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Could Star Wars be real?


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700 years ago people didn't even have the idea for a cell phone.


Let me ask you this. Do you believe it is possible to have a magic wand like in Harry Potter? A stick that has a phoenix feather or dragon scale as it's core and is able to cast spells such as Eat Slugs which cause a person to create life in their mouth????


Simply because something is sci-fi or fantasy now, does not mean it will be that wayforever. Until the 1900’s people thought spaceflight was a dream. And yet here we are with shuttles and spacecraft. In the Roman Empire, people thought a weapon that could fire faster than an arrow with a loud noise (guns) was fantasy (maybe even witchcraft). And yet we have machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, etc. all based around that central concept.


This applies to ideas and laws as well. People once believed the Earth was flat. We know full well that it is round not flat. Modern ideas are subject to this as well. There are 4 forces weak nuclear, strong nuclear, gravitational and electromagnetic. Perhaps in a century or so, another will be discovered.


Scientists are learning new stuff everyday, stuff their predecessors couldn’t even fathom. There are the laws of physics today. Does that mean we are all knowing in that department? No, no a thousand times no! Fast foreward a few centuries and scientists could have discovered new laws and scientific principles we do not know of. They can then be applied to inventions. Perhaps a working lightsaber could be constructed exactly like its movie counterpart(or at least using the same concepts) with the increased knowledge of our descendants. Just because there are the laws of physics today does not mean they will be the correct ones or that they will not be subject to change in the future.

Edited by Rohanshot
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Simply because something is sci-fi or fantasy now, does not mean it will be that wayforever. Until the 1900’s people thought spaceflight was a dream. And yet here we are with shuttles and spacecraft. In the Roman Empire, people thought a weapon that could fire faster than an arrow with a loud noise (guns) was fantasy (maybe even witchcraft). And yet we have machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, etc. all based around that central concept.


This applies to ideas and laws as well. People once believed the Earth was flat. We know full well that it is round not flat. Modern ideas are subject to this as well. There are 4 forces weak nuclear, strong nuclear, gravitational and electromagnetic. Perhaps in a century or so, another will be discovered.


Scientists are learning new stuff everyday, stuff their predecessors couldn’t even fathom. There are the laws of physics today. Does that mean we are all knowing in that department? No, no a thousand times no! Fast foreward a few centuries and scientists could have discovered new laws and scientific principles we do not know of. They can then be applied to inventions. Perhaps a working lightsaber could be constructed exactly like its movie counterpart(or at least using the same concepts) with the increased knowledge of our descendants. Just because there are the laws of physics today does not mean they will be the correct ones or that they will not be subject to change in the future.


WHAT!...The Earth isn't flat?!....I don't know what to think anymore, this news makes me sad. :(

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Could a Star Wars like civilization exist? Think about it. The universe is 13.7 billion years old. It could be possible that a planet(s) was formed 10-11 billion years ago, and life began to evolve a few billion years after.


The life that evolved could have gotten horns like the Zabrak or they could be blue like the Chiss. After the humanoid life came, they could have discovered electricity and other technology way earlier than us. They could have quickly developed space travel, maybe not at light speed, but developed it to the point of anyone being able to buy a space ship.


They might have invented blasters, or swords that are lazer-like. They could have two or more "factions" that are at war. (Republic vs Empire for example) We have war between countries, so why couldn't they?


Just something to think about.


actually its a guarantee that such an advanced (and actually still quite stupid) level of civilization exists.


The greatest rank of intelligence we can currently think of is the type that has the ability to manipulate (make as well as destroy) stars and suns. Given the old age of the universe we currently know of (and we know very little based on flawed theories), such a civilization is almost a guarantee to exist.


As for us being screwed, thats not how it works. I dont go out of my way every day when i go to work to step on ants colonies. Same type of thinking applies.

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The speed of evolution of intelligent life (i.e. slooooooooooow), the relatively young age of the universe and the current infeasibility (and physical impossibility) of rapid interstellar travel says no.


In all likelihood, while there is probably more intelligent life in the universe, it is at a relatively similar stage of advancement to humanity in terms of space travel. People don't really comprehend just how long it takes for evolution to take place. Earth is 4.5 billion years old, yes, but that prior 9 billion years is not automatically rife with life. The first few billion years of the universe were so violently blasted with radiation and all manner of cosmic phenomena that it's very unlikely that planets would have or could have formed in any way accommodating for organic life. Remember that there are not parts of the universe that moved faster than we do in a traditional sense (not counting irrelevant gravitational wackiness.)


