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Can't login to Star Forge server

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Well, now I'm past the splash screen but Star Forge is still dead in the water for me. I try to select it, get a looooooong pause, then an error message about a connection issue.


If everything is this much of a mess the day BEFORE the patch goes live then I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable trainwreck tomorrow.

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I have been back in-game since I posted an hour ago, but my /1 General chat seems off (no one saying anything in all this time, and nothing I ask is answered). I wonder if they disabled it on purpose.

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Can confirm that I'm having issues. Was playing just fine, got hit with a large lag spike about five minutes ago while transporting to my guild's flagship and trying to swap toons booted me to the server select screen. 

At least I got my dailies done? xD

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I am having the same issue with the Star Forge server. I was logged-in, played for about an hour and a half without issues, was then unable to move, and it finally disconnected me. Once I attempted to log back in, it remained on the "Logging into selected server..." when I selected Star Forge. I closed the client and then attempted to log-in on the other servers, and that went swimmingly without any issues.

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Was on 15 mins ago finished a Star forge heroic and couldn't exit it. Logged out of the game rebooted my computer and when I try to log back in get stuck on the Desperate Defiance splash screen.

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I have not been able to log into Star Forge since 5AM Central Time or so. I can't even get past the game's initial loading screen now. I'm forced to alt+f4. Can we get a dev response?

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