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PvP in Quest/PvE areas on a PvE server, why?


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Repeating for the guys above who didn't read and thought someone said pvp should be removed altogether...





Simple fix (pve servers)




If you're not flagged for pvp, then your companion shouldn't be able to hit them, and you shouldn't be able to cast heals/buffs on a flagged player either.




Game should simply make it impossible for you or your companion to either hit or heal/buff a flagged player when you're unflagged.


Edited by lollie
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So as yet still no official response regarding this issue it being intentional or a bug/exploit. Seeing as this is in GD section, not surprising, threads live and die by the minute/second not hour or day even.


What you described is how it's worked in alot of other games with flagging systems, I don't see why it's such a shock here.
It was a shock because I didn't know it was a common thing for MMO's to do on a PvE server, sure PvP I'd expect even want this to be an actual feature of the game, it's a PvP server for a reason. On a PvE server, there are arena games and duel requests for a reason.


I feel for you....but wanting to cancel your sub for being killed twice. woa.
Trice but I do know what you mean, to you it might seem a gross over reaction but try to look at it from my perspective. I pretty much detest PvP in just about every format, I understand that there are those that love it even think that a game without it is pointless to play. That's fine, that's why there are PvP servers for like minded individuals, such is the same for those that get (I would hope) onto PvE servers because they prefer the game's story or group dynamic vs the game AI, or just likes walking around with a lightsaber, w/e the case might be. A PvPer in a PvE server flagging themselves next to a player doing quest just so they can gank them is just plain griefing.


Ok, someone flagged himself using AoE, news at 11.
I want Barbara Walters to interview me...


My point is simple, on a PvE server forced PvP should be impossible. You want to PvP, roll a toon on a PvP server, or play the arena games, heck request a duel if you're that gung-ho about it. I might even accept on equal terms with full knowledge on what's about to happen, instead of being blindsided by someone because my AoE happened to hurt them or their companion.

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