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The Circle of Reviewers


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The Circle of Reviewers


The Circle of Reviewers is designed to provide authors with at least one meaningful review for their stories. It can be thought of as a chain-system where one author reviews, and then his/her story becomes the next topic for discussion.


The system works in three steps:


1) See what story is up for review in the Circle and then write a meaningful critique for that story

2) Post your review to the story thread (not this thread) and post a link to the review here

3) with your link to the finished review, post a link to your own story that you would like to see reviewed


To keep things fair it is important we follow these step consistently. Please do not just post a link to your story, and don't post a review to a story not presently up for review and ask it to count for your required critique.


Keep in mind that we want everyone to get helpful information and we should put as much time into this as needed -- don't just rush through it to get your own story up… there is no time limit for this thread.


What is a "meaningful" review?


When writing a review for an author we require you to go beyond saying, Cool story, bro or I liked it -- nothing to add 10/10.

Writers put a great deal of effort into their work and they deserve a well-reasoned review. Isn't that what you are looking for too?

So put some thought into your critique. Ideally you should develop your thoughts in at least three paragraphs. Explain what you liked and what you didn't like.... but don't be snarky. No one likes a snark.


Here is a template you might use if you aren't sure of where to start:



  • Was the plot easy to follow
  • Was the plot original
  • Was the plot memorable
  • What did you like most about the plot
  • What, if anything, should be improved in the plot



  • Did the characters seem real
  • Were the characters original
  • Who was your favorite character and why
  • What did you like most about the way the characters were developed
  • What, if anything, should be improved regarding the characters



  • Was the style easy to read
  • Was the style original
  • What did you like most about the author's style
  • Did the author's style suit the story


Put as much effort into reviewing as you would like to get back on your own stories.


May the Force and reviews be with you.




Edited by Darth_Slaine
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It's good to see this back up here. I would read stories in the Circle when I had time, never had the time to properly participate sadly. :(


Don't forget to give a guide for how to give constructive feedback. Not everyone is good at that. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was thinking something similar to Gestalt. Perhaps a Circle of Reviewers Lite to accompany this thread? For stories of <5000 words or some similar boundary or something? I think splitting it up in this way would make for more reviews: it can be a bit daunting to open something up to review it, and then just see a tsunami of text... Edited by Nyxian
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I was thinking something similar to Gestalt. Perhaps a Circle of Reviewers Lite to accompany this thread? For stories of <5000 words or some similar boundary or something? I think splitting it up in this way would make for more reviews: it can be a bit daunting to open something up to review it, and then just see a tsunami of text...


It might be a good idea. Right now, I'm not sure we have many stories that are actually long. Let me consider it.


And thank you for getting the ball rolling in the other thread! I think it is safe to jump ahead now that there has been an actual review (Gestahlt didn't need one anyway -- he already thinks he is great!) so...


The Story up for review is Ducal by Nyxian.




PS: Gestahlt can cry me a river.

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