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Not getting DailyCredit for ANY warzones


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I know Huttball sometimes doesn't count towards your daily total when you play against the same side, but is anyone else not getting Daily credits (@lv50) for wins?


We had a voidstar where we stomped the opposition (They didn't get through a door and we made it all the way to the datacore with 3mins to spare) but none of us got credit towards our daily.


Anyone else? Or is this just Tarro Blood republic bad luck?

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It has happened to me too many times. I played 8 games the other day, won 5 of them and still was at 0/3 on both daily and weekly quests. Then I played another match (VoidStar), won the match and took a screenshot showing the victory, and still 0/3 and 0/9. Then the next game seemed to fix the glitch because it went to 1/3, and after that one it started working right.
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I had the same issue with this from Not only huttball, but in Alderan and Voidstar that it would not count towards the 3 wins.


Went through about 6 or 7 wins before it counted all 3.


Also would like to note this happens to me every day at least once. I am either at 1/3 or 2/3 and will not complete properly so would have to play extra games.


I play more than 3 games either way, but it is really annoying that it is not counting properly.


This is definitely a bug if it is occurring every single day.

Edited by dryiggles
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  • 4 weeks later...
I know Huttball sometimes doesn't count towards your daily total when you play against the same side, but is anyone else not getting Daily credits (@lv50) for wins?


We had a voidstar where we stomped the opposition (They didn't get through a door and we made it all the way to the datacore with 3mins to spare) but none of us got credit towards our daily.


Anyone else? Or is this just Tarro Blood republic bad luck?


But they would like to thank you for letting them know. Havent you received that canned worthless shiat response a dozen times or so by now?


Seriously, just talk with your wallet. There are many other, much better MMO's out there. Wish i woulda canceled a week ago would have saved me 15 bucks.

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