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For any PILOTS dissatisfied with 'GSF' development ( or lack thereof ) ...


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hello SWTOR players,

Unfortunately, after 14 years of playing SWTOR and nearly 8 years of being totally ignored ( by BioWare and now Broadsword )  when it comes to  'GSF'  attention ,  myself & a few other dedicated  vets finally recently cut-the-cord  and moved over to  *Elite Dangerous*  --> https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elden-wing-new-2024-squadron-looking-for-a-few-cool-cmdrs.625985/

It's a very steep learning-curve over there ( not to mention tons of keybinds lol )  but honestly it's the most space fun i've had since  SWG/JTL  days.   Feels way more 'Star Warsy' over there, since we can actually smuggle and hunt bounties and mine asteroids and farm planets and customize ships and make discoveries , etc. etc. etc.. -- Plus.... they have legit  flight-stick  support!  :csw_vadertie:

Anyways, just figured i'd put the word out here  in case any other restless pilot players wanted to join us there on a day-to-day.


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You have been a cherished member of this community. I always looked forward to check your insight. It's a pity you are going away my friend but I TRULY understand your decision. 

Now that you posted this game, I myself may take a look into it lol It looks kind of cool. 

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  • 1 month later...

I can say I liked Elite Dangerous very much in the past, was playing for ca 320 hours total, but ultimately I got bored by a very repetitive content.

I was earning credits mainly from mining asteroids, it was nice at the beginning. but then, well.... looking on dedicated website for a market with highest selling prices, making a dozens of jumps through empty systems with single star, getting fuelled from these stars, jumping again, selling minerals and making all the way back to the same asteroids to mine more and more minerals. Only to get better ship and higher tier of basic equipment. Either dedicated for mining or for fighting. Could not install both without visiting a shipyard.

When I got this best ship for a billion credits I realised it's worth nothing in combat if it's not equipped in engineering improvements. Here was a trick - to improve I needed to grind lots of mats. I mean a lot. So needed to keep scanning multiple planets in multiple systems, finding one planet with minerals I needed for single engineer. And there were plenty engineers, engineering different ship systems. Needed to visiting planets, landing ship on a surface, taking land rover to drive to the minerals, dig them up untill the rover cargo is full, return to ship to empty stock, rinse and repeat, only to find the cargo is too small to fill lots of minerals needed for the engineer. Grind in this game in eternal, much worse and less pleasant than in SWTOR. The fun was only at start, soon turning into boredom.

I was playing solo, only Solo mode. Anytime I tried flying in Open I was destroyed by another players, as there was no PVE mode in this game, at least in my times. Not sure how is it now.

In Solo a player was completely lost and alone in a huge galaxy, and the lonelines was overwhelming. In Open a player ship meant nothing untill engineered, and even when it was, there were people always ready to hunt and prey on lone players, destroying them without remorse. Too much toxic environment for me to start over again and again, since every start in new ship meant that ship needed to be engineered from scratch!. Ultimately I abandoned this game to never return.

In my opinion great potential was lost by devs in bad decisions and constant push rather to sell the cosmetics for ships instead of making a true PVE experience like in SWTOR. ED was a good space sim, but lacked what SWTOR had and still possess - a feeling we are in true MMO playing as we like with other people around keeping to their own bussinesses.

By the way I was playing ED mostly because I remember well Elite2 Frontier and Frontier First Encounters, was playing them when I was a kid. In my opinion ED will never repeat the success of originals, which were created in time when no other good enough space sims were available. Today we have plenty others to choose and ED isn't best one.

Ultimately I'm sure that we will get bored by all the games, one by another, thats only a matter of time. Cheers :).

Edited by Grendel_Echo
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58 minutes ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 but ultimately I got bored by a very repetitive content.

i disagree with your choice of  the word  "repetitive" .

i've been playing for nearly 3 months now, pretty much everyday ,  and not once have i ever done the same thing each day.

