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Armor type for Sentinel


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I've noticed that most of the armor I am seeing for sale at the Token Vendors has high endurance and low strength.


Is this what I should be focusing on with my Sentinel?


I've been trying to go the other way as much as possible, but it seems like the game's armor choices are trying to force me otherwise so I figured I would ask about this.





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Focus on strength. I have noticed that most vendors, loot drops etc do not favour a sentinel. The stats are all wrong. As a Sent you want to focus on damage; We are not tanks, in any way, and I really don't see putting more points into Endurance helping the issues we suffer from - That being excessive squishyness and a lack of useful healing abilities. This is part of the reality of our class, whether you consider it broken or no. We die without a healer watching our backside, but we should do it spectacularly.


Honestly - ignoring the PvP armours, as I have yet to invest in any of them and can therefore make no comment on them - I find it is easier just 'make' your own armour. Find the mods that boost the stats you want and plug them in. It is easier to keep stuff current, and to focus on what I want. Mind you, I'm also not using the dedicated Knight gear, as I don't want a hood covering my face.


Most strength mods I've seen thus far come with an endurance boost anyway, but strength is our primary.

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