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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dissapointed in the skill tree's final abilities (and other rants)


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They are basically clones of other abilities. Plastique = sticky grenade and demo round is explosive round. Of course they are stronger but they are not "new". It's not something you really look out for like say a grav round. Grav round makes a big chance in gameplay.


To be honest, I'm totally dissapointed in the assault tree. It's lack luster and not fun to play with. Yes you get mobility but you basically just need to get your fire up and watch your ammo. I feel more involved in the gameplay with gunnery, even if I'm less mobile. You can pay more attention to your surroundings and have to think ahead before you ingage.


All in all I think assault specialist suits vanguard MUCH more then commando.


As far as Gunnery goes Grav round has a ugly animation which hurts the gunnery tree. Charged bolts looks and sounds cool. Grav round round should sound/look surperior to it and it doesn't.


And the reason I'm not a Medic is because I'm not fond of the calling in a probe for healing. You have a huge freaking gun, why give it down time? Why not let it "shoot" something other then hammershot at their patients? Like a Kolto blob or something? Other classes get to shoot at their patiens, why not us?


I'm level 34 now and I'm not going to reroll, I like the guy that I made and I dig the turrent gameplay even though people complain about the lack of mobility I'm totally fine with it. I just wish the grav animation would get replaced, that's my number one gribe if I have to stick to one.

Edited by Dutchpower
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Grav Round is just charged bolts that sunders your target. It's not a change in gameplay in the least. Also, we do get to use our gun to heal and you get to pretend you're a medic following around a heavy when you do it. Edited by LordKivlov
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Grav Round is just charged bolts that sunders your target. It's not a change in gameplay in the least. Also, we do get to use our gun to heal and you get to pretend you're a medic following around a heavy when you do it.


My Commando's name is "Kritzkrieg" for that sore reason alone LOL.

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