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Everything posted by lsama

  1. I'd like lvl-sync more if it were optional. It's great to level down to play with lower level friends/guildies, but for me to be forced into a lower level, when I want to blaze through dailies, or lower lvl content? That's frustrating. So I think the idea is sound, it's application not so much.
  2. The only gear that I got back via in game mail was my companions starter gears. The items that they had, that were in the slots the game kept were still there. The items in the slots that 4.0 removed? Gone.
  3. I am not complaining about 'resetting the appearance tab'. I am complaining about the fact that Bioware has literally removed gear from the game, as well as deleted most of the gear/armor vendors. They've gone out of their way to remove a boatload of appearance customization options, both for characters, and for their companions. As someone who's spend a lot of time and patience working to get some of that gear, it's upsetting and frustrating that it's now gone, and even the option to get it back isn't available.
  4. I know some people who have all of their tabs and are honestly missing actual pieces of gear. As in, 'gear that is gone from their cargo holds' missing.
  5. I think you may have missed the purpose of point two. For those of us who have played both vidya and tabletop RPG games, there is a distinct difference in those stats. Strength might dictate how hard you hit something, but Charisma might dictate how well you convince someone of seeing things your way, thus changing possible outcomes within the game. Those stats should not all work the same way - that's part of the problem.
  6. 1. If you're going to make us pay REAL MONEY for extra outfit slots, and then DELETE the outfits IN those slots? You have, effectively, stolen from us. We pay you money to let us play a game. Character customization is a HUGE part of that game and, for me, a huge draw for this game. I love having several different looks for my characters. Now that you've deleted those looks, why should we continue to pay you money? 2. In a similar vein, why in the world would you change Companion stats/customization? I mean, literally, what do we, as players, gain from this? Those of who take this game seriously - which is, hopefully, the crew you're mostly catering to, with considering to casual players as well! - are never going to complain(seriously) about having to gear our characters. It's something we do. It's something the STORY ITSELF FOSTERS. We gear ourselves up and, if we like our companions(and I do like that mighty fine lookin' fellow, Mr. Quinn), I'm going to make sure he's geared up properly too, so nothing bad happens to him. For most of us, RPG has two meanings. A game or situation in which people, through writing or actual speaking and performing, portray and live out the lives of other characters. A game in which people use stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Charisma, etc, to defeat adversaries, charm vendors, and win the day. Combining 1 & 2 means that, in one fell swoop, you've destroyed this game's interpretation of both of these. We no longer have real, meaningful stats. You rolled everything up into basically 2 stats because I figure you guessed we weren't smart enough to figure them out, OR you're cow-towing to people who can't be bothered. I promise you, those people will either figure it out on their own, do the research, or go play Candy Crush. But instead, you ruined it for everyone by removing basically anything that could give this game good RPG elements. 3. To add insult to injury, you didn't stop there. No, you took it a step further. You basically made it so that The companions we have are all cookie cutter things, that can take any role. This, too, destroys the RPG element of the game, in both of it's definitions. In the past, we had to think, to strategize. We had to internally debate who we were going to bother working with, who we would level, who we would romance. Now, all companions can have any three roles - healing, tanking, and DPS - which, in turn, makes them pointless too. We could not pick one companion to stick with, which, hey, a lot of people did that anyway, regardless of the disadvantages on picking the non-healing or non-tanking companion, but now that you've taken away our ability to customize them, who cares? Never the less, we NEED them, because we now have new content to deal with, which brings me to point number.... 4: If we adhere to definition 2 of RPGs, we accept the reality that the higher in level you are, the more difficult one's adventure becomes. However, that is not the case here. I have not once, at any point in the new content, come even CLOSE to dying. Why? Because the companions are all insanely overpowered now. There's no challenge. And yes, fine, there are several new instances that we can raid and group through, that's nice, but jeez, can you imagine THAT Raid check? "WHO'S USING DPS?" "WHO'S USING HEALING?" "WHO'S TANKING?" And without even so much as changing characters, we can all sit there and take votess and pick easily and there's no challenge to it. There's no need to strategize. We can just all turn companions - since everyone has them - to Heals, and the rest of us go in and attack, and we'll all live because 1 overpowered healer for every 1 character doing DPS is going to win, period. BUT NONE OF US WILL HAVE FUN BECAUSE WE'LL ALL LOOK ALIKE BECAUSE ALL OF OUR GEAR ISN'T CUSTOMIZED THE WAY WE WANT IT BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY DELETED GEAR THAT WE WORKED FOR. You broke it, Bioware. You broke it big time. Your game breaks BOTH of the defining definitions of RPGdom. Now, we're just left with a game that's no fun because we can't be who we want to be, all while we're clearly, easily taking everything down. What. Is. The. Point?
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