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Marauders are usefull..studies show.


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Ok ive been doing some research, and as a 45 marauder i have discovered some situations where marauders are usefull.


1:Low blood pressure

People with low blood pressure should note that Marauders are one of if not the best way to raise blood pressure. Scientists show that playing a marauder for atelast 4 hours a day can increase blood pressure by up to 70%. Coffee aids in this process along with hutball.


2:Class change incentive

Going to introduce a paid class change into your over budgeted mmo? Well look no further! The marauder is the perfect way to guarantee a healthy return on your investment. The marauder not only has 0 utility sub par damage in pvp and no cc, but for a limited time it also spends ALOT of time stunned,knocked backed , pulled and ccd into fire traps and acid baths! Perfect for the future re roller and paid class change is surely why this class was created.


3:****** Armor.

Looking to buy armor for your character but all you can see if Heavy armor for juggernauts?


Well look no further. The Marauder doesnt share its armor type with its warrior brother.. no no no, The marauder gets medium armor! Even tho bounty hunters get heavy armor and heals this will mean that when you choose the one spec that can actually do any dmg before you die in pvp you will realise that THANK GOD you chose marauder!! WHY?? because the spec is shared with Juggernaut but their heavy armor is much more sought after because it actually mitigates dmg along with their other defensive skills. So you get cheaper inferior armor to use the same spec minus the survivablity . fantastic savings for all!


4:Feel good class


Perhaps the most important reason Marauders are in SWTOR is the feel good factor.

I mean who doesnt like to knockback and chain cc a much higher lvl player to death?

The marauder is a Martyr class, it sacrifices itself for the greater good of the community.

Give that lvl 10 sorc a smile as he knockback roots you and proceeds to slowly force lightning you 2 death as you mash force charge only to be knocked back and rooted again.

or perhaps that special bounty hunter that can destroy you while having mulitple ccs . heals and that pesky heavy armor.

Yes marauders Bring smiles to the face of every other class, and THAT in itself is something.


In Closing the facts speak for themselves, Marauders are an incredibly usefull class and unless you play one, you just dont know what your missing.

Edited by Kaluah
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idk my party members enjoy my 80% run speed buff or i also do 30k+ healing every game from my bleeds for my party while dishing out close to 300k damage while almost never dying (never dying with a healer). you are just bad sir
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On the armor, custom gear does not and probably will not matter due to the inclusion of set bonuses on end-game gear. Appearance while leveling is most definitely very low priority for BioWare.


On the PvP woes, I can say you're not playing the class right. Wasting your charge right away is extremely stupid and not having a skill like Camo is a problem with your level, not with the class.


Camo into melee range, charge after the knockback. Charge will then be up for after every knockback, not vice versa.

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Yea im lvl 46, i dont charge into combat .. unless i know they dont have a KB, i have force camo and use it as an escape. sometimes to enter combat. I think the class just isnt what i expected. If your happy with it , im glad. Made this post out of sheer frustration that i am going to have to remake as i find this class unbearably bad in pvp. And i have an extensive pvp history so resorting to "your bad" "l2p" is really just something 2 say when u have no answer.

Waste of time/pre order headstart.. i think understandably pissed that this class isnt living up to even half of my expectations in relation to other classes. Like i said, if you like it then thats great.

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Yea im lvl 46, i dont charge into combat .. unless i know they dont have a KB, i have force camo and use it as an escape. sometimes to enter combat. I think the class just isnt what i expected. If your happy with it , im glad. Made this post out of sheer frustration that i am going to have to remake as i find this class unbearably bad in pvp. And i have an extensive pvp history so resorting to "your bad" "l2p" is really just something 2 say when u have no answer.

Waste of time/pre order headstart.. i think understandably pissed that this class isnt living up to even half of my expectations in relation to other classes. Like i said, if you like it then thats great.

You're quite right. Juggers got all the goodies, 10m Deadly throw/Vicious throw(?) vs Juggers 30m rage building saber throw, just to name one. Force push to name a second & two stuns to name a third.

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