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B3-S1 Bessi and RNG of training modules

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5 hours ago, Strathkin said:

You also require her at least Influence 20+ just to have hope doing (many) Heroic Bonuses too!

That has not been my experience. I've done the heroics for every single training module with Bessi at influence 1. Well at least the ones with heroics. Only one that I recall being a pain was Makeb, and I've only tried to do that once because Makeb is the worst (and doesn't count for role module objectives). I'm using a stealth character, but I think that only really makes a difference between being doable and not doable on Kessan's Landing.

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6 hours ago, Strathkin said:

you're going to loose that influence you invested not just once, or twice, possible three times!  :classic_sad:

I used a commander compendium (3 dark projects + 4.25M credits) when B3-S1 was 1/11. She's now 8/11 and still at influence level 50.

Edited by BingDaoGui
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24 minutes ago, BingDaoGui said:

I used a commander compendium (3 dark projects + 4.25M credits) when B3-S1 was 1/11. She's now 8/11 and still at influence level 50.

That good to hear and thanks for confirming. I guess the next question would be will the influence level be maintained when she is converted to a full-time companion?

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On 6/25/2024 at 1:14 PM, MasterNightstar said:

Got stuck last week on Repair 6. 

Doing this on 10 toons and got stuck on Ruhnuk 4/5 - Oricon 2/5 and Onderon 3/5

Had dozens of mission rewards I couldn't use with the cap

This week I got 1 Ruhnuk and 2 Oricon and no Onderon at all after using all memory chips 10/10 

Just found the guide with what comes next and am currently stashing away those i will need.  Sadly the weeks leading up to now i burned thru Ossus alot and now have only ONE banked for future use. 

I am enjoying the system and will put in the time but the system needs a bit of tweaking for sure.

Lol, I have a ton of Onderon and looking for one CZ mission.

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8 hours ago, Strathkin said:

Like you I'll wait and see, ...  :classic_ohmy:

And yyyyyyep...it's 30 Prototype Data for a single location-based module.  Might as well just wait and roll more Memory Chips next week because even if I get the stuff now, I'll be hung up waiting on the other currency later.  Pretty pointless.

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So, no true relief for the currency cap prevention of progressing training Bessi at all.

No legacy bound change on training modules

or other items like data fragments and currency chits.

or actually providing the required areas when taking Bessi out for training. Not this RNG terrible idea.

30 currency to buy a specific area. Ridiculous. We need ALL the prototype currency weekly just to upgrade, not buy specific areas.

Truly disappointing. Stuck at 8/11 and can't progress.

Did you not listen to the actual friction points? Please reconsider these items.


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When I did the Mouse droid quest on Ruhnuk today, it did not give me credit for my Tank role. Besi was out as I entered the phase, so I should have gotten credit based on the patch notes.

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I am very happy with the ability to buy specific modules. I can see why making them stack would be a nice change in the future but that's about it. The luckiest players will fully train Bessie in 11 weeks and the unluckiest will take 15 or so. I'm not sure why all the anger now we can buy the missing modules. We get 300 prototype data allowance a week so so what if you have to 'waste' a week buying modules? The RNG problem is now fixed with this update. Are the people still annoyed really upset about missing 2-3 weeks to fully upgrade something that was intended to take multiple weeks anyway? We're talking about an extra 2-3 weeks total just for the really unlucky ones. The vast majority will finish Bessie in 12 weeks. 


Tl;dr Am happy with today's update. Fixes the only real problem with the Bessie Venture in my opinion. 



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1 hour ago, Jamus_Divinus said:

Tl;dr Am happy with today's update. Fixes the only real problem with the Bessie Venture in my opinion. 

Largely I agree. Being able to buy specific locations (even at what feels like a steep price) should eliminate more 'wasted' weeks. The prototype currency limit per week is how much you need to advance levels with 6 objectives, but if the RNG was not a factor, we would regularly have some left over week to week to build toward the increased currency requirements for lvl 10 and 11 as opposed to spending all of them to get missing location missions.

