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I picked the wrong AC


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I'm really not happy with Merc pvp right now. I feel like I get destroyed by melee very easily. Having to cast Tracer missle all the time doesn't seem fun either. I think powertech would have been a more fun option.
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At some point, some time in the future when they have weeded out all the bugs and fixed things that are sub-optimal compared to other MMO's... maybe they'll let us have the convenience of trying out other specs.


I mean.. hey! we just dinged level 10 and we have no bloody idea what part goes forward and we're still just randomly pushing buttons, being locked to what might feel right at level 10 doesn't equal a happy level 50 ^^


Suppose it will all come in time and it's still loads of funny stuff they COULD implement with the Legacy system.


Talent profiles? Account bonuses? And... It's-10am-and-i've-yet-too-sleep-lack-creativity!


:eek: <insert random change tracer missile gfx line here> :eek:

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I'm really not happy with Merc pvp right now. I feel like I get destroyed by melee very easily. Having to cast Tracer missle all the time doesn't seem fun either. I think powertech would have been a more fun option.


Um, you're not supposed to let them melee you. If you're a dps, than your rocket punch should be sending them flying and your jet boost should be on a reduced cooldown, along with rocket punch.


Further more, your unload should be snaring the opponent and on top of that you shouldn't be forgetting about stun-dart, just use your concussion missile first. That way the opponent will use his breakout and will make himself vulnerable to stun-dart.


Oh, and don't stay in one place, try to maintain distance.

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I'm really not happy with Merc pvp right now. I feel like I get destroyed by melee very easily. Having to cast Tracer missle all the time doesn't seem fun either. I think powertech would have been a more fun option.


Why do you stay Arsenal spec then? If something doesn´t work for you it is the most natural behavior to adapt first. After trying out the other two specs you might have a better overview about what the specs are all about.

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Trust me, it's not all rosy as Powertech either, I play both...


Compared to Merc, you'll be missing a huge chunk of DPS... Granted, you're a lot tougher but still: It's not like 1 AC is superman and the other a bum...


I have my PT to lvl 25 now and I have to say the at leat pyro plays way better at lower levels. Railshot me like. Can´t wait to put a thermal detonator on top of that.


The Merc Pyro spec has a very delicate heat system and very, very little chance to reset railshot. In PvP you MUST be constantly on the move so you are not in dager of beeing focused fired. That leaves little to no room for unload or power shot which are the only ways Mercs can reset railshot. And railshot is a bread and butter skill in PvP but we just can´t use it often.

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What level are you? I played Arsenal up to 36 and switched to Bodyguard for the remainder. I'm finding it a blast to play in PvP. Every class is going to have its weaknesses. Mercs have the worst mobility and okay control. You need to position well, and otherwise have friends. There's a reason Arsenals have Inc Healing +% in their talent tree. You will end up with people in your face. It's best to save your knockbacks for their value as interrupts depending on who leapt to you (or pulled you to them). If you rely on stuns too much you'll just lock out your opponent and lose the interruptions/knockbacks for a nice while.


Tracer missile is boring. I get it. It's ~3-4.5 seconds of casting to get full stacks on an opponent so you can go through your rotation. You lack the "oomph" assassins get in being able to finish people off. That's really not the Arsenal's strength. You do more consistent damage and AoE damage, making you perfect for focus teams, PvE, etc. You can always get some burst out of explosive dart->Fusion Missile->Activation instant hit->Instant damage ability. It works for all three specs, and lets you hit someone with up to four abilities simultaneously. I normally use Thermal Override to dampen the Fusion. As a bodyguard, I substitute Powershot (1.1 cast times!) and rail shot. If you're pyrotech, you may not need to worry about fusion. You have enough to proc rail already.