Not once.

Game is  *sandbox* , therefore  possibilities are endless and certainly  far from "repetitive"....assuming one  chooses to play  *sandbox* how it's meant to be played. ;)

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 I realised it's worth nothing in combat if it's not equipped in engineering improvements.

Incorrect.   i'm barely begun my  Engineering  "grind"  and i still  rek  most pilots in  combat PVP , and  of course  have  barely any trouble  ever with  PVE combat as a result.

Engineering is  very important , obviously , but just like  almost everything in video games:  It comes down to  RL skill + RL knowledge  ( tactics, training , temperment, etc. )

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

I was playing solo, only Solo mode.

i've been splitting  my time between  OPEN & Solo  modes , probably  70% open and 30% solo ( depending upon which  ship i was  in , as well as  whether or not  i'm gonna be travelling  near a more  "popular" ---aka newb gankfest--- type system ) .

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

. Anytime I tried flying in Open I was destroyed by another players,

So far, in 3+ months, i've only been destroyed  ONCE by another player.  ( on my 1st day , cuz  troll griefer ganker was camping newbs outside  starter station )

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 as there was no PVE mode in this game,

 Also incorrect  lol not sure where you're getting your info  but it's either  out-dated or  mis-remembered.

There is in fact  2  "PVE" modes:  Solo mode  AND  also the all important  'Group session' mode.  ( you can form separate  instances with your friends/squadmates ,  yet still be totally connected to the server --- just can't be attacked by other random players )

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

In Solo a player was completely lost and alone

Then don't play in Solo mode?   Game is  MMO , meant to be amongst  other players.

Solo mode is by it's very nature  gonna feel  "lonely" .  ( even though technically  you can still  CHAT msg's  with  anyone  else who is online , like  friends or squadmates or even  randon players within  same  local system )

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 huge galaxy, and the lonelines was overwhelming.

i agree  the game/galaxy  can be  "overwhelmning"  at times , but  personally i embrace  it because it motivates me to  explore  and also to make ----pun intended---- one small step for Neekind  everyday.  :D

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 In Open a player ship meant nothing untill engineered,

Again, you're just  wrong on that ^ .   Not sure who told you that but it's  catagorically false narrative/perception.

i'm living proof.

( yes the game is  'Elite DANGEROUS'  for good reason , so wisdom & caution is important.....but  it's not  'Elite Impossible-Without-Engineering'  , so you gotta  let that go  bro! )

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

Too much toxic environment for me to start over again and again, since every start in new ship meant that ship needed to be engineered from scratch!.

And yet again you are either mis-remembering or out-dated or just trying to spread  disinformation  i dunno  but   that ^  is totally wrong lol

First,  PVP  open-world  ( red = dead )  is not  "toxic"  lol  that's just  PVP dude.

Secondly,  if/when  your ship gets destroyed , you  DON'T  lose  engineered parts  ever.  ( unless you mis-clicked? )   -  All that happens is  you respawn & redeploy  the SAME ship with SAME prior parts.  ( again, unless you misclick another choice  in respawn window )  -- Sure it  has a  redeployment  "cost"  ( credits ) depending upon  how  uber  your ship parts  are.

But that's it.   Basic  credit  penalty/sink  for  death.  No big whoop  and all part of the  "Dangerous" of  PVP combat ( as it should be ) .

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 ED was a good space sim, but lacked what SWTOR had and still possess - a feeling we are in true MMO playing as we like with other people around keeping to their own bussinesses.

SWG  was better at  "MMO feeling"  that  SWTOR  ever has been and ever will be.

As for  EliteD ....well...  space is vast , so yeah  every  system/planet  amidst the  TRILLIONS  of unexplored space  ain't gonna feel  "crowded"  lol .    However,  i do agree  that  EliteD  could be even better  if they finally implement  'base-building'  ( ground bases on planet ,  player made )  and the rumor  is  they're working on it.   But we shall see.

