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This is by far the worst PvP I've experienced in an MMO


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Oh, odd. You must be pretty new to mmos?


Because I've played runescape. The pvp in this is definitely better than that. Also played WAR; that was just spamming one/two abilities with zero CC or any skill requiring abilities. I also played AoC which was awful for PvP to begin with, although that did pick up. I also played AION, and if you want to talk about unbalanced PvP due to level/gear, go there.


I think you have only played WoW and maybe Rift.


Did you really just say that the standard to compare PvP against is a crappy 2-D game that was released in 2001?




And saying "well this is better than Aion" is not a valid argument. Aion failed. Bioware shouldn't be measuring itself against the graveyard of awful MMOs that couldn't get things right.


The only thing that matters is whether it's fun or not. It's not fun.


Sorry, but if after about level 16 your still having problems then it won't get any better at level 50 (from personal experience). It's purly down to your own skill. It will actually get harder as you level up due to how the bolster system works, at 50 in pvp each ability does less damage than the few you have at 15.


Having brackets in pvp won't do anything except make queues long and eventually kill off warzones at low/mid level. All that will happen is the experienced pvp players will make "twinks" and dominate the lower brackets for easy rewards.


Wrong. Level 50s have hit me for more than 4.5k in single hits, a level 16 cannot do anything like that kind of damage.


And when I'm level 50, I do not want to be queued up against players 30 levels below me. That's going to suck almost as much as it sucks to face groups of 50 premades at level 23.



So again, all these arguments are irrelevant. It comes down to: Is PvP fun? And right now, the answer is a resounding NO.

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No, we don't.

If you're level 25 and can't beat a level 40, that's a L2P issue

2 or 3 tiny abilities aren't going to save your life

The 10-49 and 50 brackets allow anyone leveling to play with any friends they have that are leveling at any time

That far outweighs the QQ from bads who think that one little cooldown ability is going to make them play a less awful game


Let me give you some advice: If you are going to pretend to be female, it's a lot more believable when you don't nerd rage about "bads" and people who need to "L2P."


You know very well it's about much more than abilities, and if you were a reasonable person you'd know it's not a challenge to feast on players you can obliterate in two hits.


Now run along and go tell your guildies you're "getting a mic real soon" while you farm people 30 levels below you and pat yourself on the back for it.

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Yeah, well it's not fun, I agree. I could endure it all, steamrolls, uneven teams, player count bugs (I just played a scenario against 14 sith on Voidstar) and all that. What I can't endure is the horrible, utterly unbearable ping. Even though the game tells me it's 79ms I know, because I have two eyes, that work allright, that it's 2000-5000 and never anything below that. It's not even a freaking mass PvP game. It's a 16 player match. We did that on modems and had much better ping than that.




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