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iolath stuck with no way out

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went into  "disrupting the network" as soon as i entered it starts loading a talk sequence but just keeps loading an loading ,it won't let me leave and it won't let me do anything (well its allowing crafting) i tried the stuck button and nothing happens, i tried logging out of the game and when i return that toon is still stuck

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Just to be sure, we are talking about the daily mission? I.e., this one:

I just tested it and was able to do the mission without any problems. However, the toon has completed all main story quests including 7.5.

Do you (or in case you are in a group you or anyone of your mates) have any Iokath story missions open? Afair some of them also take place in this area and they take precedence over the daily mission. Hence, the game tries to initiate the story quest, but if you are too far away from the NPC/object etc. you get stuck. Hence, if you have the story mission, it appears to be necessary to do the story mission in order to do the dailies.

Edited by The_Hightower
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Posted (edited)

yup thats the one..as soon as i entered the mission it just loads and loads ..its the first time i have ever done the dailies on iolath so i don't have anything open on the planet other than a few dailies that were left

Edited by Trebor-droffig
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just checked again..im still stuck...this is lame . .if im not eligble for the mission why does it show it in dailies...and according to a previous release of updates it claims if even one of my characters had been to a world i can play its dailies and heroics ..well one of my characters visited the planet and it showed up as a target.. NO WHERE does it say that you have to finish every story mission first or your character is stuck in limbo forever

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buggy ain't the word for this  ..im still stuck after 4 days and a new week starting .i looked through my quests and found 1 dealing with ioloth... "meet shan" that apparently didn't light up when i got it as a mission.. don't know how to get out this mess now .. kinda hate the thought of deleting my lvl 80 toon but won't let me leave and it won't let me warp out ..kinda weird im not even allowed on this planet now (i went from sub to preffered and its not showing in my missions anymore) so why wasn't i auto booted to my ship or somewhere i can be or at least outside the forcefield to the mission

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well found a way out.. warping to another mission is working again. Don't know if it just started on its own or if it was because i tried to go to flashpoint then leave and jiggled something loose (it wasn't working before i tried a flashpoint)..i will never return to that god forsaken mission again

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