stop. Just have to focus them hard and fast.
  3. This is not my original idea. I am sure others have posted this, but like all Americans, I am too lazy to search for it. Its a very simple buff for all classes. When resolve bar is full, and you pop your CC breaker, you get immunity to everything for at least 1/2 a second. This means when juggs leap to you, you can still move. When scrappers blast your tendon you can run and so on. With all the roots and slows that are out there now, you can pop your breaker and be rooted immediatly after by a random ability. And then you just wasted your breaker to get away from dmg. May only be usefull in Huttball maps, but I can use it on hypergates and civil wars as well.
  4. I don't know if it is viable or not, but I have decided to not focus on my tank or healer this season. Only going to play my Concealment / Scrapper. Have done OK. Seeing a lot of ranked teams as Sorc Heals, Sorc DPS, SIn Tank, Sin Madness. Sin tanks in DPS gear too. But we are also seeing that its not all powerful, depending on the comp. If stay out of force storm, that works good. And using PT tank seems to be a very good offset. Still have not ran wtih a mando healer. Most have been sorc heals.
  5. Character Name: Oragami Class: Operative Spec: Concealment Warzone Record: Biggest Hit Position #2 Value: 13030 http://i.imgur.com/uGe5kX6.png
  6. Reg. Warzone Toon - Construction Class - Vanguard Category - Overall Protection/Deaths Record - 731,532/ 0 death Link - http://i.imgur.com/wLDndzs.jpg
  7. I leveled my Mando and shelved him loving my scrapper/conceal better. But I have been thinking about playing him soon and giving him a whirl. I remember a long time ago they would have to cast grav round over and over before doing any damage. Is this still the case? Or can I fire just 1 and then start popping off damage? Something I have been wondering for a while now.
  8. Most of the space it seems are from the Assets directory. So when I go to reinstall my OS and move Swtor to a 2nd SSD drive, can I just save the assets directory's and be OK? Or are there other folders I need to save?
  9. I honestly love being able to open up on a PVE geared sorc and getting a massive hit. 10-11k on hidden strike. They pretty much always force bubble after that and I love it! In open world I love running 3 dps 1 heal and just murdering everyone! I laugh my *** off. I would like to do the 8 op Lethality/DF WZ and melt whole groups of people. That would be a blast. Saw some PVP videos of that and brought a tear to my eye
  10. What he said. Stealth past as much as you can, finish your class quests, move on. Maybe do PVP / Tactical. but stick with class.
  11. Normally when you post something like this, you give more information. Like your name? For all we know you could be JMD!
  12. whats your slingers name? You never posted that one out.
  13. Assimilation is forming at least 1 ranked team to play, maybe 2. They will also be doing Pub Side as well. Not sure when they will start. I unfortunately will probably not be a part of it due to family life not guarenteeing a time to play.
  14. This is the build that I am going to try out. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7010cZGbzrdrkrGhRZhr.3 I am losing the root from shoot first, and the ability to backblast while facing, but since I am always moving I dont really see the need for that one shot of BB.
  15. Wow . Never even seen those names before. So chances are they would get rolled by anyone Glad to see that Flak is retired tho. Way to fricken hard to kill!! Missed yall on the game. Always good pvp with yall, no matter what hte haters say.
  16. This is the build that I use : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGbzrdrkrhGRZhr.3 I run scrapper/conceal. I fear that I will never get the ranked weekly done using it, as I have enough trouble getting the daily done in multiple days if not healing. Lethality puts better numbers up IMO, but thye still squishy, and if the other healer is an op and they are on hte ball, they can cleanse everything off. GL with it,
  17. http://dulfy.net/2014/05/01/swtor-patch-2-8-pts-patch-notes/#Classes_Combat Read it and Weep Peeps. Now that all the other classes are getting buffs, we can die even faster!!!! JOY!
  18. That is a good question and a darn good suggestion. They can easily put that in for a point build I would think. I stopped doing PVE as the repetition got too boring. So I have nothing to bring up there. For PVP it has already been covered. Knockdown on Shoot first needs to come back. My wildcard question goes pretty far a field I think. When are you going to bring back Ranked 8v8. 4v4 ranked is boring and cant stand doing them. Trying to build a team to go after ranked and working with your friends was awesome. I was able to build strong bonds with people doing this. So my question would be something like Why did you get rid of them, and when will you bring htem back? 4v4 deathmatch is not that fun. Thank you for all your effort in this Snave. Much appreciated!
  19. Taking Sanitary to ranked tomorrow until it ends Will the rancor be legacy wide collection?
  20. I love node guarding on my scrapper. I think I do a damn good job at it too. but to be viable I finally became a healer. So now I will leave it up to the Vanguards and Shadows!
  21. Right now I am mostly full Conq and 14 skill 28 augments. has anyone ever tried using absorb or shield augmets instead to see if our survivability was better? Just decided theorycrafting about it today and figured I would ask before I tried it and wasted a bunch of augments.
  22. until you get 55, your probably not going to get into a pvp guild. just my .02 on it. Just find some friends to pvp with and go in 4man premade.
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