For now,  our  *Fleet Carriers*  serve  as our  "base"  to mingle  MMO style  seeing  our characters & such.

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

 created in time when no other good enough space sims were available. Today we have plenty others to choose and ED isn't best one.

i've played them all  , including the non-mmo ones like 'Starfield' ,  and  in my opinion  EliteD  is indeed "the best" currently  overall.  ( never as good as my beloved  SWG-JTL  though , but those days are long gone )

Clearly,  your opinion  is different than mine.   Which is fine.

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

. Cheers

Take care.

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2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

i disagree with your choice of  the word  "repetitive" .

It's great that you've managed to entertain yourself.  Unfortunately for me the game was a galaxy wide but only a centimeter deep.  Did the rep grind for a few factions and got the hulls and engineering I wanted.  Ground out the capital needed for a Fleet Carrier.  Of course since I haven't played in about two years that's been repossessed (fantastic way to not make me want to come back).

The Thargoid content which I should have been all over had instancing issues when "too many" ships were in the region.  It would get janky above four and I've seen it break when we tried to get ~10-12 in.

Getting good at combat means getting good at Newtonian flight.  It's really cool but unfortunately it's so non-intuitive that you need several hours of guided practice to get the hang of it.  Contrast to any of the WoW-clone MMO's I've played.  Learning a new spec here takes me about 15-20 min. of dummy parsing to get a basic understanding.

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2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

 Unfortunately for me the game was a galaxy wide but only a centimeter deep. 

yeah sorry but i feel the complete opposite  lol  i literally have  TOO MUCH  to do  , on  a daily  gaming basis.  ( including the mysterious  mythical fun of  every now & then searching for  'Raxxla'  :sy_galaxy:  )

2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

  Of course since I haven't played in about two years that's been repossessed (fantastic way to not make me want to come back).

i mean,  from a code/cache  perspective   like why would  Developers  just allow  every player to hold  GROUP ships  sitting idle/useless  instanced  forever  when   those people don't even participate in their game?

Every  MMO has  "consequences"  for  inactivity.   Just part of the deal.

2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

The Thargoid content which I should have been all over had instancing issues when "too many" ships were in the region.  It would get janky above four and I've seen it break when we tried to get ~10-12 in.

i dunno,  that's never happened to me in endgame content  ( could be  ISP  issue on your end?  )  , but i have  heard of many  pilots/squadrons  who prefer going into their own  separate  'private Group instance'  just in case of  that type of  over-crowding  server lag.  ( which again, happens in literally every  MMO in history of MMO's , since  bandwidth is what it is )

2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

Getting good at combat means getting good at Newtonian flight. 

i'm relatively  "good" at space combat ( only been killed once , so far , as i mentioned before )  and  while  i'm obviously using my trusty  Flightstick ,  i certainly  have NOT  flown without  'flight assist'  ( ingame option )   and i'm doing just fine.   Sure, some of the more  hardcore  wannabe pro-gamer  PVP'ers  train &  git-gooder at  flying  without  flight-assist  turned on ( and they never look back ) , but it's  def.  not a requirement.

Again, just like  every other MMO in history:  There's always gonna be a higher tier of players  better than  you or me or most everyone else.    /shrug

2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

you need several hours of guided practice to get the hang of it. 

Personally, i don't see anything wrong with that ^ .    After all , it's meant to be a space SIM  .  Some people  like, and prefer,  more  realism.

2 hours ago, PlasmaJohn said:

 Learning a new spec here takes me about 15-20 min. of dummy parsing to get a basic understanding.

Key phrase being  "BASIC understanding" .   Is it really that unreasonable  to expect  players to  practice in order to achieve higher level of  advancement?  ( like in every game )

To Each His Own  though, yep.  ;)

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13 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

i disagree with your choice of  the word  "repetitive" .

i've been playing for nearly 3 months now, pretty much everyday ,  and not once have i ever done the same thing each day.

