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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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No, already unsubscribed.

I feel that many areas of the game still need a lot of work.

The three biggest issues I have are:

- visuals overall (textures, shadows, etc)

- no LFG system

- Repetitve combat/quests

- Some of the worlds feel lifeless


Plus I got a lot of stuff to play right now, while I wait until I feel I should come back.

Edited by ToonPhil
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Bioware is still in its infancy of the MMO. It has MUCH RPG experience, which shows in the storyline and the coice of using voice actors who aren't low-grade (trust me, you'll know low grade when you watch several 80s and 90s anime!).


An MMO development team will show its true colors after the game has been on the market.


These developors will have the same problems that many other MMO developers had when they released the game to the public.


No matter how many testers you have on your beta, your testing team goes from 1000 gamers to hundreds of thousands (or millions) of gamers, and you will know just how dangerous certain glitches and bugs are by the number (and detail) of replies on the forums and bug reports.


To me the game has very high initial value in regards to replayability with separate storylines for all the major classes. The graphics are very good. The music is top notch.


Remember WoW's infamous mage blink glitch, where the player sometimes would hang up on terrain pixels or even blink backwards if they are running? It may have been diminished, but it's still there. And it's something they'll never get rid of.


They are fixing major things as fast as they can, and they are even bringing out a new piece of content faster than any MMO has.


Base their ability to retain customers on 3 months later, not 2 weeks or a month later.


They where so confident in their garbage game that they spent all that money making it, when i saw the final figure all i could do was shake my head laughing at how stupid bioware was for making this move, first mmo and they market it and hype it out like its the next biggest thing, i used to love bioware, i loved mass effect,,now im seriously thinking of skipping mass effect 3 incase it turns out to be be complete crap.

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YES with out doubt i am here for the long run, cant wait to see what they add/improve but i guess thats the joy of being 28 years of age, i have far more patience then the younger players.


I am amazed about all the complaints about firstly no dungeon finder. I think it would be an improvement to add this but seriously if you find it that difficult ask around in chat or to join a guild but maybe MMO's are not for you. WOW didnt add it until 2009.


People complaining about the warzones. At least we got them from lauch wow had no pvp content on launch date.


If you chose to power lvl with the 1 character straight to lvl 50 you got nobody to blame but yourself if you find you quickly run out of stuff to do because you have chosen to play alone. 90% of the game time on my main i have spent playing with 3 other real life friends on vent and its been awesome i really suggest some of you try it.


I am personally trying to hold on for as long as possible until this game takes over my life like wow did but the temptation is strong its so yummy.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Absolutely. Love the game - haven't been this addicted to a game since vanilla WoW, and I really do appreciate the differences between SWTOR and other MMOs. This stands out to me as unique even if the core gameplay ideas are the same (it is an MMO, after all) and I'm really loving it.

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"WOW didnt add it until 2009."


Pointing out what WoW didn't have three years ago is pointless. This is not 2009 it is 2012 and making the same mistakes a company made 3 years ago shows how inexperienced BW is in the MMO market.


There is no acceptable reason why and MMO is in this day and age does not have at least basic UI customization. I don't need the 3rd party mods like WoW but not being able to move my quick bars or windows around?!?

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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


Pretty much this. Instancing ruins population - (though getting rid of it would expose how utterly tiny the worlds are). Seeing 8 people tops on Tatooine is not cool. Much less, you can communicate with the enemy faction and say "hey, get in this instance so we can actually get some world PvP going".

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YES. Already got a six month Sub and not going anywhere for a while.


There is nothing wrong with this game to make me not play. It is a great game. Too all those unsubscribing great, your choice. Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out. More room on the server.


All MMO's at first have glitches and bugs. I have faith in BioWare as a company to fix them. This is a great game and if you rushed to 50 without taking your time and doing the story quests, flashpoints, crafting etc.. Then its your loss not ours.

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There is nothing wrong with this game to make me not play. It is a great game. Too all those unsubscribing great, your choice. Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out. More room on the server.


Do you really want more room on the server? As if the servers don't feel empty already?

Sometimes I wonder if people are trying to play an MMORPG here or a single player game.

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- realy good graphic (much better then this 64*64 pix WoW junk)

- nice to play clases

- cool minion system

- at other MMOs everyone just klicks "OK" at mission texts .. here you enjoy to listen the storrys :) (best one: "Concern of a Jawa" ... I want him as minion!!!! :D *g*).

- don't know about other servers but the one where I play has a 100% friendly comunity. No flame, no rage, no spam.

- group daylis are cool

- space missions (which could be improved .. but this might come with time)


Does the game need polishing? yes!

Is this game unplayeble? NO!

Is this game as bad as this (whine) forum indicates? NO in no way!


Do you really want more room on the server? As if the servers don't feel empty already?


Maybe it's becouse people don't want to play with you as person ;).

Maybe it's becouse you play one of this far to common DDs and not as (good) tank or (good) healer?


I see people all the time even at places where no missions lead them and the main chat is full of "LFG H2/H4", "anyone want to do xyz?", "where/how/what about?" <- with FRIENDLY answares!!!!!

Edited by Jahor
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YES. Already got a six month Sub and not going anywhere for a while.


There is nothing wrong with this game to make me not play. It is a great game. Too all those unsubscribing great, your choice. Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out. More room on the server.


All MMO's at first have glitches and bugs. I have faith in BioWare as a company to fix them. This is a great game and if you rushed to 50 without taking your time and doing the story quests, flashpoints, crafting etc.. Then its your loss not ours.


This = win

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