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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are Datacrons optional or required for maxing stats in PvP?


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The only Datacrons that make a huge difference are the ones that provide matrix shards. Combine three to make a relic that gives a huge stat boost. Then again, if most of the datacrons that give matrix shards are like the one that I found on Balmorra as an Imperial (which requires two people to get), then I guess it is worth the trouble.
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Look at it this way, at level 24 my commando has 456 aim. The datacrons give +2 aim. So a pretty minor bonus really.


The only rewards really worth getting are the matrix shards which you can combine into a relic that is a neutral (i.e. has no light/dark requirement).

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As I feared, so not so optional for competitive PvP (not the strong side of this game anyways). I read that you need to wait half hour for some balloon, some datacrons require 4ppl. Maybe they will add some or there already is some in raids?


In my opinion this have to be one of worst system I have ever seen in mmorpg that have some sort of pvp. I guess lot of people are like me who don't know about these yet. I canceled my sub and hopefully Arenanet never implement something silly as datacrons to GW2.


Gotta have something to appease the console kiddies....and that something is a poorly thought out console mechanic.


Of course the devout will tell you "it encourages exploration"...because, it makes sense exploring the tops of pipes in a factory.

Edited by Conundrum-NSA
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If these didn't stack or some didn't give high as +10 all stats. Even then to min/max your char you need to get these even if it was 1% stat boost overall.


You've got some misinformation. The highest stat bonus is +4, most are +2, and you don't need to find all the datacrons because you don't need all the stats. Try doing some research. I've got all the datacrons (absolutely unnecessary - but I'm a completionist/explorer) up to Tatooine (where I am now,) and I've spent at most two hours trying to get them. Of all the things to rage over, this isn't one of them.

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You've got some misinformation. The highest stat bonus is +4, most are +2, and you don't need to find all the datacrons because you don't need all the stats. Try doing some research. I've got all the datacrons (absolutely unnecessary - but I'm a completionist/explorer) up to Tatooine (where I am now,) and I've spent at most two hours trying to get them. Of all the things to rage over, this isn't one of them.

Take a look achievement: datacrons tab in your codex and it show 67 and then count number of datacrons in list you linked.


Here is empire version of +10 all stats on Ziost Shadow. *Spoiler alert* http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108876


Would be nice to see actual completed list of all datacrons and how much stat boost they give.

Edited by Leipuri
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Okay bro. Of all the things to quit in a huff over datacrons are not it.


actually i kinda agree that not a rage quit thing but it is absurd that they give stats, and have to bend over backwards to get them. Frankly i'm not waiting 40 minutes for some baloon or some bull crap...having them spread out over world is fine but way they put them in just baffles me... no sorry not jumping accross all these pipes getting some one to shove me over a ledge, waiting for some floating invisible platform to spawn and then dancing like a yahoo naked over kaas city just for some stupid cube...lol... far to intricate for what they are...

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