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What bonus does Mara get in rage that jugg does not?


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Is this a real question? Look at the Mara trees, figure out the best way to spend remaining 10 points after topping out your Rage tree and there you go.


If anything, the extra Mara talents will provide slightly(and I mean very slightly) more dps in the way they are set up than the Jugg.

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Is this a real question? Look at the Mara trees, figure out the best way to spend remaining 10 points after topping out your Rage tree and there you go.


If anything, the extra Mara talents will provide slightly(and I mean very slightly) more dps in the way they are set up than the Jugg.


as intended by the developers btw as they said themselves that mara will have slightly higher dps

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Is this a real question? Look at the Mara trees, figure out the best way to spend remaining 10 points after topping out your Rage tree and there you go.


If anything, the extra Mara talents will provide slightly(and I mean very slightly) more dps in the way they are set up than the Jugg.


That slightly more dps does not seem to be worth the lack of armor we get.


Also don't jug have talents that up smash damage even more? being the core part of rage build.




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well they dont get cloak of pain and mara has more group utility then a jugg in terms of pvp with predetation for example - and with berserk if your using rage tree you should get free VS - there are also other reasons why mara is slightly better


Again armor only means something for certain specs, for example a Anni specced mara will take down a jugg no problem as bleeds ignore armor.. now daz an example and there are more, so higher armor does not mean more survivability - its the player skill and cd's used.. and imo we have the better defensive cd's compared to juggs if they are dps specced of course (not immortal)

Edited by Majinr
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