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Significant QoL improvements for collections

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I like how SWTOR over time changed and allowed us to freely customize the looks of our characters. However, i have been battling with the collections feature ever since, especially as i like to also modify the looks of my companions on each character. Note that unlike character outfitter slots, companions need the armor items equipped, so when i want to use armor not claimed from collections, buying it for 500'000 a piece (fleet cosmetic armor vendor) for so many companions is an expensive undertaking! So there is a lot of room for improvement:

  • Companions gear slots should be treated the same as for the player character outfitter slots, rather then actual gear - that is you keep your armor items in the inventory when slotting them. That would be a lot more consistent, since gear stats have no effect on companions for quite a long time; these items have practically the same purpose as the character outfitter so why treat them differently?
  • As of now, there is no one place to browse all armor set that are available in game. The collections feature is good, but a lot of armor cannot be found there: there are specialty goods and reputation vendors on each planet and the fleet. I suggest that all these sets are added to collections so buying all the pieces of one set actually makes sense - and i would definitively spend a lot more on various vendor sets, if that would be the case. 
  • Similarly, all regular gear found, dropped and crafted in the would should have visuals-only counterpart which should be also in the collections. 
  • Additionally, collections should include information how to acquire sets that are not unlocked via the cartel market. It would be best placed in the "show details" section for the corresponding items.
  • All companion customizations should be added to collections. Furthermore, those should be changed into unlocks rather then actual items that need to be slotted. Lastly all companion customizations unlocked for the specific companion should be directly accessible/browsed via the companion tab. There is really no need to have to search from them all over the place.

Furthermore, the collections could use some basic improvements to help finding what you search for:

  • Searching a large collection is currently a very tedious task. We need ways to better be able to organize our collection: Tags. The most trivial kind of tag would a favorite checkmark for each item and an option to filter for it. But i would also like to have an option to filter for all gear for example for "Knight" esthetics. For that, i would like to be able to tag collections item with named labels - each items should be able to have multiple tags. 
  • Claiming a copy: often enough i just need a single piece of an whole set, the when i click on an item in collections and then "show items", it would be great if for each individual piece there would be a "claim" bottom next to the "preview" button. Otherwise i get a lot of item spam in my inventory and have to do a lot of mass destruction to clean it up later.
  • It would be great, if there were an option to browse for a specific piece, e.g. a helmet individually. Such a search would only show that gear piece of each set instead and preferably even group up items that use the same mesh but differ only in their skin / colors. 
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On 7/26/2024 at 6:44 PM, TheKilltech said:
  • Companions gear slots should be treated the same as for the player character outfitter slots, rather then actual gear - that is you keep your armor items in the inventory when slotting them. That would be a lot more consistent, since gear stats have no effect on companions for quite a long time; these items have practically the same purpose as the character outfitter so why treat them differently?

I appreciate your comments, yet the reason they don't let you use Companion Gear on your Player; is they want you to unlock or buy the Gear.

Still having said that, some of your points have merit for sure; still I'd just love a Companion Gear Vendor at Fleet:

  • Where you could buy old outfit's for various Class Companions, or also the later Alliance outfit's you may have lost.  :sy_star:


Edited by Strathkin
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11 hours ago, Strathkin said:

I appreciate your comments, yet the reason they don't let you use Companion Gear on your Player; is they want you to unlock or buy the Gear.

Still having said that, some of your points have merit for sure; still I'd just love a Companion Gear Vendor at Fleet:

  • Where you could buy old outfit's for various Class Companions, or also the later Alliance outfit's you may have lost.  :sy_star:


Yeah, companion gear is restricted to those companions only and i understand the logic behind it. None of my suggestions would circumvent that.

I have however played around with the idea that if a companion gear slot is left empty, the default gear is being displayed - similar how outfitter slots for the character work in that they show the actual equipped gear if a slot is empty. In that case, it would make sense that the companion customization choice would define the default character gear. This way, you could always most easily bring back the original companion gear simply by removing all gear that overrides it. 

So far the only issue i found with such system is that recoloring the default gear of a companion couldn't be done as easy as it is now. 

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1 hour ago, TheKilltech said:

I have however played around with the idea that if a companion gear slot is left empty, the default gear is being displayed

Shae already does (did?  maybe it has been changed) this, and it is very annoying, especially for players who don't have the Covert Energy armour set and pieces.

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On 7/28/2024 at 1:31 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

Shae already does (did?  maybe it has been changed) this, and it is very annoying, especially for players who don't have the Covert Energy armour set and pieces.

i have checked and unless i misunderstand you, it's not like that currently. You can strip Shae down to her underwear if you choose to.

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9 hours ago, TheKilltech said:

i have checked and unless i misunderstand you, it's not like that currently. You can strip Shae down to her underwear if you choose to.

Yea that's kind of what I though...  while a few may work that way not all of them do!

  1. Dr. Lokin if you take off his gear, he still wears his Alliance Armor; yet not his original outfit.
  2. Malavai Quinn, Shae, and # of others if you take off gear, they wear underwear; like many others often do.

And why I suggested: I'd just love a Companion Gear Vendor at Fleet:

  • :sy_star:Where you could buy old outfit's for various Class Companions, or also the later Alliance outfit's you may have lost.  :sy_star:


On 7/26/2024 at 6:44 PM, TheKilltech said:

Furthermore, the collections could use some basic improvements to help finding what you search for:

  • Claiming a copy: often enough i just need a single piece of an whole set, the when i click on an item in collections and then "show items", it would be great if for each individual piece there would be a "claim" bottom next to the "preview" button. 