The formation of Earth itself was not an instantaneous process. First, our star had to be born and spend an incredible amount of time slowly cooking and spewing out the heavy matter that comprises the rest of our solar system. Then the Earth had to coagulate into a planet, clear its orbital path of debris, built up a (then toxic) atmosphere and oceans of water, and that's all before life started. It took about a billion years after the Earth resembled Earth before life even showed up, and then the single-celled organisms spent about 2-3 billion more years processing the Carbon Dioxide-rich atmosphere and creating the Oxygen-rich atmosphere that we are familiar with today, and only then could land-based organisms even begin their path toward the current species diversity we have today.


Now, maybe another planet could have a billion or so years on us, but considering how improbable our own existence is and just how many horrible ways space is trying to murder everything, not to mention the resource and fuel plateau that a hypothetical species will likely reach before ever being able travel between stars (i.e. you cannot create a space ship if you run out of fuel), the odds of their being a hyper-advanced and cosmically ancient civilization are very unlikely. In all probability, other hypothetical species will be at a similar stage of technological advancement as humanity is today.



Considering all of this, remember that there was that one period in time that life was nearly wiped out due to an asteroid hitting the planet, or something similar.


Then there was the dark ages. Humanity is very diverse, and due to politics and business a lot of things may not happen that would advance us, due to government control of something or what have you.


Also it's possible some forms of life reached the stage we consider "intelligent" faster than others. We evolved faster than some others. Maybe one species evolves with two heads, or 6 six and as a result it is more productive in it's time span. Maybe it lives longer and therefore the Einsteins of their species can be more productive in their time span.


Then we can consider freaky stuff such as black holes. If I remember right from my astronomy class and various science fiction books based heavily on theories that are believed to be true, time travel may be possible through some kind of freaky largely unlikely events occurring at the same time. This would mean it would be possible for a group of an advanced species to be teleported back in time and settle a planet thus making it be technologically more advanced than it would be realistically for how old the universe is.


There are many things unknown. Claiming something is impossible is foolish, many things thoughts impossible have been done, and there are infinite numbers of outcomes for every situation.


"The impossible is possible waiting to happen."


There is even an interesting theory that the universe repeats itself. The big bang occurs, planets form, life evolves, then it all is reversed and happens over. This is based on how planets and suns keep their orbit in place. When the moon gets far away from earth, earth's gravity pulls it back in. When it gets too close to earth, it is pulled back out by the sun, always keeping it in the same position. Whos to say there is not something this large in the center of the universe that makes the entire everything contract and expand, wiping out life and then revolving it in the process each time from surviving bacteria.


Various technologies similar to Star Wars is very possible. I would say it's unlikely to find a society with all of them at once, as they would probably be advanced beyond some of the things in Star Wars before they finally invented some others. I would even say we will probably have some crazy things here on earth in 100 years if everything is still intact.

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Simply because something is sci-fi or fantasy now, does not mean it will be that wayforever. Until the 1900’s people thought spaceflight was a dream. And yet here we are with shuttles and spacecraft. In the Roman Empire, people thought a weapon that could fire faster than an arrow with a loud noise (guns) was fantasy (maybe even witchcraft). And yet we have machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, etc. all based around that central concept.


This applies to ideas and laws as well. People once believed the Earth was flat. We know full well that it is round not flat. Modern ideas are subject to this as well. There are 4 forces weak nuclear, strong nuclear, gravitational and electromagnetic. Perhaps in a century or so, another will be discovered.


Scientists are learning new stuff everyday, stuff their predecessors couldn’t even fathom. There are the laws of physics today. Does that mean we are all knowing in that department? No, no a thousand times no! Fast foreward a few centuries and scientists could have discovered new laws and scientific principles we do not know of. They can then be applied to inventions. Perhaps a working lightsaber could be constructed exactly like its movie counterpart(or at least using the same concepts) with the increased knowledge of our descendants. Just because there are the laws of physics today does not mean they will be the correct ones or that they will not be subject to change in the future.


it is completely impossible. Just because something is in a movie doesn't mean it is real or can be real



Are you going to tell me that Transformers is also possible?


The Green Lanterns Ring?


Harry Potter??



Edited by jarjarloves
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Why is it not possible? Who says that its impossible? People thought it was impossible to fly, now look where we are we got planes. People thought it was impossible that the earth wasn't the center of the universe, and guess what its not. Just because we haven't figured out a certain way, does not make FTL travel possible. They are jumping the gun way early on that.


E=mc2 says its impossible to travel faster then light. NOW there might be a time or a species in a distant galaxy far far away, that has created a technology that enabels "FTL" travel by bending space around the vessel, which, theoretically atleast, could achive "speeds" faster then light.

Edited by Jedi_molbani
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it is completely impossible. Just because something is in a movie doesn't mean it is real or can be real



Are you going to tell me that Transformers is also possible?


The Green Lanterns Ring?


Harry Potter??




