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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Responsiveness/Animation Cast Time NEEDS to be addressed!


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TL: DR It's part of the code, get used to it.


If its working at intended, it makes sense, but it feels awkward in PVP. I don't notice it PVE myself because it makes sense in some ways that animations need to finish before the damage hits.


It needs some fixing/adjusting whether it's working as intended or not.

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I disagree, I think its all in your head... I've had no issues at all and in fact believe SW:TOR's Responsiveness to be on par or better than WoW's. Show me proof, I don't accept your current "proof", I want to see more/better proof...


Everything is fine, you're all just delusional or whining...




See what I did thar?

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Georg Zoeller responded to a similar post in the Developer Tracker. Here's what he had to say:




We understand that this is a subject the community is very eager to hear more about. Thank you for your patience.


We need to know that this issue is the #1 priority of the development team, because it absolutely needs to be for this game to last.

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Remember just a few weeks ago (Launch) when they blamed the player base for the queues on High Population servers and never attributed anything to the fact that the guild placement system was stacking too many guilds on too few servers.


Yea they totally said "You stupid players, its your fault! Your mother should have swallowed you"

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