Others suggested that very thing here: :sy_star: (2nd post in the thread)  :sy_star:  below first about Crafting Materials & Legacy / Cargo Bay tweaks!



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You might be thinking of Ranos (as the companion whose gear stays the same when the slot is empty)

-- I agree that we could really use some new ways to organize or search collections. There's so many pages of armor now.

being able to favorite things, or to "see all [boots]/[belts]/[gloves]" would be convenient.

And I very much wish companion armor was in collections for us to reclaim so that we didn't have to hold onto it if we want to keep it & dress them in something else. Being able to stamp a companion outfit would mostly solve the problem, but I would rather be able to just pull a copy of their outfit out.

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On 7/29/2024 at 9:06 PM, Strathkin said:

Yea that's kind of what I though...  while a few may work that way not all of them do!

  1. Dr. Lokin if you take off his gear, he still wears his Alliance Armor; yet not his original outfit.
  2. Malavai Quinn, Shae, and # of others if you take off gear, they wear underwear; like many others often do.

And why I suggested: I'd just love a Companion Gear Vendor at Fleet:

  • :sy_star:Where you could buy old outfit's for various Class Companions, or also the later Alliance outfit's you may have lost.  :sy_star:

Others suggested that very thing here: :sy_star: (2nd post in the thread)  :sy_star:  below first about Crafting Materials & Legacy / Cargo Bay tweaks!


Indeed, you are right. It is specific to only some companions but for those it does work they way i would imagine. Yeah, for the current way companion gear is handles, a specialized vendor would make a lot of sense. But a general change to the system might require a different approach, so let's just keep the general suggestion that it must be easy to restore the original look of companions. 

20 hours ago, Riyar said:

You might be thinking of Ranos (as the companion whose gear stays the same when the slot is empty)

-- I agree that we could really use some new ways to organize or search collections. There's so many pages of armor now.

being able to favorite things, or to "see all [boots]/[belts]/[gloves]" would be convenient.

And I very much wish companion armor was in collections for us to reclaim so that we didn't have to hold onto it if we want to keep it & dress them in something else. Being able to stamp a companion outfit would mostly solve the problem, but I would rather be able to just pull a copy of their outfit out.

I suppose many of my suggestion are just common sense - basic necessities when a collections grows too large. 

having companion gear in the collection is also a valid idea, though people might get confused if it gets mixed with regular armor. to top it off, for most companions the gear is redundant and there is an unrestricted cartel market version of it. that would have to be handled properly. 

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I would like to add another suggestion : always display the "account unlock" price for items, even for items you don't own, so that you can know how much it'll cost you to have it available for all characters if you buy it. Right now, you have to buy the item first to discover how much more it'll cost you.

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10 hours ago, Xyranis said:

I would like to add another suggestion : always display the "account unlock" price for items, even for items you don't own, so that you can know how much it'll cost you to have it available for all characters if you buy it. Right now, you have to buy the item first to discover how much more it'll cost you.

Oh that would be good, too.
(Though if you weren't aware of it: the unlock cost is based (usually?) on the item rarity: bronze items are the cheapest to unlock and platinum the most expensive.)

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On 7/31/2024 at 1:30 PM, Xyranis said:

I would like to add another suggestion : always display the "account unlock" price for items, even for items you don't own, so that you can know how much it'll cost you to have it available for all characters if you buy it. Right now, you have to buy the item first to discover how much more it'll cost you.

That would also be nice. Note that as far as I know and as Riyar said, cost is usually determined by cartel market rarity/classification.

  • special = 10 unlock cost (remnant sets, galactic season rewards)
  • bronze = 60
  • silver = 240
  • gold = 400
  • platinum = ?

That information is not directly available in the collections. It would help to have it there, such that we could either filter or sort by it, just as we can in the galactic market.

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17 hours ago, TheKilltech said:

special = 10 unlock cost (remnant sets, galactic season rewards)

You're missing a few words in there.  10 CC is not for *all* GS rewards, but just (if memory serves) the first two seasons.  After that, it went up to 60 or so.  There was some ... adverse ... commentary on the forums when that happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, for all of the outfits and companion gear, there should be a Wardrobe. The wardrobe could display all unlocked sets, along with all outfits that have been created, and allow you to stamp them on your character or companion.

I still think each outfit should have all possible weapon types, as well, so that when you stamp it on a character/companion who uses a sniper rifle, assault cannon, blaster, dualsaber, etc, it can apply the correct one, and even have appropriate offhands or sabers for those pesky cutscenes.

Lastly, Unify Armor Color should be able to also apply to weapons, as an option. Maybe I want to use the High Roller Blaster, but the metallic pink/gold just doesn't go with my outfit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i wonder, do any suggestions from this forums ever reach the devs? most games have something like that, but rarely have i seen devs picking up things.
in the tech of today, it would make sense to let an AI work through through the entire forum and compile focused summary of major player feedback.

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On 7/27/2024 at 3:44 AM, TheKilltech said:
  • Claiming a copy: often enough i just need a single piece of an whole set, the when i click on an item in collections and then "show items", it would be great if for each individual piece there would be a "claim" bottom next to the "preview" button. Otherwise i get a lot of item spam in my inventory and have to do a lot of mass destruction to clean it up later.

Oh, PLEASE - this.


As great as your other suggestions are, as someone who likes to combine different pieces to form armours: 7 pieces of armour means reclaiming 7 sets, ranging from 5 to 8 pieces each: 6*7=42 inventory slots occupied just to try out a single outfit is insane!

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