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Everything posted by SWImara

  1. Whats awesome is that it is so hard to tell on the SWTOR forums. A reasonable person might assume that you're correct and that OP was indeed being sarcastic since his statement was so over the top clown-shoes. I assure you however, he is 100% serious, unless he is an epic troll... and if so sir, bravo to you Krionic. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=334391 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=334088
  2. How is snaring comparable to your DoT hero issue? I appreciate that at least this "QQ I can't DoT Rambo" anymore thread had a cleverly deceptive title. Do you honestly have any idea how cleanse works in this game? It is definitely not as ideal as you would like to make it seem. Everyone has a CC break. Cleanse is limited by the "type" of effect it is, unfortunately resulting in often only 1 or two ACs being able to cleanse an effect.
  3. SWImara

    Bye Bye pvp

    Agreed, some of these threads make me miss the days of people raging out over zomgtracermissiles.
  4. SWImara

    sub canceled

    Sitting at work, eating a #brownie
  5. SWImara

    Bye Bye pvp

    A) The amount of threads complaining about the DoT change is mindblowing B) There is no way anyone expected things to stay the way they were C) Trust me your AC is still fine, you just can't DoT rambo a group to singlehandedly win PvP anymore
  6. My sentiments exactly. 90% (made up statistic) of people I started SWTOR with (no sample size offered) have gone back to WoW - and we aren't FOTM kids, most of us are in our 40s and blah blah etc etc (neat biographical tidbit, your personal story). ^^ This is an anecdote, that does not make it bad/unimportant it just means that ultimately one can't draw any sort of worthwhile conclusions off of it. The part I quoted for above is a cute/interesting/potentially valuable narrative.
  7. Agreed, your comments seemed totally reasonable. OP however was unquestionably "raging" (see thread name). Believe me, I am not saying that the issue is inconsequential. It is however the same thing that's happened in pretty much every MMO I've played... basically ever. Gaming communities around the world are not treated equally, we don't pay the same rate, we don't get the same support, we don't get the same service, such is life. I hear ya to a degree, but I don't know that it was any sort of malicious misinformation so much as standard MMO oversight. Yes we should certainly be past this by now, but clearly we are not. Empathy is def not the same as pity, but yes I agree their approach to customer service could really use some looking at. Definitely if quitting out of disappointment works for you, go for it, but if you're already planning to come back (I mean quitting till X date is essentially that) I can't imagine that your show of displeasure will amount to much.
  8. Anecdote =/= Data. I'm sorry your friends left, but if they weren't enjoying themselves that's for the best. My gaming friends are in their 30s to 40s as well, still playing, having fun etc. Is my anecdote any more relevant than yours?
  9. While on one hand I feel for you, on the other I've only so much empathy to offer. If it is still a mindblowingly not fair travesty of modern gaming, there is the option of saving your 15$ until April 29th and resubscribing in time to play with friends on the new server. Or if you prefer to recoup your losses resub in 2-3 months so you haven't wasted your 15$ a month leveling/playing/theoretically having fun?
  10. While I'd also appreciate this, I think some of the recent and planned patches have done just that. The hectic changes to Ilum and coming changes to warzones definitely strike me as a recognition of error and dedication to fixing it promptly.
  11. Create an alt on the server to placeholder your name. The legacy issue is a problem, but that is a problem we are all facing with server transfers. Who knows how it will work, so why rage out about it based on assumptions?
  12. Based on absolutely nothing but my own opinions, I will disagree. I understand some people are unhappy about this... but I am willing to bet there is not some vast majority of Aussies/Kiwis that you have been elected due representative of. A free transfer in just a few months is just that, a free transfer. People can choose to stay on their current servers if they wish. Or they can make alts on the new server and keep working on their main till the transfer. I just don't see how this is something deserving of forumrage.
  13. For a moment I thought this was some weird Star Wars Yoda quote then I realized you were serious. The amount of rage has nothing to do with the amount of betrayal, it is just a crappy standard of online behavior (particularly in MMOs). Everyone knows games hype tons before they release, yet everyone falls for it time and again only to rage out on the boards. The MMO community is not monolithic, we do not all want the same thing, yet everyone assumes they speak for everyone thus all the "why so many people are quitting - by randomforumdood" posts. If mainstream MMO design has proven anything since WoW it should be that you obviously can't please everyone, and developers should stop attempting to do so. I quit vanilla WoW after months of hearing about how PvP was a "pillar" of that game's design theory, there was utterly 0 PvP support for months. I understand the game is polished now, it was a hot mess in many ways on release and for about a year post-release. Age of Conan was for me the best example of betrayal > rage and even there it was overexaggerated. People's expectations for AoC were ridiculous (I know mine were) but even given the game's problems the reactions to AoC on the forums were to put it politely tragic. Perhaps people should find things in real life worth raging out about, there are plenty of them. Your class getting nerfed or running out of of zomg3leet raid gear to grind isn't something deserving of mass action. The world might be a better place if people reacted to things the way MMO board warriors do.
