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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Holy sith would someone turn off colored text on these boards so special people don't have the option to make my head hurt ?


Could you provide ONE valid reason for why it's better to have the downtime at current times for EU customers instead of just speaking from your ***?

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I already address that in a different post and they base it off player base, The UK has always had a larger player base then most of Europe.


Again, its a game and if you have to base your life off a game and its downtime something is seriously wrong.


Your telling me people cant find something else to play or do during this time ?


If you dont like it quit and find an MMO that has downtime when you want it.


First of all thanks for bumping the thread trolly


And as someone wise told 90% of the statistics are invented. Just check the tor status web and you will see how the servers population are during the maintenance window that ea/bio chose for this game.

We are tired of this problem.

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Its about cost and time, if they did it at different times it would end up costing double on staff, its simple business.


People would be crying if they had to bump up subscription prices to accommodate everyone.


Like I said in many posts, if you have to base your life on an MMO and its downtime something is seriously wrong with you, Im a hardcore gamer and if downtime fell into my Peak playing times I would play a different game or find something else to do.


Errrr...lesser companies than EA can manage it, so your excuse is very thin.

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Its not about 'its only a game' sort your llife out. its about me, as a paying customer, given less of a service than another paying customer, all because that customer lives in the US. The mian piont being, A PAYING CUSTOMER, bioware dont make this game out of the goodness of their heart and they are not doing me a favour in anyway, i pay to play.


if you cannot give me the same treatment then i cannot contiue to give you my money.

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For you guys, yes you got the dirty end of the stick but they base downtime of player base too and I hate to say it but Finland is not that high on the list.

I have a secret I wish to share with you: Finland is not the only country in EET timezone.


Another secret: In Europe there are time-zones even further east.


Maybe I should let BioWare know about these secrets too? At least they don't seem to be aware of this.

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Again, bad agrument is bad.


Based on the exchange rate it already IS more to play in the EU than US....


Next fail attempt please? :rolleyes:


Now your just showing your lack of business sense and how the MMO world works, no wonder threads get filled up with pointless comments.


The exchange rate has no factor, Multiple downtime's would cost more on staff, its that simple. ;)

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Now your just showing your lack of business sense and how the MMO world works, no wonder threads get filled up with pointless comments.


The exchange rate has no factor, Multiple downtime's would cost more on staff, its that simple. ;)



I merely quoted the "sub price rise" but...I showed you how it is already


Every other MMO does it, hell even F2P MMO's do it, why can't "supposedly" the biggest do it?

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Its not about 'its only a game' sort your llife out. its about me, as a paying customer, given less of a service than another paying customer, all because that customer lives in the US. The mian piont being, A PAYING CUSTOMER, bioware dont make this game out of the goodness of their heart and they are not doing me a favour in anyway, i pay to play.


if you cannot give me the same treatment then i cannot contiue to give you my money.


+1, I feel like they just don't give a sith.

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I merely quoted the "sub price rise" but...I showed you how it is already


Every other MMO does it, hell even F2P MMO's do it, why can't "supposedly" the biggest do it?


But they dont lol. I think the only one who does is WoW and they used to do it the same way.

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Now your just showing your lack of business sense and how the MMO world works, no wonder threads get filled up with pointless comments.


The exchange rate has no factor, Multiple downtime's would cost more on staff, its that simple. ;)


If a tiny company like Trion can afford, so can EA/BioWare.


It's a poor excuse.

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But they dont lol. I think the only one who does is WoW and they used to do it the same way.



See above list....there are also MANY other's that do.


I can get the full list from Google if you would like, but it really be a bit pointless

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meh, im leaving these forums. I thought WoW forums were bad, but you guys (not just the whiners, but the haters, the ignorant, the trolls, the "fanbois") have annoyed me for the last time. the discussions are the same, the posts are the same and its the same people doing it.


Its like an old LP that's stuck (here they come....), its like hitting a dead animal with a stick, its like riddling some gangster with bullets after he landed on the ground dead, its like groundhog day, its like scientists say the universe was made by a big bang and the religious say it was god, its like contacting PC support because your computer wont work and its cause you DIDNT PLUG IT IN!......


Everytime I log on here I get angry with this community, THE FORUM COMMUNITY SUCKS BIG MAN APPLES.


Enjoy your flame wars, I wash my friggin hands of you all.


P.S. No I aint unsubbing, I just refuse to log on here EVER AGAIN(FULL STOP!)

Edited by Twaggy
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Please name these company's and show your evidence, just because you make something up, does not make it true lol.


All mmo game s with servers in europe for example


EQ2, swg, wow, rift, even the old eq, aoc, lord of the rings... basically all

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Why does he have to show you evidence when you don't? :D


Anyway, wow would be the perfect example - they have had different downtimes since the beginning and still make craploads of money, no? It's not like the costs for hiring anther maintenance team would even make a dent in the sums revolving mmo's of this size.

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Please name these company's and show your evidence, just because you make something up, does not make it true lol.


EA supplies games to the EU, they take my money so they can damwell treat me like a decent customer and sort out the downtimes if not i will stop paying, i dont care how good the game is, i am tired of being treated as second class, its lazy and its bad buisness practiice to alienate and upset a major pay base in the launch of an mmo, as that never goes away.

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All mmo game s with servers in europe for example


EQ2, swg, wow, rift, even the old eq, aoc, lord of the rings... basically all


SWG has had the same downtime's, I played the game for 7 years.

WoW used to do the same as Bioware is doing, this only changed in the last few years.

LOTR I never played.


EvE has one downtime, STO has one downtime, DC has one downtime.

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SWG has had the same downtime's, I played the game for 7 years.

WoW used to do the same as Bioware is doing, this only changed in the last few years.

LOTR I never played.


EvE has one downtime, STO has one downtime, DC has one downtime.


SWG had different times for EU and US. WoW has had these times since March 2005. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Edited by Mandrax
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SWG has had the same downtime's, I played the game for 7 years.

WoW used to do the same as Bioware is doing, this only changed in the last few years.

LOTR I never played.


EvE has one downtime, STO has one downtime, DC has one downtime.


Eve has just one server

Wow did separate maintenance window for europe in just one month

Just did the las last 8 years and 11 months

Swg galaxies has separate maintenance for the european server

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