Did you just ignore everything I said?! Just because we do not have the tech, resources or knowledge to build something, does not mean it will remain that way! Perhaps in a few centuries, a human implanted with advanced bionics and genetic manipulation will be able to fly and be able to have super strength like superman! Maybe Harry Potter is outside science. But perhaps there will be a ring that has nanobots and nanomachines, that, when activated, cover the user in armor and enhances his abilities with nanobots. The end results would be someone who could look and/or act like Green Lantern.


Transformers are more or less closer than we think. AI is increasing exponentially every year. Theres the whole deal with the technological singularity. Also theres the chance that combat mechs might appear on the battlefield. Starting off they could activate wings and booster jets to fly. Sooner they could convert parts of their bodies to be like other vehicles. Soon they could imitate vehicles perfectly. These would be more like combat mech KITT's rather than autobots. I see these around the next millenium or so.


These are well beyond the scope of todays tech. But centuries to millenia from now, these could be created. Science and technology evolves on a constant basis. What is impossible today is not impossible in the future.


Go back to the 1900's or 1800's with you smartphone and laptop, they would call you a sorcerer for being able to conjure images from around the globe

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Did you just ignore everything I said?! Just because we do not have the tech, resources or knowledge to build something, does not mean it will remain that way! Perhaps in a few centuries, a human implanted with advanced bionics and genetic manipulation will be able to fly and be able to have super strength like superman! Maybe Harry Potter is outside science. But perhaps there will be a ring that has nanobots and nanomachines, that, when activated, cover the user in armor and enhances his abilities with nanobots. The end results would be someone who could look and/or act like Green Lantern.


Transformers are more or less closer than we think. AI is increasing exponentially every year. Theres the whole deal with the technological singularity. Also theres the chance that combat mechs might appear on the battlefield. Starting off they could activate wings and booster jets to fly. Sooner they could convert parts of their bodies to be like other vehicles. Soon they could imitate vehicles perfectly. These would be more like combat mech KITT's rather than autobots. I see these around the next millenium or so.


These are well beyond the scope of todays tech. But centuries to millenia from now, these could be created. Science and technology evolves on a constant basis. What is impossible today is not impossible in the future.


Go back to the 1900's or 1800's with you smartphone and laptop, they would call you a sorcerer for being able to conjure images from around the globe




You are not listening. I am not saying we can't come up with plasma weapons or AI robots, combat mechs or even a plasma sword that comes close to looking like a light saber.



I am saying it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a blaster weapon exactly like Star Wars, A Lightsaber with all the properties of a light saber (solid blade able to cut anything and deflect things that works exactly like a lightsaber) Shield technology or cars are able to transfom into GIANT robots several times their original volume.


There is a HUGE difference between coming up with a practical aproach to being able to fly ie jetpack, planes and so fourth and being able to fly like superman ie alien dna allows his cells to be charged with the power of our yellow sun which gives him the ability to WILL himself to fly.


We are NOT talking about someone who can "Look" like the green lantern or a weapon that "acts" like a light saber.



We are talking about actually MAKING star wars technoloy. ie a blaster weapon that fires engery bursts that is able to be deflected by a lightsaber and also explode on contact with walls.


Also we talked about Miku a few pages back he is far from a credible source.




also no people from the 1800s and the 1900s would not think you were a sorcerer. Remember at the end of the 1800s they were already working on radios, had movies, and even Harpers Bazaar had a prediction of something like the internet.


Now here is the perfect example. HB's prediction of the internet was pretty far off and is 100% impossible how they had thought it would work. However we obviously have come up with technology that acts like it but is not the same.


Much like how I have been explaining to you a Lightsaber is 100% Impossible. but it is possible to get a weapon that could cut like a lightsaber but not be a lightsaber.

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Could a Star Wars like civilization exist? Think about it. The universe is 13.7 billion years old. It could be possible that a planet(s) was formed 10-11 billion years ago, and life began to evolve a few billion years after.


The life that evolved could have gotten horns like the Zabrak or they could be blue like the Chiss. After the humanoid life came, they could have discovered electricity and other technology way earlier than us. They could have quickly developed space travel, maybe not at light speed, but developed it to the point of anyone being able to buy a space ship.


They might have invented blasters, or swords that are lazer-like. They could have two or more "factions" that are at war. (Republic vs Empire for example) We have war between countries, so why couldn't they?


Just something to think about.




Are you being serious, you are the most ridiculous nerd iv ever seen, go out side the faak and get some fresh air, what a weirdo.

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If I told you, two years ago (2010), that there was something faster than the speed of light, you sure would have laughed it off, but now we have discovered neutrinos that are actually moving faster than light! If I had gone back to 1700's america, and told them that we were developing faster methods of transportation than horseback, they'd have laughed in your face as you are laughing in his/her face.