  14. For risk of sounding like another forum sheep I'm going to agree on this one. That being said, class balance is always a work in process, balance is always changing and on a certain level people are full of it. Remember up until recently all over the PvP forums people were raging about "tracer spam" and OP Commandos. Now it seems pretty widely recognized that if you get owned by a tracerspamming Mercenary or gravrounding Commando you were probably herpderping and should just give up on PvP. How did this opinion change so quickly? The same way all opinions change quickly, they're largely baseless. Someone gets pwnt by a Commando, they come to the forums and complain, others who were pwnt jump on the bandwagon. Meanwhile the Vanguard or Marauder player is just puzzled on why people don't realize how totally ******* powerful their AC is.
  15. I am also going to suggest that this gap is not as huge as you might imagine. Don't form your opinions off of what forum sheep have to say. In almost every game I've played I started out playing a sub-par class and I've never had a problem finding groups, particularly once I've played with people for a bit. I don't know if its my luck or the archetype I prefer but from Shadowbane Blademaster to Vanilla WoW Paladin to AoC Dark Templar I've always had people tell me my class sucks because of some **** they heard from a friend or some crap they read on the boards. 1) Figure out your Vanguard DPS spec 2) Gear up 3) Try different builds 4) Melt face 5) Get invited to groups If anything the current lack of combat logs makes this issue even more perception based. To be blunt, on average people have no idea which class is "better" than another class, they're just basing their opinions on anecdote and what they've heard. Exactly.
  16. @OP It is all unfortunately really standard MMO forum behavior. SWTOR might be marginally worse than most game's forums but they've always been pretty bad in my recollection. Definitely post WoW the trend got worse, but best I could suggest is that if you can't deal with forum haters it'd be best to just avoid the boards in total. Now and then you'll find some useful stuff here, but it is more the exception than the rule. Please... in what game don't people feel "betrayed" the MMO community (if one even exists anymore) is always just looking for something new to rage and ***** about. Next stop, Guild Wars (aka the Newest Greatest Game EVA!!!). I honestly think MMO boards are worse than YouTube comments or Xbox Live chat these days.
  17. ...? Would it have been better to delay the release of Asia/Pacific servers just to make sure that server transfers were available on release? The amount of wtfrage on the forums is seriously mindblowing at times. Every time there is any issue whatsoever the first thought is to flip the William Wallace switch and start raging about unfairness and FREEEDOM? No one has server transfers yet... you are not being targeted. Get over yourself.
  18. Emmm I'd argue that DPS is not all that anyone should be looking at in discussions of class balance. Believe me, I'd drop my Commando for a Vanguard any day of the week (I really regret choosing Commando as is) the class has terribly minimal utility. If you're talking PvE though I'll admit its a different story, honestly anyone demanding x or y class for this game's PvE is a clown anyway given how easy it is.
  19. Pretty well thought out comment for page one of a fourteen page thread. It'd be really nice if BW considered using in game surveys to collect opinion polls, at the moment I am growing increasingly fearful that they're watching the forums... which are like the dregs of any MMO's community.
  20. I appreciate the above ^^ Even with that being said though, people's perceptions are all too often warped by the utter trash that floats to the surface of the forums. I often tell friends when trying out any new game to at very least avoid the forums for the first several months. MMO forums have always been primarily for ************ (at least in my memory) but since the days of WoW it certainly seems to have gotten much worse. Personally I am still enjoying the heck out of the game, as I suspect are plenty of others. Really... if you're not... quit. That really honestly is a totally reasonable way to react if you don't think you're getting your money's worth. The game would have to be pretty much utter garbage for me not to be comfortable spending 15$ a month on it, but money means different things to different people.
  21. This became an issue with the creation of Ilum and the subsequent ability to maximize valor game in less than intended ways. The raising of warzone valor makes warzones once again the chief way (maybe?) to gain valor. The actual numbers needed for any given valor level can be altered later, as can the number of valor levels in the game. In other words, while I feel for those who "worked" to BM so far (not really) ultimately it doesn't matter. 100 Valor might not even always be the cap, the amount of Valor gained is less important than the relative ease to gain valor. Currently Ilum is much easier to gain valor than warzones, this change pushes that back in the opposite direction.
  22. Jesus how I appreciate reading stuff like this. The SWTOR forums really make me wonder at times. Of course OP enjoyed being Rambo, but that is not how a game should work. Seriously hope no one was taken by surprise by this fix.
  23. Can't believe people are complaining about this fix... seriously. Your sorceror is neither Arnold Schwarzenegger nor Captain America. You are playing on a team, you should not be able to single-handedly defend objectives... your bag of tricks is deep enough without this particular nonsense.
  24. To be blunt this argument would have more merit if valor rating was somehow also tied to kvd ratio, win v loss ratio or some other simplistic measure of ability. Valor is an xp grind, grind =/= skill.
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