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50 combat medic PVP : need some help


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Hi everyone,


I currently play a 50 commando full heal (32/7/2 my build is here http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRMRzfdkqZMc0MZb.1


I have some issues to perform a good healing score in WZ ; I know the recap stats does not necessarily mean a good overall performance but I must admit, I feel like i'm not healing enough. I consider myself rather experienced pvp healer (since my bishop in L2 & Aion, Rift etc...) but i have some difficulties in this game to figure out a good healing gameplay.



My main rotation is Advanced Probe (AP) => Medical Probe (MP) to trigger the Field Triage proc and keep healing without getting starved. I also toss Kolto Bomb before a fight (for the 5% bonus heal)

IMHO i should use more the supercharge cell mechanism : SC => Kolto (10% shield) and no cd on AP for rapid healing.


I have real issues to keep away from melee, and all the snares & roots in the game doesn't help !


My friend (Jedi Sage) does almost every time twice as much heal as me, and he keep saying that is because of the shield spam (Force Armor) that is counted as heal and does not suffer from the -30% heal debuff.



Thanks for your advices :)

Edited by Sovietik
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The force shield does count as healing, and if specced into has no cooldown and can be put on multiple people at once. So he throws that down on everyone and then throws out his AoE heal, his HoT and other such heals and he will beast mode you in total healing done.


Commando healing is really good but you suffer from our lack of escape mechanisms where the jedi/sith can sprint and shield themselves whenever trouble arises. You're forced to face tank them if you want to keep healing otherwise you gotta dodge around and use your instant heals to buy time between cryo/knockbacks.

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Is there really a rotation for PvP? I don't understand why people try to put a rotation on something that's constantly changing. There are combo's that are smart to use/keep up, but most things are situational in PvP. For combat medic, AMP should always be used before MP. And when you can Supercharge Cells Spam AMP, MP, AMP, MP, AMP, MP, etc. Trauma Probe should be kept either on yourself or whoever is taking heavy damage (Being focus'd, basically). Kolto Bomb should be used as much as possible, the extra healing from it is amazing. When i'm being attacked, I like to pop Adrenaline Rush and Shield to shrug off some of the minior incoming damage.


I've pulled 350k healing, and usually top WZ heals with 250k (which is normally quadruple of what 2nd place pulled, or double if i'm lucky enough to find another healer in a wz...). Trooper is one of the harder classes to heal as. Your sage friend has it easy, they have alot more healing at their disposal as well as shielding, CC, and escape methods. Reading around, i've found Sage to be the easiest healer to play, Smuggler 2nd, and trooper last (Because of our ammo regen. It's not the BEST thing around...).


Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Hope it helps

Edited by ContestedSoul
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Any general survival tips for Combat Medic PVP? Obviously... practice makes perfect. Because:


(Tactical awareness and reflexes) > (Memorized set of keybinds) > ("rotations" and application of specific skills)


But once we get the awareness and keybinds down... Here are some guidelines I'm trying to follow.

What else would you add/change?


* Hammer shot spam to keep stacks up for supercharge, soon as Supercharge resets try to go into full heal mode for a bit

* Make raid bars wide as possible to see health.

* Find a quick way to select self and others to heal

* Muscle memory your binds: Kolto bomb, AMP, MP, Trauma Probe, Supercharge, Reactive Shield etc.

* Movement and obstacles: stay in "back", use line of sight to make enemies forget you, keep hazards between you and enemies, take high ground




* Best way to select friendlies to heal?

++ Watch green bars of players as they move on screen?

++ Watch raid bars for those taking damage and not dim and click on them?

++ Use keybind a lot for "Select Next Friendly" (this seems great mapped to Shift-Tab)


* Best skills for healing while in thick of combat? (nothing goes quite as planned)

++ Quick heals on one person: AMP, MP, look for others...?

++ On group or when there's more time: Supercharge, Kolto Bomb for group shields, [Reactive Shield for bonus outoing heals], AMP, MP, AMP, MP... or just AMP, AMP, AMP

++ On self or someone you are protecting: Trauma probe and variation of above


* Maybe too broad a question, but how do you prioritize combat vs healing? Using the BIG GREEN HEAL RAY really paints a target on our backs. I end up using all our skills to fight melee off and stun them and try to aoe into crowds to help out. This is just necessary in a game like this.

Is it a payoff to just stay strictly to heals or a mix?


Any general sequences to follow that work well for you guys?


Are there any other excellent videos or guides like the following?

Youtube: "SWTOR Trooper Commando PVP Gameplay: Combat Medic @ 16 in Huttball" by TaugrimTaugrim


PS: I dedicate my combat medic and warzone enthusiasm to Taugrim.

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