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Everything posted by Botho

  1. With gear around he 220 mark your probably going to have about 1850 bonus healing, a bubble with the 10% talent will be around the 9000 mark give or take, It's not something you would ignore. It can be thought of as a heal as many say and there right, but it can obviously be used proactively as well. SO it's pretty flexible in it's usage and it's instant which is awesome. Just be wary about throwing it around, use it where it's needed but don't constantly apply it to everyone as that's not so efficient for HPS or for power.
  2. It's basically a 100% pointless change.
  3. 4.3 is April the 1st? so 6 and a half weeks, that is a lame effort. Really weak. I mean c'mon.
  4. Because if they did then it didn't happen for whatever reason there would be a huge explosion of internet rage and calls of injustice and then the demand for the BW austin building to be burned down and the staff members heads removed and paraded on the street on spikes to show future devs what breaking an MMO promise really means. On the other hand if they don't....
  5. Nice effects but for this game, you will never see any of it. There's no reason for them to allocate the funds this way, this game is mostly set up now to drag in what money it can without costing them to much to maintain until it's dying breath.
  6. Personally disappointed, I enjoyed the Story of Kotfe but In reality Operations are what I enjoy mostly. And as such the recycled content is grating me and the lack of any mention of work In Progress Is not filling me with much hope for the future.
  7. What I noticed about Master and Blaster now is Masters auto attack zap zap hurts like hell. Was hitting me unmitigated for 18k as a shadow in 220+some 224. Shielded was roughly 9k, but if you get unlucky and don't shield your taking a crap ton of burst damage in a very short window
  8. Both those Decorations require and Floor Medium Narrow at minimum to drop. You'll find both listed under Utilities, Tools. If there not there, I will guess that either you consumed them into your personal collection, or if your sure you definitely dropped them into your guild bank to donate them, it's possible that you chose the NO on the pop up box in which case they will be sitting in your bank rather than the ships decoration pool.
  9. Would be nice, seems likely as well since a Pergola and a Gazebo are different things. But ya never know with BW.
  10. Is this Makeb Gazebo decoration a new thing or you talking about or is it in game already?
  11. Assuming your playing as a DPS and talking about doing PvE content the first thing to get sorted is that Accuracy, you want it up to 100% for Ranged / 110% Tech which requires around 750 accuracy + the 1% from max affection from any melee Tank Companion, in the trooper case that would be Tanno Vik.
  12. I believe the rewards a accumulated over the next few months and given at release. July 31st Nico August 31st Blaster Sept 30th Duster Oct 19th the Speeder http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/home If you scroll down to the Rewards section it does say in Large print. BE A SUBSCRIBER ON THE DATES BELOW TO EARN REWARDS IN-GAME AT LAUNCH
  13. Viable for what exactly?
  14. It's kinda weird having Noble Sacrifice back on the gcd but that's just a muscle memory thing really, I've been messing around a little with my stats, I think personally Critical rating has become a bit more attractive now, gonna try upping it to around 30% and see how it works out, Pre 3.3 I was around 25% or so. Only healed a couple of SM ops so far as I don't main heal with my guild much but overall saw higher hps after I got used to it with a bit of trial and error. As someone mentioned above, in general use slipping in one Vindicate per Healing Trance is enough to keep you going a long while, you just need think a bit more than previously which is good as it was pretty easy to disregard Force regen in 3.0.
  15. BARC speeder http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/8/85/Speeder.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20050417124745
  16. Gunnery is really mobile now, Assault not so much.
  17. The Dulfy guide's rotation is still pretty much the way to go except for Lightning Storm. Where as he has as an ideal opener. Precast CD > AF > Offensive Cool downs > TB > LF > Recklessness > CL > Force Storm > TB > Priority list You'll want to do (there are some variations but that,s how I do it) Precast CD > AF > Offensive Cool downs > TB > Force speed + Lightning Bolt > Recklessness > LF > CL > TB > Priority list The Reason for the force speed+ Lightning Bolt in there after TB is because the instant cast Lightning Bolt wont accidentally eat one of your Recklessness stacks like the proc of TB which can happen due to reactions and travel time. Just don't abuse Force Speed, instant cast Lightning bolt isn't a dps increase as it's still a gcd regardless, save it for when you need it to move and dps or just move quickly in general. The guys Priority list is still pretty valid as well. As for utilities, well they are pretty subjective to the fight or what your doing,
  18. Many do this fight in different ways, depends somewhat on classes and how much dps your dps can do individually. From my personal experience, we only have 1 dps killing Lasers and Fire along with the current offtank helping and any dot spreading helps as well, he will call for dedicated help if he needs it but otherwise he is on his own, this task is better suited to a Ranged Burst spec. You mention about healers not using panels, well healing is not the hardest part of this fight at all if everyone else is behaving, you need to get 5 repairs done before burning the boss so, make your Heals do as many as they can, well realistically 3 of summons. The timing of Lasers is such that, on Odd numbers Lasers will spawn shortly after Wookie Rage, and Even numbers you can summon the Repair droid immediately without worry, easiest way for you guys considering the amount of Commandos is have them pop Hold the line as wookie rage begins and summon during it rather than waiting till it finishes. Enraged turrets just sounds like dps are not putting enough effort into killing them, Commandos are probably not the best in general with there smaller aoe but it shouldn't stop ya, just make sure your aoe'ing the boss as well as eh turrets as much as possible.
  19. I'm no expert but It's nothing to do with Telia as an ISP, telia owns a fair majority at least of the Backbone connections between various county's, Including the route most go to get to Dublin via London where the EU servers are located, many have fixed the problem temporarily using VPN type software such as WTFast and Pingzapper to route through France which seems to avoid the problem areas. In any case I don't think Bioware can be held accountable for this really, unless they caused the fire that damaged the infrastructure. Search around the forums there's a lot of posts already on the subject.
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