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Everything posted by Sarano

  1. http://i.imgur.com/c2TSXD8.jpg 10/10 from the Exi-man.
  2. I knew, he's the only one delusional enough to think he's even mediocre at anything!
  3. Can you call your guild for Wolfpacks instead?
  4. queue for arenas let's settle this. #comeatme!
  5. By the time you kept seeing me on republic was during my "Prime" time in Coral, lots of farming to do and whatnot, generally just having fun. My imperial characters have been on ToFN for.. Well quite a long time. When the first transfers were available to ToFN, free transfers. Still, the initial plan was to play republic but as I mentioned earlier, we lost our healer.
  6. Personally I play imp more frequently due to the fact we lost our rep healer because she had to take a break from the game for a fair while. So backup plans were made, and so we found a healer on imp (Faiaar) and a tank on imp so I could play my sin (Rommer). So basically that's the only "real" reason that I'm imp, same with Aseko.. Aseko, Dariann and I would gladly hop on rep if we had a proper team but It's so much easier on imp due to most of the players residing there the way I see it. HOWEVER, I might start playing rep soonish as I have certain plans in mind, but as for now and the launch of season 1 It'll still be a little while. Hopefully we'll have a hard go at season 1 once it lauches. (Hopefully).
  7. Don't think Yummy drinks, and Fluffy drinks far too much for it to be worth it, when Roudy drinks things go wild. Should've heard him the day we did arenas when he was drunk.
  8. I tried REALLY, REALLY hard to find one about Bru and I but like.. I can't find any. I can't think of a single song that ends in a neutral manner nor a video really, I was thinking of something that references the fact that IMO Bru and I were the strongest healer / tank duo I've experienced but It's too sugar sweet to really match Bru and I's relationship. So I gave up. : p Or well I'd say Trs / Me or Bru / Me I loooooved.
  9. Rommer - You know it. Aseko Morvin LOVE YOU MORV #comeatmeplz Gerikke Faiaar BISCUIT Zaer Less tunnelling thank you. Dariann (Miss you!) Rwzs are missed! To the pugs & "Non-factors" as Gerikke would say. #Loveyou Kevinor Despite the bad stuff, imo it suits what happened with Coral, from 1 perspective of course. #huehuehue I actually like the song, and I couldn't help myself. Dhaima That's most definitely our arguments before and after ranked warzones. Can you guess who is who!? Be patriotic, because I really had no other material. You're far too messed up for it to be appropriate on a public forum. : P SACIELA / Fred (AKA Ben) Well done Ben! Glory And his amazing teeth! : D Glory's dentist is not a very honest nor professional person. Good times. But on a more serious note is more fitting Xeoulie, he's bick. Dem kiwis. Meet
  10. You my acquaintance, live in a fantasy world. And I - Live in a hostile one! Hurray!
  11. It's been over 1 year for you now and you still haven't found your own mistakes. #OHSAP.
  12. Rofl.. That vintari guy is so bad.. : P His tunnel visioning is amazing, the fact that Dhaima is in mid and they have no other sage in the team by the seems and a shadow has the ball - He figures they should all go mid when they have 3 people who can intercept. And he doesn't pass the ball when there's 2 vanguards waiting to pull him, + he wastes his CC breaker before a fire.. How on earth did this guy even play without being frowned upon? And he doesn't guard Agentjay when he's being attacked by 2 people nor does he save his intercede for when he actually needs it. He uses a push several times on people to try and get them into acid despite the fact he's the only one in mid at one point instead of saving it for when he'll need it, not like he was going super low and it would've saved him. And by the seems he has no clue where half the people are, nor does he have a focus target... At 1 point "Disable the vanguard" - Pushes him 15 meters, OH YES THAT'LL STOP HIM! This is rather amusing. : D - "He's got transcendence ready" Um no, it was already used, TWICE. Near the end he's going "Anyone getting ahead of me", the fact that he could've just looked at the mini map to answer his question for the next 5-10 seconds is somewhat amazing. He asks the sorc to pull him before they've used their 1-2 pulls, instead of waiting for either Giin or their marauder to spam CC the vanguards or atleast keep an eye out where they are **** the incompetence in this video makes me wanna rage. It's safe to say I'd have ended up yelling at this guy and the sorc 5000 times. "Most awesome game I've ever played" I take it that was his only ranked game he ever played? Huehuehueheu #ragecomplete.
  13. Wow. What a gerikke sentence. #uclearlynotafanboybruhyumadkthxyunohealbettahyubadbruh? #icanteechunpfivemillioncashondatableraitnowbigmankcomeatmeplz.
  14. He ain't no - http://i.imgur.com/gRGgRu2.jpg He's a real winner.
  15. Something something something about him being an elitist, something something something about him being annoying something something something about him being rude. Same old same old.
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