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Everything posted by cjmarsh

  1. I'm convinced whoever named that ability still giggles about it to this day.
  2. You're absolutely right that the poll is biased. Yes, it is important to have unbiased polling. However, it is the only evidence I've seen presented by either side of the debate so "largely meaningless" seems like academic for 'its not perfect so we should ignore it'.
  3. I never said swtor wasn't in decline, it's a ten-year-old game so of course it is. But it has made a billion dollars for Bioware so I'd say its been profitable for them.
  4. This is definitely the best way I've ever seen someone say 'never'.
  5. Is there some reason to doubt the numbers other than because the poll was posted on reddit? You just completely made up a number range for reddit's error and declared it in a way that makes me think your numbers are the unreliable ones. I would be surprised if they did. They've made a profit for a decade so by at least one metric they're doing something right. There's always room for improvement though so hopefully they are open to feedback.
  6. Change your ship to one from another origin story. The ships could be for sale or better yet unlocked via completed content.
  7. I agree but my point was more that the number of medals earned should matter so as to incentivize effort. Instead of having a specific number of medals as the target, something that would encourage people to get the minimum and check out, having the weekly be a total number of medals means that those who are capable of getting lots of medals will be motivated to put more effort in. This is a good point, for people new to pvp or those without much experience it can be difficult to gain medals. However, having medals be the goal for the weekly would encourage people to figure out how to get more medals, which (mostly) means getting better at pvp and improving the experience for everyone. Having said that, there really needs to be more in-game resources for learning about, and getting better at, pvp in all its forms.
  8. That's interesting, I always knew that story was a big draw for the game but I didn't realize the numbers were so high. Roughly 70% of players are primarily interested in the story according to that poll and I have no reason to doubt it. One thing to consider is that even though many are drawn to the game by the story, they usually stick around because of the community. I don't think this game would have 70% of its player-base still if it got rid of everything but the story.
  9. This is essentially what all the legalese you accept without looking at is all about.
  10. In every one of your posts you keep saying that Solo Story play is the most popular. What makes you say that? Is there any data to back that up? For the record, this is a serious question, I am genuinely curious.
  11. I like this idea, using medals as the way to earn credit incentivizes people to put in some effort. An issue I see with making one of the points a certain number of medals would be that it encourages people to just afk on the node for the minimum amount. As an alternative, make each medal earn a point in a loss and two in a win against a total number required for the weekly.
  12. Something that might help is to have better training wheels when introducing warzones to new players. A series of missions where new players fight bots in each warzone with some pop-ups along the way explaining what the objectives are and some general strategy would go a long way towards improving warzone matches for everyone.
  13. Metallic and other kinds of material dyes can work well. However, it can quickly lead to an enormous amount of dyes. The current system doesn't really have a good way to support that but an idea might be to have a dye unlocking system. Similar to Guild Wars 2, dyes would be a consumable that unlocks that color/material for your legacy and can be applied to any number of your character's outfits. This would allow for a huge number of dyes and customization but it would also require extra development time to make a window displaying your legacy dye unlocks.
  14. It would certainly be a challenge to remove trash mobs, if only because different players have different ideas of "trash". But in regards to the flashpoints, I agree that they were a good introduction to group content when they first came out. However, it was all too easy to level past them and when playing at launch I recall never bothering to go back to complete most of them until much later. I do think that cheesing flashpoints, and the toxicity that comes with the divide between players who want to experience the story and combat vs. those who want the rewards as quickly as possible, is one of the major issues the game faces. Perhaps that's a conversation for another thread though.
  15. Fair point, making it easier to learn and stick with a rotation is a good goal. Perhaps preserving the alacrity target is a good idea but I also think its important to make the experience at lower-leveled areas not feel overpowered. I wish they'd reduce the number of trash mobs in favor of a smaller number of more challenging encounters but that's another matter.
  16. I've never seen someone say nothing so eloquently.
  17. Well it turns out my monitor had a cinematic filter on so it appeared completely black to me. It could still use some contrast, however, if only for readability.
  18. After deconstructing items the window that pops up with a list of what was deconstructed is extraordinarily hard to see. For the first several times I did it I just assumed I didn't get anything at all. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/wzmgKU3.png
  19. 12k is a bit of an exaggeration based on parsing data but they certainly do need to do some work on bringing the specs closer together.
  20. Their problem is that half the population wants it to be easier and half wants it to be harder.
  21. The thought of trying to balance such a hybrid system gives me a headache on the dev's behalf. It's hard enough trying to balance 24 different professions, being able to mix them together would be a nightmare.
  22. It's mildly annoying having to deal with so many mails but I enjoy getting all the free stuff, each and every time.
  23. I think the new icons are way too pixelated but it would be nice for the origin story icons to match the profession icons in style at some point.
  24. Well I think the issue is that they're considered gear, which doesn't stack. It would likely require reworking how the dyes are processed on the back end but players having dozens of duplicate dyes from reward tracks might make it worthwhile.
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