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Guild bonuses


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I think that Swtor needs some sort of guild bonus like Rift has to make people want to be in a guild.


You can have PVP bonus and PVE bonuses.

You can have rally banners to rally your guild to a location e.g. to a FP entrance for example or Raid.


There are many possibilities but the main thing is to get people to want to be in a guild, as I have noticed lately that people just don't want to be in them anymore. You can get enough comms on dailies to get gear, even if it is not top end gear its good enough to stay out of one.


I know they introduced the 5% xp bonus but I hope they expand on it a bit more.


Any way just my thoughts



Thanks for reading....

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*snip* guild bonus *snip* to make people want to be in a guild


Aaah yes ... i can already see the guild spam on the fleet: "WE accept everyone! ninja-looter? so what! Sociopath? even you are welcome! WE have ALL the bonuses! JOIN US!"


Please, can't we stop giving cookies in the hope that people behave more social (insert nelson laughter here)?

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Please, can't we stop giving cookies in the hope that people behave more social (insert nelson laughter here)?


So what cookies are there already? Can we stop giving people what we do not have? well no we cannot because they do not exist , apart from the already implemented 5% XP bonus in latest update, which has been out a day. My point is.... this isn't enough. And more guild perks need to be introduced, not everyone has to agree and as you have different opinion, as do I , but at least I can have my opinion.

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No. Look at World of Warcraft, guild perks ruined guilds in that game. Do we really need McGuilds in TOR?


Genuine question - how did it ruin guilds in WOW?


I only ask because my experience of the guild levels and bonuses system was really positive and I thought it was a great idea, so much so that I would love to see it here. Equally there may be negatives that I just didn't notice and I'm honestly interested in how it negatively affected anyones gameplay...

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Genuine question - how did it ruin guilds in WOW?


I only ask because my experience of the guild levels and bonuses system was really positive and I thought it was a great idea, so much so that I would love to see it here. Equally there may be negatives that I just didn't notice and I'm honestly interested in how it negatively affected anyones gameplay...


people tend to only want to join the guilds with all the perks max lvl ect ect ect i dont mind perks but there is a lot more they could give guilds then perks

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Genuine question - how did it ruin guilds in WOW?


I only ask because my experience of the guild levels and bonuses system was really positive and I thought it was a great idea, so much so that I would love to see it here. Equally there may be negatives that I just didn't notice and I'm honestly interested in how it negatively affected anyones gameplay...


The perks were too good and felt like requirements, so people felt like they were forced to be in a guild, even if they had no interest in being in a guild. This in turn lead to massive guilds with hundreds of players who didn't talk to each other because they were only interested in being in the guild for the perks.


To be fair, WoW also had a guild leveling system, with different perks being unlocked based on the guilds level. That also contributed greatly to the downfall of guilds, with many guilds mass recruiting people (the spam of invites if you're unguilded is ridiculous) and guilds been run like factories, with the end goal being to level up and achieve perks. Small guilds almost entirely died out, they didn't have the numbers to level up fast enough to earn the perks, no one was interested in joing them, and without the perks they fell behind the guilds that did.


Even if TOR doesn't include guild leveling, the inclusion of perks will make start to make guilds feel like a requirement.

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