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Posts posted by Selais

  1. I find recuperative nano tech circumstantial at best, if it could heal more than 4 targets it would be great for raids, but I really prefer the direct heals...


    Don't worry about it dude, many medic focused ops don't waste skill points on nanotech. I don't and I have no problem keeping a group up on any of the group or raid content so far. It certainly isn't required or even suggested. I'd even go as far as to say that you're better off without it as the energy saving you make gives enough energy to dps between heals/during events on all except the very hardest of bosses. Even Karagga on hard mode where everyone spends the entire event with <60% hp you don't need nanotech to heal it. I'd rather chuck an Orbital Strike than a nanotech.

  2. It's not 'bad'. It's certainly a lot worse than Sorc,


    I wouldn't say a LOT worse than sorc, they can pile on HoT's and that pretty purple ground thingie but that's what makes them powerful. With KP running we can definitely get up there with them and crit dependant, pass them.


    instant HoT that needs two applications.


    It doesn't need 2 apps. If you're running crit spec you can't double crit KP anyway so the only difference is ticks that don't crit hit higher. I always thought it should double crit tbh, was kinda dissapointed when I realised it doesn't.

  3. I'd switch the 2 from Evasive Imperative to Sedatives, evasion lasts 2s so the buff is worthless, -50% dmg for 10s is absolutely massive.


    I'd also ditch the 2 from slip away and the one in surgical strikes and put those 3 into infiltrator.

  4. And Explosive Probe & Orbital Strike (on normals, since it knockdowns).


    The ability itself is not bugged as Xontier states, it's the just the ui that doesn't register the change in mob state and so the ability doesn't display as 'usable'. You can still use it by hitting the hotkey, but you will have to rely on you knowing that it's time to use it rather than waiting for the ability to light up.

  5. So, can anyone tell me the build for leveling in med. spec? Needs leveling, flashpoints, solo and heroic quests. No pvp I believe.

    And 1 more: is it generally a good idea to level in heal spec?


    How about you play the game yourself and stop trying to avoid learning your class by getting other people to do it for you?


    Want to be a good healer? Go play and stop asking questions like this. You'll learn everything you need to know to adapt the class to your playstyle. That's the entire point of having a skilltree based char build.

  6. I've decided to level as heal spec. I know its viable, but I'm wondering what others have done as a typical dps rotation for general mobs.


    I'm only level 18, but I've been using mostly ranged up to this point. I assume this goes away as I stack more cunning (tech attacks) over aim (range). Experiences on how other healers leveled would be appreciated (included favorite companion). What does a typical pull look like for you?


    Why are you using aim? Operatives have no range attacks mate, we use cunning for literally everything. Ditch the aim gear asap and pick up cunning, then get in there to shiv and backstab (& grenade/explosive probe). You should have been in melee range from lvl 10 onwards.


    For me when I was your lvl:


    Sneak & start with a backstab+shiv, Kaliyo will have aggro'd at this point so pew-pew away (from melee range!!!) while waiting for shiv+backstab to reload or go take out a normal with explosive probe.


    I used Kaliyo > SCORPIO as companions. I didn't use KP much while leveling, I'd toss it around between fights but I didn't bother using it as a main heal.

  7. Basically OPs as of right now, are beat out by another class in every way.


    Ignore the troll.


    Well played ops are as good as well played BH's, they both bring unique skills to the raid and both are just as useful as each other. It's more the player than the class when it comes to this game.

  8. Operative can heal every hard mode FP as well as all the easy ones, usually without any problem. There's only one or two events I have trouble with simply because the aggro/ae on them sucks and I don't use our last heal spell since I didn't buy it from the skill tree.


    It's a bit different healing as an op because many people use our skills incorrectly and so can't keep their energy at sufficient levels to keep the healing going, but if you do it right you can heal forever in every flashpoint without having to use adrenaline probe.


    Basically don't listen to the whiners - this is one of those awesome classes that is based more on the player than the skills we get. There's a lot of micromanagement and doing things while moving/having to learn how to use defensive abilities at the right time, but the class is awesome.


    Not sure about damage spec as I've only ever specced healer, but from the pvp videos I've seen of the fotm facerolling cookie cut spec we put out some quite high dps as well. Certainly able to hold our own in that regard.

