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So if dailies give you tokens to buy Level 23 mods/enhs ...


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To the two people above:


I play a Marauder.


"The Hilts you can make are better than the ones you can buy for Commendations" is true for me, because I have more use for extra Strength than I do for Endurance and the Commendation vendors sell few good 'Might' mods.


For a Juggernaut, who needs Endurance in addition to (or perhaps 'more than') Strength, The 'Guardian' mods the Commendation vendors sell are always better than what I can craft as an Artificer, because I can, at that level, ONLY craft 'Might' mods. So on that point the OP is absolutely right


While the purple Enhancements I can craft are always better than Commendation vendor ones, they are not, usually, better by all THAT much. Not at least, when you consider that doing quests that get you Commendations earn you credits, while the crafting you need to do to make Purple Enhancements only loses you credits.


The problem is less significant (but still pretty noticeable) for Cybertechs, who get materials from Salvaging, which is in many ways better than Archeology, but there is still the 'Purples only lose you credits in the end' problem to deal with.

Edited by RvEijndhoven
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The problem is that both Cybertech and Artifice crafters will not have any of their 24 schematics, let alone 23s, before most of your raid is already stocking up on even higher operation gear.


The 23s only being Tionese level (51) are horrid and completely underpowered with BoP crafting materials required for them. You will be getting the Columi (56) gear while collecting these materials. Same deal with the 24 materials (56), you will be getting Rakata (58) gear while collecting for them.


The schematics for 24/25 Armorings, Hilts, and Barrels need to be easier to acquire if we're already killing for drops at or above that level. Hell, every profession aside from Armormech and Synthweaving needs easier access to their patterns, since the sheer number of schematics for those two slant it so they drop over 90% of the time.

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What exactly is the point of spending tons of time and money leveling purple recipes for Artifice?


We can't even make mods AS GOOD as what you can buy, they are worse.


I think the OP is talking at "At level 50", as evident by the reference to "23s" in his title.


The problem being that by doing dailies you can acquire, for instance, "Skill Barrel 23" at its highest purple level. But as an Armstech guy I can only make up to purple "Skill Barrel 22" and to my knowledge there isn't really a way to make anything better than that (Haven't heard of any Operation drop schems or anything). Even if their were BoP schematics from Operations that means you HAVE to do Operations if you intend to craft at max level.


The seems to be the standard argument I've seen a few dozen times now.

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