The fix does not remedy the issue many players have experienced already, but those that are currently stuck or just beginning have a clear path to avoid getting stuck. I burned through all extra currencies two weeks in a row and unable to stockpile any extras (I have to think their intent in allowing us to store 2x the weekly 100/300 cap on currencies was to enable us to hit the higher objective requirements in the later levels).

When the requirements go from 100/week to advance a level to 150 and then 200 is where we will feel the pain of not being able to advance - there will for many of us be an extra week lvl 10-11 and 11+ (for customization) where we are having to do nothing but wait for the next weekly reset to turn in the research.

Not awful by any means, but where the time-gating starts to become a little silly.


Edited by HypSpec
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my main concern was that you could theoretically be stuck for a loong time at lvl 5/6/7 which u simply cant now anymore so thanks for the planet specific modules 😃

sure..upping the caps would be nice so all of us who "wasted " a week or two due to bad luck..but i get that its meant to be grindy^^

and i dont really care if i need 11 , 12 or 15 weeks..as long as i get there in some way

btw i technically didnt need this change anymore haha cuz i got very lucky and got 3 onderons out of my 10 tokens

but there are lots of players in this thread alone with terrible luck as it seems

so im just 1 week behind as it seems

and i have all the others for the future..even tho noones looking forward to makeb haha (could have been rishi btw)


and an official confirmation by the devteam if youll lose progress once you unsub (or just can continue at lvl x once u resub?) and if bessies companion level stays the same after u completed the whole questline, would be lovely=)


maybe someone from the community can actually tell us how its plays out if u turn preferred during the bessie-arc ?

cuz i basically just continued my expiring sub for it^^

can u still enter Lanes lab..or not?

can u simply just not summon bessie anymore?

just curious=)

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Sooooo 30 prototype data per specific location module.

Well, first of all, thanks the devs for the quick address. I'd have thought the adjustment would arrive with the 7.1.5, but a welcomed surprise.

Anyway, I suppose it's a workaround as I imagine many will still rely on RNG to hoard up modules, especially from level 1-4.

I agree with HypSpec thought, this is now time-gating. Since at level 5 and above we will need 100 of each role data, and 300 of proto-data in total to buy upgrades. Say if we don't spend it on those upgrades (getting stuck at that level) we will have 300 proto-data saved, which can trade to 10 specific location modules - which means currency-wise it will take one week maxing the caps to spend on those upgrades per level, how long more than that will depend on the RNG, and how many you have hoarded previously. There's still a lot of uncomfy uncertainty about it, but it does at least put some vague timeframe on how you reach the end depending on how much you need and the savings left from level 1-4.

It's a quick fix, and it doesn't really address the abundance of unusable data, memory cores, and modules we have (since the caps are so low) - which I think is the point of the friction, too many unusable things and too little we can use in a week. Even a third increase of weekly caps would go a long way in time/currency management - or why not make modules tradeable with other modules, like 2 specific-location modules exchanging with 1 specific-location module - or let us trade memory cores with a specifc-location module - would make it easier to progress and allow us to rely less on RNG and reduce the hoarding issue.

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3 hours ago, Saeten said:

So, no true relief for the currency cap prevention of progressing training Bessi at all.

No legacy bound change on training modules

or other items like data fragments and currency chits.

or actually providing the required areas when taking Bessi out for training. Not this RNG terrible idea.

30 currency to buy a specific area. Ridiculous. We need ALL the prototype currency weekly just to upgrade, not buy specific areas.

Truly disappointing. Stuck at 8/11 and can't progress.

Did you not listen to the actual friction points? Please reconsider these items.



To make things even more annoying, now that you can't cash in Collected Resource once you hit the cap for each of the 3 types, there's no way to earn Prototype data once you cap all 3.  I'm currently in a place where I am at 100/100 on all 3, but only 200/300 on weekly progress for the Prototype data (I had points left over from last week for each while I was stuck waiting for 1 iokath mission).  So now I have Bessi out on several toons with 40+ minutes of Bessi left, an inventory full of both Training Modules that are pointless to use unless I want to pre-cap out for next week, and collected research I can't cash until next week.

To add on to your points above, its like every time Biosword takes a step forward, it's immediately followed by 2 steps back.   DOES ANYBODY MAKING THIS GAME ACTUALLY THINK???????

