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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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If the game gets to the point where its gets frustrating intead of fun I will quit and move on to another game. I dont pay 15 a month to get frustrated.....


Just hope you don't get a game breaking bug and have to contact customer service.

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Maybe. The story is cool. The gameplay is subpar (for me, though I'm not the avg player). If ability queing gets fixed along with all the other little things that have been mentioned ad nauseam then perhaps. However I read a quote from a Customer Service rep that waiting for an ability's animation to end before using the next ability is working as intended so my hopes could be dashed in that regard.
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Not sure.

I'm here for the story which will be completed in a few days, and group content.

Since group content is a hassle to get in, I will wait for the next story expansion. New companions, new romance options, etc. Until then, I'm not sure I'll maintain a sub.

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i probably will cancel mainly because it doesn't have the mmo feel to it. it feels too much like a single player game.

hate to say this but i'll continue to sub and play star trek online over this game. mainly due to its alot more social and has more variety of things to do.

Edited by hobieone
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For sure. It's only £8.99 a month which is nothing to me and also I'm really enjoying the game. It's my first ever MMO so I guess I don't see as many issues as some people do as I have nothing to compare it to. I play it for what it is and thoroughly enjoy it, met some really cool people too and have a lot of fun questing with them. And at the end of the day, that's what it boils down to...... right?
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doing a poll on these forums won't really tell you anything. people have nothing better to do than complain complain complain.


the majority of people who are going to continue to play are actually playing the game and not whining on the forums.



YES, i will keep subscribing. Its a star wars MMO, what else do you want? pandas? lolz

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Going to pay for one month. I'm already feeling fatigue already though.


I yell at my screen a LOT more than having "fun" should make me. Targeting is terrible. Healing is not good. The game gives me claustrophobia, everything looks big but you can't actually go anywhere.


I though Drumond Kaas was "on rails" and unexplorable until I got the Nar Shaddaa. HUGE city. Can't go to any of it. The idea of "planets" was a bait and switch. There's nothing planetary about any of them.

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