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marauder... pve late game?


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Hey guys i was thinking about lvling a marauder!


There is alot of QQ about lvling as a marauder/pvp.


But i want to know how is there end game PVE Viability right now?



Mara does the most single target damage, or so I was told. At 50 I was told, that having a range CCer made a flashpoint run easier and more smooth. Even if I did bring a damage and healing buff.



The 5-10 percent extra dps we bring does not make up for the lack of cc, and defense. My bros would not ditch me and I will always have a spot with them, but they are also looking forward to me getting my alt up.

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QQ lvling as a Marauder? Wuttttt?!


Anyhow, lvling/PvE (solo questing and such) is super easy and I found it easier to lvl/PvE using the Rage tree. I'm Annh spec now and it's perfect for Operations/Hardmode FP and I can solo elites like no other. In terms of strong/regular mobs in groups, you are far better off with Rage spec. I basically did Rage spec to 50 and then spec'd to Annihilation for groups.

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Only time I had any trouble was Alderaan. I was 6 lvl above the zone / mobs in blue gear and was still getting rocked. Other than that its been fun. Story is great. Its definitely doesn't feel like a major dps class though.




I've spent most of the game like 2 lvls below the quest content I'be been doing due to skipping some group quests/flashpoint missions and have been doing fine up till 37 lvl (which includes Alderaan)


Just read up some threads on the forum on how to play marauder and you'll be fine as far as leveling goes, I won't comment on endgame since i have no idea

Edited by AzeratePWN
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