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Everything posted by Magiko

  1. I figure it out I often get emails from support@swtor.com (Tickets) and no-reply@bioware.swtor.com (One-Time Password/Complimentary CCs) but is being a very long long time since last time I got 1 email from swtor@email.swtor.com (promos) and it is not on my blocked list . Then here it is a simple (temporary) solution: BioWare please please please USE ANOTHER EMAIL other than swtor@email.swtor.com to resend our codes! We have friends waiting to play "The Hunt"!
  2. I figure it out I often get emails from support@swtor.com (Tickets) and no-reply@bioware.swtor.com (One-Time Password/Complimentary CCs) but is being a very long long time since last time I got 1 email from swtor@email.swtor.com (promos) and it is not on my blocked list . Then here it is a simple (temporary) solution: BioWare please please please USE ANOTHER EMAIL other than swtor@email.swtor.com to resend our codes! We have friends waiting to play "The Hunt"!
  3. I figure it out I often get emails from support@swtor.com (Tickets) and no-reply@bioware.swtor.com (One-Time Password/Complimentary CCs) but is being a very long long time since last time I got 1 email from swtor@email.swtor.com (promos) and it is not on my blocked list . Then here it is a simple (temporary) solution: BioWare please please please USE ANOTHER EMAIL other than swtor@email.swtor.com to resend our codes! We have friends waiting to play "The Hunt"!
  4. 17 days... no email... no code.... my friend asking to play "The Hunt"...
  5. 17 days... no email... no code.... my friend asking to play "The Hunt"...
  6. Been a subscriber and had my e-mail signed up for like 4 years now, and never lost an email before but yet... no email nor code yet....
  7. No email nor code yet.... Since 2011 I never lost an email, I guess there is a first for everything...
  8. Opted-in since 2011 and never lost an email before, but no code so far email :( :(
  9. I never got the first not the last email and I have opted-in since 2011
  10. Jung Ma server with same lag/crash but I got an infinite load screen during the crash
  11. Rising Meditation "In the deep state of Rising Meditation, Jedi may find their sense of the Force increases and that their bodies rise from the ground" ("The Jedi Path: A Manual for Studants of the Force" page 37) Maybe this should be the first of a series of "class related emotes" for SWTOR or even normal emotes as we have already. Or maybe a new skill?!? Anyway many jedi players would love to have it on this game "Highly recommended!" - Kenobi (page 36 about "Empty Meditation", the same one we already have on the game)
  12. BioWare, Ashara's body skin must match her face color!
  13. MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online PvP = Player vs Player So I would like to be able to fight with hundreds (and possibly thousands) of players at SAME TIME and SAME INSTANCE. As with any OTHER MMO I've played before ..... PS: 8 vs 8 instances = NOT a MMO
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