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Everything posted by Xenith

  1. Excellent post. Now I'm going to try and find a post where someone complains about how all armor is the same looking with no diversity except in color. Why would someone want to "progress further" when you're going to look the same. It's like going to two different restaurants for as cheeseburger.
  2. There's nothing you can do to really make your playerbase like the Rep side more than the Imperial side. It's a matter of what the fan already likes. Me personally, I prefer Republic because I enjoy the story and what-not more along with some of the abilities. Unless they say, oh, we've added Yoda's race or, you can now play as Luke/Darth Vader, there's really nothing they can do. It's all a matter of what most players prefer honestly.
  3. I wonder if the OP and his/her whiny followers are eating their words since the next update or so introduces lvl 50 PvP brackets. People are ridiculous. Including the OP. You guys need to find better things to rage quit about because a thread like this is pointless given my first sentence.
  4. Glad we could make you smile! I thoroughly enjoy the color matching in yours!
  5. You guys also have to keep in mind, a lot of people have been in the beta for quite a few months and some have hit 50, played the same class each time, etc and know their classes story already. Thus, skipping it becomes a viable option.
  6. Congrats on hitting 50, be it world/server first or not. Prepare yourself for the love and hate posts bud.
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