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Disgusting State of PvP


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Are you serious? It's be quite obvious since it's inception that it wasn't going to be any different. Just another hotkey MMO.


I think if you want something different you might have better luck waiting for Guild Wars 2. If we want TOR PvP to evovle, lets just hope the devs don't listen to every whiner crying for "balance" by homogenizing every classes giving everyone each their own identical version of a stun lock combo. If TOR PvP wants to be successful they need to not do what WoW did to theirs.


So Bioware can lose over a million accounts in one year (2011) like Blizzard did? No, I expect MMOs to evolve, not copy one another.

Edited by rsomazzi
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The common denominator in all your losses is you. Just saying.


Even if you lose, pay attention to those on your team who did well. Ask them if they want to queue as a group so you know you're playing with more competent players. Also pay attention to guild names. If you repeatedly see the same guild's members doing well, see if you can join it. Entering a warzone queue as solo you're already setting yourself up at a disadvantage due to luck of the draw.


What you're experiencing is a personal problem and not a fault of the game. Bad teams lose. Good teams win. Such is life. Try to improve your chances of winning before you complain the game is broken.


Losing on the same side with the same circumstances such as opposing player make up, classes and levels included, along with server population and class abilities and game combat mechanics does not make for a "common denominator" in every lost match. You are clearly an imbecile and hardly armed with anything resembling intelligent thought. I would recommend you get off the game and educate yourself because you're clearly, an idiot.

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