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I HAVE to take T7 with me? Story spoilers possible...


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If players do not know this is coming up, that is their own fault. People should actively read forums about their class in the higher level ranges so they can get idea of what to expect, how to improve, etc. Ignorance is no excuse.


It's your own fault??! Seriously? I read the forums but I specifically choose not to read stuff which may include mission spoilers - some things I prefer to work things out myself rather than having them handed to me on a plate.


This particular mission was the first time I broke that rule, because it just seemed so broken. I still feel cheated that the Emperor died when I threw my lightsaber at him, but after 4 hours and over 50K Cr in medpacks, stims and repair bills, not to mention the cost of re-equipping T7 to L50, there was no way I was going to reset the mission and do it all again.... one of my friends jokingly said that all tanks are masochists who enjoy getting beat on, but even I'm not that much of a masochist to do all that again - at least until it's fixed and properly balanced.

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guys quick question is it possible to get from temple to republic fleet ? My transport is on cd btw.

I just get to temple with T-7 geared on lvl 10 :D got pawned by those two assasins and appeared on the stairs to emperor throne room.So i get automaticly behind the red field without opening it.So now I am pretty screwed :D I can´t talk to emperor nor I can go back since i didnt open the field.

I hope the shuttle thing is working , I wrote the ticket of course but still too lazy to wait several days.


Same thing happened to me. You are screwed unless emergency fleet pass is ready.

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Hmm, looks like another thing bioware changed their minds about, first it was 'no big bosses with loads of health, now its the promise of bweing able to use any companion we want to progress, but now we have to bring certain companions for a class quest? how dumb is that?


I guess they can't stick to plans i guess....looks like i will have to stomach that annoying bleeping sound.

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I omitted some of the irrelevant stuff so I can address those two points. They "fixed" you being able to take him down the hall to force push him off the ledge from my understanding. To do that, they most likely tethered him to his room? Just a guess. I didn't have a problem with him at all, so not sure.


If players do not know this is coming up, that is their own fault. People should actively read forums about their class in the higher level ranges so they can get idea of what to expect, how to improve, etc. Ignorance is no excuse.


That's total bull and you know it. Having the forums available is a plus, it shouldn't need to be necessary to get this kind of information. Early in the class quest line, once you get your dark companion, he should tell you THEN that you will need to face the emperor alone and with someone that isn't easily swayed by the force. Players shouldn't have to read a bloody forum post to find this out. It's a game, and to have to break out of the game world to find information on the quest line tosses up spoilers. Some people actually prefer to stay in the game world and enjoy the content as it was designed. Game breaking surprises should never enter the mix.

Edited by BladesWill
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I will concede the point about the story line, however if they were paying attention to the story line earlier in the progress it basically told us we would be needing T7. The 1st time we faced the Emporer and went "dark" and Scourge bailed out our teammates, part of the story T7 said he was the only one the Emporer's abilities wouldn't affect. So there was a clue early on...



Yea, he also says "t7 = Jedi Trained, needs light saber attachment" and a plethora of other comments throughout the game. Mostly him saying that "T7 + Jedi = <insert some random comment>"

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I've never played an MMO in my life before this one - loved the Kotor games but cheated with the pause and medpac thing.


I've played nearly all of this game solo and only changed to use Doc a few planets before the emperor. Most of my efforts were spent on getting him good enough to use and then i found out i had to use a T7 that i hadnt even bothered with since i got Kira.


Got battered a few times against the emperor and just used the fleet pass - went to a few planets and sorted T7 out a little bit - far from good anyways - then went back.


Honest to god got beaten easily again then just went back in and fought him and only him.


Never wanted to look on these forums as i'm all about the story and didn't want to ruin it so close to the end. It was quite easy once i realised that the clones take off hardly any health - and you just have to watch out for one of his Force attacks - blast or something which instantly kills you.


Just a quick question though - he didnt seem to die at the end... just dissapeared... anyone else thing he's not dead?

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So, I don't think I can manage this last encounter without gearing up T7. I haven't found an easy way to gear him up either. The AH seems like a good bet, but there's not much there right now.


Anyone know of any vendors I should try?


Here and there you can find moddable droid parts from vendors, like under the senat building on Coruscant.

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There are quests all through most class stories that 'force' you to use a particular companion or can even cause one companion to be unusuable AFTER that quest ends. Its really a stupid system. There should never be any requirement to use, gear up or lose a companion.
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