Edited by DarthNillard
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2 hours ago, Jamus_Divinus said:

I'm not sure why all the anger now we can buy the missing modules. We get 300 prototype data allowance a week so so what if you have to 'waste' a week buying modules? The RNG problem is now fixed with this update.


Many of us have wasted TONS of time and resources before these changes over the last 6 weeks (or however long its been).  And letting us "buy" these modules is better than RNG in theory, but then we also have to use the resources we need to complete these missions to buy modules instead.  The price is stupid.  They should have left it RNG and gave us the ability to swap training modules we have for other ones.  THAT would actually solve this problem and all the player anger....

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Why is there even any weekly caps on any of this?  This whole system is a means to no end, other than getting us another companion.  If we want to spend all our time doing a million old dailies to plow through maxing out Bessi, why can't we?  You should be THRILLED if players are willing to do this 10+ years after this game came out, and should encourage it, not prevent it.  This isn't a gear grind, the end result of all this is just another companion.  We can power level (with gifts) or instant level (with Companion Compendium) any other companion we want from 1 to 50 and that's okay, but not this one?

The only actual reason is because Biosword is putting out such minimal content, that they are forcing us to spend nearly 3 months doing this mostly pointless side quest because they wasted time and resources building it.  Just terrible all the way around tbh....


Edited by DarthNillard
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb DarthNillard:


To make things even more annoying, now that you can't cash in Collected Resource once you hit the cap for each of the 3 types, there's no way to earn Prototype data once you cap all 3.  I'm currently in a place where I am at 100/100 on all 3, but only 200/300 on weekly progress for the Prototype data (I had points left over from last week for each while I was stuck waiting for 1 iokath mission).  So now I have Bessi out on several toons with 40+ minutes of Bessi left, an inventory full of both Training Modules that are pointless to use unless I want to pre-cap out for next week, and collected research I can't cash until next week.

To add on to your points above, its like every time Biosword takes a step forward, it's immediately followed by 2 steps back.   DOES ANYBODY MAKING THIS GAME ACTUALLY THINK???????

oh wow wait a minute...u tested it today? u cant cap prototype data now?

i cant check it this week i had 100/100 x3 and 300/300 weekly before the update already

"The Collected Research Item for the Basilisk Prototype Venture can no longer be used if all granted currencies are capped."

i thought this was referring to all 4 currencies??..so 100 tank, heals and dps and 300 prototype data


if thats true..could u please change it back haha...this is beyong stupid..

i never did the math on it if u can actually cap all 3 before without getting 300 prototype data..but it could be the case

we all have plenty of modules now littering our inventories..please let us at least catch up now by letting us cap all 4 curriencies..because we need all of em!

thats could mean at the highest level (if unlucky) when u need 300 per upgrade...not even a single upgrade per week

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5 hours ago, Toraak said:

When I did the Mouse droid quest on Ruhnuk today, it did not give me credit for my Tank role. Besi was out as I entered the phase, so I should have gotten credit based on the patch notes.

The quests where you have to become something else like a Mouse Droid do not count for whatever reason. Always skip those. 

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1 hour ago, indoorgriller said:

oh wow wait a minute...u tested it today? u cant cap prototype data now?

i cant check it this week i had 100/100 x3 and 300/300 weekly before the update already

"The Collected Research Item for the Basilisk Prototype Venture can no longer be used if all granted currencies are capped."

i thought this was referring to all 4 currencies??..so 100 tank, heals and dps and 300 prototype data


if thats true..could u please change it back haha...this is beyong stupid..

i never did the math on it if u can actually cap all 3 before without getting 300 prototype data..but it could be the case

we all have plenty of modules now littering our inventories..please let us at least catch up now by letting us cap all 4 curriencies..because we need all of em!

thats could mean at the highest level (if unlucky) when u need 300 per upgrade...not even a single upgrade per week

if you are at 0/100 for all 3 coming into the week, then mathematically you can get to 100/100 for each type and 300/300 for Prototype currency.  But that math don't math when you have misc amounts of the 3 currencies at the start of the week....

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43 minutes ago, darthscotty said:

The quests where you have to become something else like a Mouse Droid do not count for whatever reason. Always skip those. 

