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Sith Marauder


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I am currently a lvl 45 Sith Marauder and i have been having a lot of Trouble with this class there are no solid builds for this class that i can see, I have tried Annihilation Carnage and Rage and there is no Good Skill tree that really does a lot Dps, and all the force Abilities have to long of Cool Downs to be effective to do lots of damage, and i Only have like 3 Dots and The only Crit Rating Blows too cause i can only up my Crit for Bleed Effects. Basically this Class is really ****** and Very Under Powered


Annilhilation - should be a lot of crit damage for just regular attacks

Carnage - Should be just mass dps/dps cool downs

Rage - Needs force Cool downs

just my opinion but im very disipointed in this class on how much it really blows and its completely worthless in Dps.


Another note Why does all the bounty Hunters have heavy Armor and the Sith Jug has heavy but the marauder Gets Medium, I cant wait till they buff this class i would like it to be a bangin class weak in health but Killer in Dps, i guess all in good time Can't wait for the Damn Balances. Any Suggestions on how to build a decent damaging marauder?

Edited by Yvin
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just reached lvl 50 as carnage, the treat comes at the very top of each talent tree and you need to dedicate your points to one tree. you get massacre, which replaces vicious slash, and from then on I was unstoppable (awsome combat animation with that ability too)


point is, yes the marauder is pretty squishy and may need a buff in the defensive area, but my DPS is simply bangin, because of that little massacre ability that works brilliantly. Theres no need to stamp it as the most underpowered class when there are also many people that are doing fine as a marauder

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I actually just hit 27 as a marauder. I love it. I do not have any issues really questing, and in PVP I think i do just fine (despite the battleground lag).

Once I found my rotation that works for me, it just became that much more viable to play.

I think ppl are upset with Marauder class because they have put in the time to really figure out what rotation works in different scenarios. We can have really explosive dps for our respective levels if we use our abilities right. We also have a decent cooldown on defensive abilities which makes us stronger, and I love using predation in groups (it's been described as bloodthirst with short timer and short cooldown).

Just keep at it. Change things up if you think something is lacking. Don't give up on us yet.

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Alot of people don't realize that heavy armor doesn't mitigate alot more than medium armor. Sure it mitigates more, but it's really the combo of the armor+tank stance armor buff that boosts the damage reduction.


So ya, marauders aren't tanks and don't need that level of damage mitigation considering they have a damage reflecting shield that while up gives them roughly heavy armor mitigation levels before the tank stance buff.


I'd probably go as far as to say that marauders have superior survival cd's vs dps juggernauts. They get 5 seconds 99% damage reduction at the cost of half your hp, meaning you use this just before you're gonna die or if you know 3+ guys are about to alpha you, a 4 second vanish+speed boost, a 90% accuracy reduction and saber ward. And the first 3 have 90 second or less cd's.


Compare that to a dps juggernaut spec that has endure pain +30% hp for 10 seconds on a 3 minute cooldown and saber ward on 3 minute cd.


So who has the short end of the stick? The bonus side for dps juggernauts is they have access to force push which can be used both offensively and defensively and saber throw which gives them a ranged damage, rage builder. This and they can be tanks.


Every marauder spec can access +15% speed boost and all have access to 20% healing reduction.


People always think the grass is greener on the other side.

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