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  1. Any chance we can get a Dev response? Even a nod that it is indeed implemented or not would be appreciated!
  2. Message/Mail Backup (republic) or Zombii (imp) to open negotiations
  3. Well I've checked all known speeder and reputation vendors this weekend with no luck. Hate to say it but this is either a drop or still bugged
  4. For that matter it could be from HM TFB as it's the only HM OP that doesn't drop a mount. Edit: Disregard the next few posts until the person edits them or learns to read
  5. Same here. As an avid mount collector I was stoked to see that they had "fixed" the Praxon achievement. But the more I ask around, the more I think it's still the way of the Tirsa Champion and Dessler Nomad & Explorer... not yet implemented.
  6. The "Praxon Collector" Achievement can now be completed. The Trackmaster was added for Voss rep, but the Aether is still elusive. Been checking various speeder and reputation vendors and still haven't found it. Anyone else having better luck?
  7. We've cleared HM content including S&V 8m and have yet to see anything this juicy drop. I'd agree that this is probably a CSR refund more than a rare and unprecedented* drop from a raid. *(unless you want to count those loose armorings from back in the day, but never barrels or hilts!)
  8. No. What I'm asking is for them to allow that class to be able to use *all* of their abilities with an electrostaff. Just like guardians/sents do with vibroswords. The staves have been in the game since day 1, and you are given a proficiency to weild them when you choose the assassin/shadow AC, I just want to be able to viably *use* them.
  9. Quite a few abilities (not all) require you to use a double-saber but guardian/sentinels have no problem (ie abilities blocked) using a vibrosword. When will this be fixed? Finally found an electrostaff I like the look of to go with my bloodguard sandperson outfit, only to find out I can no longer use maul or my charges!
  10. Yay for Kolto Residue stealth nerf. Now 3% bonus healing (down from 5%)
  11. Well the "ticker tape" at the bottom reads (repeating): fuel system monitoring (spaces) holonet update test standby "///" Not gonna throw my conspiracy theory in... much more fun to watch everyone else go at it!
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