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I have a 53 merc

I also have a 34. Powetech pyro


There's only one thing to say

If you serious about pvp go powertech. U havnt even got a interrupt as merc. It's a ridiculously crap spec. This is coming from a 2.3 rated wow player. So yeah. I no how to pvp

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i wreck ppl in pvp with aresenal and i would have to agree that you can fight off melee perfectly fine they gave you knockbacks and ways to stop them in there tracks along with reduced cooldowns it comes in time once you figure out when to use it your golden alot of ppl panic and use there ablilties all at once which doesnt help in the long run you have to spread out your abilities and know when the time is right
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i wreck ppl in pvp with aresenal and i would have to agree that you can fight off melee perfectly fine they gave you knockbacks and ways to stop them in there tracks along with reduced cooldowns it comes in time once you figure out when to use it your golden alot of ppl panic and use there ablilties all at once which doesnt help in the long run you have to spread out your abilities and know when the time is right


I'm glad you're loving Arsenal and you're having a great time, however what you're saying is very optimistic to say the least.

"They gave you knockbacks and ways to stop them in their tracks" well they sure did, but the cooldowns, coupled with the very low stun/snare time (and CC breaker abilities everyone gets), the fact that many opponents will have leap/grapple/speed bonus abilities (and can stun/CC too) and also that we (Arsenal in particular) are forced to stand still if we want to do any serious damage (so kiting is very limited), etc, make it pretty much impossible to keep a melee away from us.


On top of that, our heavy armor doesn't make much of a difference (watch the damage a sith sorcerer can do to you, for example) and our heals are not incredibly useful unles you're bodyguard.

I'm not saying we should tank since we're not powertech and obviously you should go bodyguard if you want to heal, but it is a fact that, for example, a Powertech Pyro has more utilities than a Merc Pyro (and better options to end railshot cooldown).

Hell a Powertech has a lot more options than a Merc, period.. grapple, jet charge, quell, passive and active speed bonus, immunity to CC for 8 seconds on a 30 seconds cooldown..


Merc needs some love, I don't mean more DPS, but right now we're extremely limited compared to several other classes.

If you have the opportunity, try a Sith Sorcerer or duel a Sorcerer friend (even better if they know how to use the class properly) and then let me know if you still think Arsenal is so uber.

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I'm glad you're loving Arsenal and you're having a great time, however what you're saying is very optimistic to say the least.

"They gave you knockbacks and ways to stop them in their tracks" well they sure did, but the cooldowns, coupled with the very low stun/snare time (and CC breaker abilities everyone gets), the fact that many opponents will have leap/grapple/speed bonus abilities (and can stun/CC too) and also that we (Arsenal in particular) are forced to stand still if we want to do any serious damage (so kiting is very limited), etc, make it pretty much impossible to keep a melee away from us.


On top of that, our heavy armor doesn't make much of a difference (watch the damage a sith sorcerer can do to you, for example) and our heals are not incredibly useful unles you're bodyguard.

I'm not saying we should tank since we're not powertech and obviously you should go bodyguard if you want to heal, but it is a fact that, for example, a Powertech Pyro has more utilities than a Merc Pyro (and better options to end railshot cooldown).

Hell a Powertech has a lot more options than a Merc, period.. grapple, jet charge, quell, passive and active speed bonus, immunity to CC for 8 seconds on a 30 seconds cooldown..


Merc needs some love, I don't mean more DPS, but right now we're extremely limited compared to several other classes.

If you have the opportunity, try a Sith Sorcerer or duel a Sorcerer friend (even better if they know how to use the class properly) and then let me know if you still think Arsenal is so uber.


Nuff said

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We're so bad against Sorcs too without a terrain advantage having no interrupt. Its really annoying having to use a knockback as an interrupt or LOSing everything. Making a DPS class without at least a long CD interrupt/lockout seems really silly.


Having no interrupt actually worries me more than anything, in PVE at least in Hard Flashpoints interrupts are damned important and some of the bosses become much much easier if you have 2 in your group. At least we bring the armor debuff and some serious DPS.

Edited by Lightmgl
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