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Now that the honeymoon is over.....


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Really? I can make up a bogus whine right now, observe:


"Bioware, why would you make such huge, cluttered zones that take 30 minutes to cross?!? The whole time I constantly am fighting through trash which takes even longer!!! Please give us flying mounts to fix my problem next patch!! If I kep wasting my time travelling instead of leveling im cancelling my sub-a-dub-dub."


That would be bad design, making a huge world with no fast travel. The problem wouldn't be the size of it. Besides, you can make up a whine for anything. Doesn't mean the complaint would be common enough to worry about.

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I can say that this is a good MMO and worth the wait and the hype. I held back judgement until i had played for a while just in case i had newgameitis but yeah TOR is awesome and doesnt get boring.


Now if Bioware could just get the Star Trek and do the same thing it would be a geeks dream come true.


I agree, would be great to see some Bioware love grace the Star Trek IP and do it some justice they really know how to respect IPs. Hopefully STO will be dead soon and maybe Bioware could get the IP for JJ's universe in few years, as TNG is a dead donkey getting whipped.


Have to add though, my honeymoon isn't over, every planet feels like the start of a new affair.

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The game starts at 50, so I got to 50


Side note: Why do you change your text to orange?


So all the class quests are meaningless and useless? All the voice acting, and "game starts at 50"? That's absurd. SWTOR is maybe the only MMO where the game 'really' starts at level 1, in other MMO's the quests truly are meaningless.


But how could you know SWTOR quests when you just rushed through them pressing spacebar.

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I give swtor 7/10. Mediocre.


The honeymoon isn't over, there are still people coming into contact with the game every day and have yet to be disappointed. The honeymoon will be over next month.

Edited by Chomag
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I disagree


I think SWTOR is average


I think your signature speaks volumes. It took me almost 2 years to get my first max level character in WoW because I like to take my time and enjoy content. People that race to end game usually end up disgruntled and bitter because they feel cheated.

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I give swtor 7/10. Mediocre.


The honeymoon isn't over, there are still people coming into contact with the game everything and have yet to be disappointed. The honeymoon will be over next month.


When did 7/10 become mediocre? Mediocre is a 4 or 5. 6 is ok, but meh. 7 is actually good. Not great, but good. Or are you rating on a scale of 5-10, instead of 1-10?

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When did 7/10 become mediocre? Mediocre is a 4 or 5. 6 is ok, but meh. 7 is actually good. Not great, but good. Or are you rating on a scale of 5-10, instead of 1-10?


Nope, to be considered good is to have at least 8. 7 means mediocre, not bad but not good either.

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Personally i was very disappointed. It's not a bad game, but considering the $100 miilion+ as well as the several push backs over two years, this game should be a lot nicer. there is way too much repeatition in story points, levels (caves are where i see it the most), dialog. There's horrible customization and a lot of things seem really rushed just to make a 2011 release date.


while playing through, i think i fell for the hype Bioware put out there. the story is good, but not great. There is very little in this game that actually makes me feel "Heroic or Epic" as Daniel Erickson kept saying.



As it stands, it's not a bad game. I just don't think they were putting all that money in the right place. There's a lot of problems in this game beyond the initial "launch problems" But at the same time there is a lotof potential. Bioware just needs to drop the "we're right and the fans are wrong" attitude and start listening to what the forums seem bent on having.

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