That was supposed to be fixed in today's patch.  Apparently it wasn't.

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On 6/27/2024 at 5:43 AM, Ranadiel_Marius said:

That has not been my experience. 

There are certainly some heroic's she manages completely fine just as I said, even at Influence 1.  I identified no problems doing CZ-198 Heroic in any role be it Defense/Support/Damage even at 1 Influence; and identifed in Black Hole better doing Heroic than Counter Eco-Terrorism Daily Mission.  That's why I ranked her to Influence 30 just to see if I could finish Eco-Terrorism daily, and even at 30 Influence I had just enought time to click and repair 1 hole; then I was dead before I could even get out.

It's really hit and miss, still your almost better to start boosting her Influence.  I was just worried because, some claimed they lost her influence at certain stages of advancement...  

On 6/27/2024 at 7:19 AM, BingDaoGui said:

I used a commander compendium (3 dark projects + 4.25M credits) when B3-S1 was 1/11. She's now 8/11 and still at influence level 50.

Well then that's good news!  That makes me feel a lot better then!  :classic_smile:

On 6/27/2024 at 8:45 AM, JLazarillo said:

And yyyyyyep...it's 30 Prototype Data for a single location-based module.  Might as well just wait and roll more Memory Chips next week because even if I get the stuff now, I'll be hung up waiting on the other currency later.  Pretty pointless.

I figured it likely be 2x higher than my earlier hope of +14 for a specific Area.  *sigh*

Still I think the Specific Area will help you progress faster, yet you'll have to delay doing some Training till the following week; depending how good your RNG is.  Still over time that will improve, as you continue to save up Training Modules for other area's.  :classic_rolleyes:

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4 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

There are certainly some heroic's she manages completely fine just as I said, even at Influence 1.  I identified no problems doing CZ-198 Heroic in any role be it Defense/Support/Damage; and identifed in Black Hole better doing Heroic than Counter Eco-Terrorism Daily Mission

It's really hit and miss, still your almost better to start boosting her Influence.  I was just worried because, some claimed they lost her influence at certain stages of advancement...  

Is there one in particular that you struggled with? 

As for Eco-Terrorism, I don't personally do it (prefer to do Forced Labor and Chasing the Shadow for Black Hole and I rarely doing a location multiple times in one day), but just go for the left edge. As I recall, you can get really close to two of them on that edge of the pool reducing the time you have to spend in radiation.

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14 hours ago, Strathkin said:

That's why I ranked her to Influence 30 just to see if I could finish Eco-Terrorism daily, and even at 30 Influence I had just enought time to click and repair 1 hole; then I was dead before I could even get out.

I'm not sure why after all these years people still struggle with this mission. Just kill a group of NPCs, pick up and use the anti rad injector. Gives you more than enough time to run in and get 2, sometimes 3 of the holes plugged. If you killed a group that dropped at least 2 rad injectors you can even pick up a second one after using the first so you can instantly pop it again while still in the rad zone and seal the final hole. It's one of my go to missions for B3S1 because it's super fast and easy. 

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37 minutes ago, khamseen_air said:

I'm not sure why after all these years people still struggle with this mission. Just kill a group of NPCs, pick up and use the anti rad injector. Gives you more than enough time to run in and get 2, sometimes 3 of the holes plugged. If you killed a group that dropped at least 2 rad injectors you can even pick up a second one after using the first so you can instantly pop it again while still in the rad zone and seal the final hole. It's one of my go to missions for B3S1 because it's super fast and easy. 

Are people just running in without using the protection? because that quest should never be giving anyone issues. Should easily pop one, and get 2 done, and get to the edge while alive. Then grab another injector, and get your last one.

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I hadn't gotten the protection dropping, despite being in the area; then I was running out of time, <7 minute so I panicked.  

That's all, it's been years since I did Black Hole; perhaps several... 

Edited by Strathkin
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5 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

I hadn't gotten the protection dropping, despite being in the area; then I was running out of time, <7 minute so I panicked.  

That's all, it's been years since I did Black Hole; perhaps several... 

Well that makes sense! The injector really does make it a cake walk. 

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