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Everything posted by HomeSlixe

  1. there were a bunch of haters prelaunch, but definitely not as many as now!
  2. those numbers haven't been released. since you don't know, quite making things up.
  3. Hopefully this time around Makos Ops outfit doesn't give me Combat outfit pants! EDIT: It did
  4. Have they been adjusted recently to allow more players or are there less logging? I'm asking this as my servers are never extremely full with 10-15 minute queues any more. I hope the population isn't shrinking!
  5. Called out in such a polite manner too. Kill em with kindness!
  6. I was shocked when I read it the first time, but soon after some investigating found out to be a lie. Good thing forums are a minority or there would be many more concerned as the there are lots of people who don't do their homework :S
  7. Any one else noticing an absurd amount of trolls claiming they were banned but were not on the forum? I've seen at least one a day on the developer tracker, so there are probably more. Whats the point in these cheap shots (WoW fan bois?)?
  8. they are too busy playing to worry about surveys and forums
  9. cool story bro. can I have your stuff?
  10. I agree with everything you said except this. MMOS do not work in the same manner as single player games. They need content patches to keep end game players occupied as this is an intrinsic part to a great MMO experience. Not to say Bioware isn't doing this. In fact they are producing content at an unheard of rate in by any standard. We are expecting this patch early this year, compared to WoW which took 8 some odd months from release.
  11. i dragged the item back into the commendations vender, got some back. not all, but some.
  12. quote from http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1052403-Purple-color-clystals-color-crystals-list : "You can't remove the purple crystal from PVP sabers. In fact, you don't even have access to the crystal as those items aren't moddable. The colors I know exist in game are as followed: © for craftable © Red © Yellow © Green © Blue © Orange © Magenta Black-Yellow Black-Red Purple Light Blue The last few I've either seen, or seen the recipe to make them. My source is personal experience." By Phrixor
  13. Getting a bad feeling as I remember the lamentations of EA LOUSE just over a year ago... launch bugs are one thing but this is striking a familiar tone :S
  14. So I can be a Jedi with a red lightsaber, but am restricted against purple? That is one of the most questionable marketing decisions I've heard to date. After all I've NEVER seen a Jedi with a purple lightsaber... red though, all the time!
  15. think the reference was to actual cannon, not expanded universe
  16. really? not all major planets have these? they trying to stump the games economy? next thing you know they'll disable search functions on the GTN. then they will further confuse us by doing the same to the forums so we can't catch on that they aren't planning on doing anything about it!
  17. How about a lift to and from the speeder pads to your ship? Since when do you walk from your house to the airport hmm? take a damn bus or taxi!
  18. no one seems to be used to gcd, the reason it feels different than wow is because it is different than wow
  19. C:\Users\*user*\Documents\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Screenshots
  20. keep looking they are there... found em somewhere before
  21. Samuel L Jackson is to TOR as Chuck Norris is to WoW. And... There's some mother *********** snakes on this mother *********** plane!
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