I wonder how many real time hours you have played out during these 3 months. I've got almost 320 hours on Steam and last time I was playing was July 2022. I have no idea how the game looks now. I was making opinions about state of game from July 2022. Sorry If I haven't pointed to this fact before.

In your post you mainly confirm I'm incorrect when making opinions about various parts of a game play, but consider I was talking about a state 2 years old. In that time I had plenty of credits, few high-end ships and some good experience in pve dogfights, mininig and engineering.

Based on your description here you seem to be a pro after 3 months, when you destroy other players in Open in a non-engineered ship without a sweat. Bro, I salute you, it must have been a good fight. I wonder about how you managed that in one on one without any friendly help. We have to believe you, since we had no video proof for your heroic exploits, lol.

Regarding differences between a basic ship and one engineered, there are many videos showing how easy and fast it is to destroy computer-controlled ships when player is engineered, versus how much time it takes to strip off the shields and hull when flying a basic ship.
One can imagine sitting in non-enginered ship and being attacked by a player in a fully engineered ship. I was talking about that kind of situation when describing toxic community. 2 years ago game developers had no idea how to do it, they have not implemented any regulations/rules for a various space dogfights in ships of different classes, equipment and player skills. It is always needed for PvP to balance players to prevent chaos, explots etc.
Apparently devs didn't care or wanted really a very dangerous environment in their game, fine, but that's no for me.
They had to face a result that many players, who wanted to live in a beautifully designed space sim in real PVE - solo but with others - all friendly - people around, quickly bounced off of ED, abandoning game. I believe only minority of players like a risk to be exploited, and killed by pirates who faced no real penalties. Well, about 2 years ago a penalty for piratting over other players was only ca 5k-10k credits per one ship. A ship worth millions of credits. Really, this was no penalty at all.
ED Solo mode wasn't PVE, true PVE means game puts restriction on players, we all can fly together, help each other, but can not attack eachother.

Have a good day:)

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1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

Based on your description here you seem to be a pro after 3 months,

uhh i never said that.   i said  i was  "relatively good" .   Words matter and so you better be able to quote me accurately.

My thread here is very specific.  It's for players who are unhappy with the pathetic nature of  GSF development ( as in, none )  in SWTOR.

You, for some odd reason, decided to come into my thread randomly ( you bored? ) and complain about  EliteD ,  yet most of your complaints are either  baseless ( wrong info )  or  simply out-dated.

Then you double-down with another reply and start attacking me personally accusing me of lying and trying to twist my words around ( which of course is ridiculous since my words are still  there in plain text  UN-edited above ^^  LOL ) .

You don't like  EliteD  game because you had some trouble with it?   Cool, no problem.  But who cares?

1 hour ago, Grendel_Echo said:

One can imagine sitting in non-enginered ship and being attacked by a player in a fully engineered ship. I was talking about that kind of situation when describing toxic community.

Again ,  open world/space  PVP  is not  "toxic"  lol  that's just PVP.   If you don't wanna get attacked by  the big bad meanie's  with their  big bad  "engineered" ships,  then don't play in OPEN mode.    It's like people here in SWTOR  whining about  getting killed in  Ranked Arenas   by  "over geared"  players who happen to use voice-comms and premade grouping with their skilled friends.   Good luck with that complaint  lol.

2 hours ago, Grendel_Echo said:

ED Solo mode wasn't PVE, true PVE means game puts restriction on players, we all can fly together, help each other, but can not attack eachother.

What the heck are you even rambling about now ?   i already told you about  *GROUP SESSIONS* , whereby  you can choose to go into separate instance with your friends and do PVE all you want and no  mean PVP'ers  will ever bother you.    So again,  you're  ranting & raging  about  something that isn't  even real  LOL .

2 hours ago, Grendel_Echo said:

Have a good day

i always do.   And thanks so very much for bumping  up my thread here too. :classic_rolleyes:

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