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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Accuracy and Accuracy and more Accuracy


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I was looking at all the end game gear and it seems all DPS for commando has Accuracy on it PVP and PVE and even level 50 recipes.

My self i was going Crit and surge with a bit of power on top. But none of the gear that i can see has this at all. Even the daily's DPS gear has Accuracy on it.


So why do you think this is?


It seems healers gear is Crit and surge.


So should i be putting Accuracy on me instead? guides say no for DPS is power/crit/surge



Very confused

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While leveling, you kind of want whatever gives you the most aim, armour and anything really. once you hit 50, you don't really have a choice for what you take. You get your single DPS set in PvE and your single DPS set for PvP.


PvE you want power and accuracy because it will give reliable damage which makes aggro spiking less common which in will make it easier on your tank. For PvP, you want burst to kill people quickly but sadly the PvP gear has power and accuracy on it instead of crit and surge. Oh well, you still spike huge damage with accuracy/power gear on when you crit.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Is there some sort of cap though? I'm at 116% accuracy and I feel like it's too much. If all of my white hits are guaranteed to hit at 100%, after that point I should be able to switch my accuracy gear for other types of gear..even if it means picking up some combat medic gear..the crit/surge/alacrity will do me better than being way over the accuracy "cap" or do I have this wrong
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100% Accuracy doesn't mean you will always hit a target. Assuming it is equal level, then 100% Acc will remove any miss chance but it doesn't overcome any Defense on the target. Any Acc beyond 100% applies to the targets Defense.


So if you have an equal level target that has the standard 5% Defense, then you would need 105% Acc to always hit them under normal conditions. It isn't really known how it works in end game (at least exact values that I know of), the bosses etc might be considered higher level and like in WoW there is additional miss chance or defense that has to be overcome.


Of course you have the other problem of Tech/Force attacks having 100% base and Ranged/Melee being 90% base, so how far do you go to get the best return.

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