  9. I stack crit/surge and use this skillset for pvp:




    Quite rare not to get 8-12 medals and survivability is awesome with medpac & stim for the extra hp. Burst dps is still very good, you just lack a knockdown like concealment specs have.


    It's nice being able to keep a turret on your side or carry the ball in huttball. Stealth taking doors in voidstar is good with this spec as well.

  10. you had just preemptively blamed everyone other than yourself for potentially dying.


    oh btw, try hard mode operations and 16 men, i think your rhetoric should place you in that tier.


    I was talking about hard mode operations.


    Clearly my post doesn't blame everyone other than myself, it simply offers the suggestion that if people other than the tank are taking CONSTANT avoidable damage as in you have to heal them so much that the rest of the raid is in jeopardy, they are doing their job wrong and need to be told as much. With that said it's quite rare that people die due to lack of healing during operations, more often happens during like the end phase of hc ev1 when everyone is on low hp anyway and healing has to be prioritised to dps classes. It was just a suggestion for your raids in particular, perhaps your guildies haven't worked out the best strats for an individual boss and so are placing strain on your healing ability.


    The rest of my post says if you are having enough problems that you feel the need to come on these forums and say that the class is broken you need to blame yourself and change your healing strats, cause some of us have no problem healing. I could have said that directly but I thought suggestion and subtlety would lessen the blow of being told you're healing incorrectly. ;)

  11. second this ^


    it is the worst clutch healer among the 3. it gets punished for a disproportional degree for deviating from the heal rotations. its normal non-crit heal is the weakest among the 3, avg at about 2.5k (although crits are higher, but you can't rely on the 35% crit chance, can you?) - not spammable.



    1st direct heal - takes 25 energy - simultaneously casting 2 of this will cause your energy regen to take a 40% dip... yet this is the beard & butter of the healing spec.


    2nd direct heal - it requires TA AND energy - oh, make sure your TA has more time left than the cast time. it can start casting and does not go off if the TA buff expires before it finishes casting


    HoT probe - requires 2 GCDs to be marginally useful - yet it takes 15 energy and simultaneously casting 3 of these will put you under the optimal energy regen rate..


    aoe hots - area = too small, cooldown = too long, heal to energy ratio is okay


    instant heal - requires TA, heals for sub 1k non-crit...


    diagnostic scan - 2 sec channel - good for situations when your energy is near zero and the regen rate is at rock bottom - heals for about 400 (for real)


    Second his post all you like, you're both still wrong.


    I've healed operations/hard fps as an op healer (and in some cases solo healed operation bosses if the the other healer dies or disconnects) and don't have any problems at all. I extremely rarely KP anyone but the MT and keep people topped up with direct KI+SP's if they fall low enough that they need a big burst of healing or just SP's alone while keeping KI on the main tank. I don't use Diagnostic Scan and haven't since I've gotten the skill. No one uses Kolto Infusion, not sure why you mention it. You don't need RN to heal raids (I didn't buy the skill).


    You guys either aren't managing energy properly, aren't equipped for the roles you're trying to cover or don't know effective healing strategies. Looking at the post above me i'm looking at the latter option. If you're dropping below 70% energy regularly, as in you need to use adrenaline probe (energy probe, whatever its called) as anything other than an emergency energy reserve more than a couple of times a night while raiding, you're doing it wrong. If people you're healing need you to spam them and they aren't tanking, they are doing it wrong. Lots of the damage people take in EV is avoidable, they just need to learn the events and their defensive abilities better. And they need to buy medpacs. There's no excuse not to have them for emergencies when people make 200k+ a day just doing the belsavis daily run.

  12. The issue with healing and leveling though is that dps is a far better mitigator than your healing with the gear and talents at hand. You need to kick butt in order to survive.




    I'm sure you're passionate about playing your specific build, but this statement is ridiculous. Are you honestly trying to say that a concealment spec can do the same things and live as long as a medic spec can? Cause if so you're either under lvl 20 or talking out of your arse. I haven't seen a concealment spec yet that could do half the things I did while leveling as a medic or most of the things I'm doing at 50 solo as a medic. Healing is absolutely king for soloing in this game, something you sacrifice to kill a little faster as a concealment spec.


    There's literally nothing while leveling that you need to be DPS specced in order to defeat and very few (soloable) champion/heroic based mobs that you need to kill before enrage timers hit at lvl 50.

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