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Jedi Knight PvP Gear Looks Atrocious


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Jedi are based on samurai, that's the reason for the samurai look. I don't really care what it looks like, as long as the stats are decent.


If it looked like an actual Samurai, I wouldn't oppose it as much. In the Lore, Force Wars-era Ashla\Bogan followers used armor of similar design. Right now, however, it looks like a skin-tight EVA ********-suit with plastic armor pieces strapped to it. Oh, and a futuristic pseudo-Kabuto for a helmet.

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From what I have seen I think the level 40 pvp gear always look better than the level 50. Maybe that's just me but at 50 they get too over the top.


The Troopers would like to have a word with you, sir. And their missile-bristled shoulders look upset at such statements.


On a serious note... God I hope this is just a placeholder. Same as the Tionese+ gear. They all look outlandishly dumb. However I take heart at the fact we will soon be able to strip all of the mods/armorings from PvP and Operation gear and put it wherever we want. So I can keep rocking my Jedi Battle Lord set all the way through. Thank you God...

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