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[VIDEO] Let me explain how SORCS/SAGES actually work for you.


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"they do so much damage!!"

"they tank better than tanks!!"





all addressed in this video from a lvl 50 sage. Watch yourself, look at the damage I do and the way I play and see that your complaints are wrong. You can also just run it in the background and listen and become informed. Thanks.

Edited by CHRISGG
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It's hard to take you seriously when your video shows a sorc soloting a champion monster with 105k pv.

As a jugg I have to play my best to kill elites. But yeah the dps is not that big I guess.

Though it certainly tanks better than me.

Edited by Lywald
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It's hard to take you seriously when your video shows a sorc soloting a champion monster with 105k pv.

As a jugg I have to play my best to kill elites. But yeah the dps is not that big I guess.


Uh i'm kept at full health without shielding myself by my companion. Any lvl 50 class with my gear can do that joke of a boss...

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It's hard to take you seriously when your video shows a sorc soloting a champion monster with 105k pv.

As a jugg I have to play my best to kill elites. But yeah the dps is not that big I guess.

Though it certainly tanks better than me.


Regardless, it was only a damage comparison. Just because Faction can solo elites with a companion (he's a SAGE too, not a SORC) and you can't doesn't make the sage OP in PvP.


It's just like when my friend was in the beta when we were on Empire, and he yells over teamspeak: "God, cryo grenade is OP." I jumped on that comment hard and fast saying: "Just because it's a crowd control effect doesn't make it OP, especially with a 4 second duration and a 1 minute cooldown."


The thing that people might be complaining about is that the scenario being, say, a sage and a sent versus just them. They try to focus down the sage, and the sage can keep a constant slow on them so the sentinel is stuck to them like glue. Then they complain that the sage is OP. Doesn't make sense.

Edited by ExoBloodskila
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I dont know whats worst the fact that your voice makes me want to shove knifes in my ears to stop the pain or how horribly inaccurate your statements are.


How are his statements inaccurate? He didn't just include statements, he also had video evidence. His points are accurate and valid; Mercenaries die to melee. Stealth based classes die easily if you get the edge on them. Burst down the sages bubble and you can kill them.


Also, just a nit pick, but why does everyone hate Faction's voice? I see no problem with it.


Stop being a child and say something more constructive on the matter. Like, which statements were inaccurate?


Instead of just coming here and acting like the stupid players that Faction was talking about in his video.

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i dunno dude, im a guardian and killing a sorc for me depends alot on his skill i guess, but more then often the case is not my 1v1 capability vs a sorc, its the fact that when we try to cap anything in any BG you have a line of 4+ sorcs healing eachother and CCing the **** out of everything. I think the game needs a Mortal strike. and some CC nerfs like maybe every single class not being able to stun and knock back and use variants of these.
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Statements were definitely accurate, and the video evidence was very good. Thanks for the informative message.


Some criticism though: Your attitude is horrible, and really made me almost stop watching the move completely. Why do you feel the need to act in such a way that everyone is either irredeemably retarded or to pretentious to see your points? People are stupid, that is a given, but acting in this way is going to make them want to ignore whatever evidence you presented.

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i dunno dude, im a guardian and killing a sorc for me depends alot on his skill i guess, but more then often the case is not my 1v1 capability vs a sorc, its the fact that when we try to cap anything in any BG you have a line of 4+ sorcs healing eachother and CCing the **** out of everything. I think the game needs a Mortal strike. and some CC nerfs like maybe every single class not being able to stun and knock back and use variants of these.


If there are 4+ sorcs in an area, this means less than or equal to 4 other players are in another. If they are using aggressive strategies in order to get a cap, then play on the obvious faults of that strategy: more people in one place means less in another.


Trauma debuff is -30% healing done.


Classes not having stuns or crowd control would break PvP. From a tactical perspective, you use them to get an advantage over others in order to set up a kill. If one class didn't have a controlling move, then in order to compensate, they must have an insane trinity style attribute, in order to conceivably be balanced.

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Statements were definitely accurate, and the video evidence was very good. Thanks for the informative message.


Some criticism though: Your attitude is horrible, and really made me almost stop watching the move completely. Why do you feel the need to act in such a way that everyone is either irredeemably retarded or to pretentious to see your points? People are stupid, that is a given, but acting in this way is going to make them want to ignore whatever evidence you presented.


Or push them to see the truth. It's a competitive type of motivation that punishes irrationality in order to see improvement.

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Statements were definitely accurate, and the video evidence was very good. Thanks for the informative message.


Some criticism though: Your attitude is horrible, and really made me almost stop watching the move completely. Why do you feel the need to act in such a way that everyone is either irredeemably retarded or to pretentious to see your points? People are stupid, that is a given, but acting in this way is going to make them want to ignore whatever evidence you presented.


They'd ignore it anyway. Do you SEE the stuff people post here?

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Or push them to see the truth. It's a competitive type of motivation that punishes irrationality in order to see improvement.


That's definitely another possible way of looking at it, and one I did not take into account.


At the least, hopefully people do realize that what the video is trying to impart.


They'd ignore it anyway. Do you SEE the stuff people post here?


I definitely do, and really find some of it hilarious. It's almost as bad as other forums. I'm probably of a different mindset in how I'd put out the information though.


Also, enjoyed watching the other videos on the Youtube. Good stuff!

Edited by Badavan
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Uh i'm kept at full health without shielding myself by my companion. Any lvl 50 class with my gear can do that joke of a boss...


Fair enough. I just went and killed it with my juggernaut. Yeah he's weak.

Edited by Lywald
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If there are 4+ sorcs in an area, this means less than or equal to 4 other players are in another. If they are using aggressive strategies in order to get a cap, then play on the obvious faults of that strategy: more people in one place means less in another.


Trauma debuff is -30% healing done.


Classes not having stuns or crowd control would break PvP. From a tactical perspective, you use them to get an advantage over others in order to set up a kill. If one class didn't have a controlling move, then in order to compensate, they must have an insane trinity style attribute, in order to conceivably be balanced.


well lets say 4 sorcs want to hold a cap or just 2 sorcs and range dps, they can avoid death while kiting for a long long time, meaning giving reinforcements time to get there to defend for a long time. I didnt say get rid of all CC but it does seem like everyone has a little to much, my class also. Not to mention in in BGs without a full team no ones going to play to the faults, and a 30% healing debuff is nothing. To me sorcs are killable but also extremely viable, in this video hes talking about mostly how his own damage is and not really about the team aspect of the sorc, they have good CC good heals and good DPS. no one class should have all this.

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Sith Sorc and Sage are most definitely OP. They are the most complained about class on the forum, other people don't need to hear from a sith sorc/sage how they aren't OP they only need to play against them and see that they are OP.


You can tank fairly well, heal off the damage and do a moderate amount of dps. Honestly I wish your class had the Guardian survivability in pvp.


The nerf bell tolls for you healers.

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Sith Sorc and Sage are most definitely OP. They are the most complained about class on the forum, other people don't need to hear from a sith sorc/sage how they aren't OP they only need to play against them and see that they are OP.


You can tank fairly well, heal off the damage and do a moderate amount of dps. Honestly I wish your class had the Guardian survivability in pvp.


The nerf bell tolls for you healers.


I quite clearly explained why you're being tanked by a Sorc/Sage. It was "you're bad."

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