Fact is, we really don't know when human invention is going to "cap off" or "level out". So why be narrowminded and assume we can't get Star-Warsy tech sometime in the future? I can't imagine we will be fighting wars with Lightsabers (I mean, we ditched a lot of broadsword type technique they use a long time ago.) but it isn't an impossibility.

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Using the multiverse theory being posited by physicists right now, the original poster is bang on right. Anything we can imagine is likely to have occurred in a infinite universe and since it is likely there are alternate universes, yes this can occur. I know it sounds far fetched and yes we may never know but every time I watch a movie or a tv show I wonder..is it possible that some where some time the thing Im watching has is or will occur. I like the idea right up til I watch a horror movie..then I wonder if Im watching someones reality and then it gets uncomfortable.:(
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Using the multiverse theory being posited by physicists right now, the original poster is bang on right. Anything we can imagine is likely to have occurred in a infinite universe and since it is likely there are alternate universes, yes this can occur. I know it sounds far fetched and yes we may never know but every time I watch a movie or a tv show I wonder..is it possible that some where some time the thing Im watching has is or will occur. I like the idea right up til I watch a horror movie..then I wonder if Im watching someones reality and then it gets uncomfortable.:(



Does this mean i have to amend Murphys law from "if it can happen i t will happen" to "If it can happen in fact its already happened/happening some where some time ergo it will happen possibly to you or at least another version of you!!!"


Weird part im not confused:cool:

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E=mc2 says its impossible to travel faster then light. NOW there might be a time or a species in a distant galaxy far far away, that has created a technology that enabels "FTL" travel by bending space around the vessel, which, theoretically atleast, could achive "speeds" faster then light.



If an object has mass, anyway. It's also theorized that light may actually travel faster than normal in different parts of the universe. Leftovers from the big bang.

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It is impossible for anything to travel faster than light. Those neutrino experiments haven't been fully proven yet and even the scientists who did them are unsure about their results. It is not the first time somebody has disagreed with einstein.




Also, when considering the whole E=MC(squared) formula you have to keep in mind that the M portion of a neutrino is extremely small compared to a spaceship so even if it is possible to travel faster than light the amount of energy required to even propel a car at that speed would hinder us for millenia.


Let's not even consider some of the more simple problems such as F=MA and simply colliding with a small rock while moving at the speed of light would likely destroy the ship and everyone in it so until you can make some sort of mega-****** Kevlar for your craft it would be suicidal to even attempt to travel that fast.


Moving from point A to point B in space is probably not the answer at all, "wormholes" and other techniques for bending time-space is probably the better answer to figure out. Leave the FTL traveling for communication.

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Also, when considering the whole E=MC(squared) formula you have to keep in mind that the M portion of a neutrino is extremely small compared to a spaceship so even if it is possible to travel faster than light the amount of energy required to even propel a car at that speed would hinder us for millenia.


Let's not even consider some of the more simple problems such as F=MA and simply colliding with a small rock while moving at the speed of light would likely destroy the ship and everyone in it so until you can make some sort of mega-****** Kevlar for your craft it would be suicidal to even attempt to travel that fast.


Moving from point A to point B in space is probably not the answer at all, "wormholes" and other techniques for bending time-space is probably the better answer to figure out. Leave the FTL traveling for communication.


agreed 100%


allthough I think the concern with FTL would be the force. The acceleration to get up to a FTL speed would rip the ship and the person apart. You would experience 1x10^100000000 G's



Wormholes would be the fastest, safest and most realistic way to travel.

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ne is the number of planets per star that are capable of sustaining life

Question: For each star that does have a planetary system, how many planets are capable of sustaining life?

Answer: Current estimates range from 1 to 5.


The part where it says each system contains a planet on which life is even possible lines up with Star Wars. In each system there is only one on average on which life is sustainable (not to mention the millions of systems that do not have life-sustaining planets). Corellia's system is an anomaly because all of its planets (5 I think) are able to sustain life. I only mentioned this because I thought that it was interesting.

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The part where it says each system contains a planet on which life is even possible lines up with Star Wars. In each system there is only one on average on which life is sustainable (not to mention the millions of systems that do not have life-sustaining planets). Corellia's system is an anomaly because all of its planets (5 I think) are able to sustain life. I only mentioned this because I thought that it was interesting.


But carbon based life isn't the only form of life that can exist. At least I remember reading somewhere that the possibility of it has been given significant evidence. I think that we can't even begin to understand the amount of life out there in the universe.


As for intelligent life out there in the universe I believe that is definitely possible. However, one thing that I love putting to people is that if there is other intelligent life out there that does not mean that they are even as technologically advanced as we or even want to become technologically advanced.


But then again all of this could exist in an alternate universe.

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